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[Gelöst] blob of filament hardened around the hotend wires!  

Active Member
blob of filament hardened around the hotend wires!

A blob of extruded filament hardened around the hotted wires and I don't know what to do.

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Dieses Thema wurde geändert Vor 4 years von Paxer
Veröffentlicht : 04/07/2021 3:06 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: blob of filament hardened around the hotend wires!

Hi Paxer. 

I cant download your file.

does your printer still heat properly?

do you have a soldering iron?
If I were in a similar situation, I would  heat the nozzle, as normal, then use the soldering iron to heat the other side of the blob  and endeavour to  carve away the plastic blob with the Soldering iron and heater in conjunction with each other. 

I hope this helps, regards Joan


I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Veröffentlicht : 04/07/2021 4:07 pm
Dan Rogers gefällt das
Dan Rogers
Noble Member
RE: blob of filament hardened around the hotend wires!

I have found that heating the extruder up (preheat, in the control panel menu) to the filament temperature 1 grade higher than what your blob is  made out of is a good way to get it to loosen up and droop.  Start your reheat, watch for the blob starting to sag as the printer gets up to temperature.  Be careful of the bed - it will get hot while you do this, so don't burn your hand.  Raise the extruder to around 150, 160 so you have a lot of room to work above the bed.  Then as it starts to droop, encourage it with needle nose (small ones) a little at a time.  The wires that the blob is surrounding are very fragile - do not stress them while you work.  Most blobs can be removed without damaging much more than the likely already ruined fan shroud.


Veröffentlicht : 06/07/2021 9:43 am
Reputable Member
RE: blob of filament hardened around the hotend wires!

I wouldn't use the preheat, but use the option in settings > temperature > nozzle. That way only the hotend gets hot and the bed stays cool.


Here is some info from Prusa about the blob.


And try to upload the picture again. Just to make sure we are talking about the same kind of blob.

Veröffentlicht : 06/07/2021 7:07 pm