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Bricked Einsy Rambo?  

Active Member
Bricked Einsy Rambo?

I'm having some trouble with my Einsy Rambo. I went to upgrade the firmware in arduino, uploaded it to the printer and got an error message saying I didn't have permission to access those files. My printer LCD went blank and now just shows two full character lines. I have been unable to update it's firmware using arduino or the Prusa specific firmware updater. The Prusa firmware updater gives me an error message saying "content mismatch" after a few minutes, then stops trying to update. Is this a bricked board?

Postato : 03/07/2018 11:00 pm
Prominent Member
Re: Bricked Einsy Rambo?

What happens if you use the official firmware update app or the latest slic3r? You should be able to recover this but not easily via Arduino.

Postato : 03/07/2018 11:03 pm