Big gap added in slicer when converting SLI to GCode - Why? How to fix?
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Big gap added in slicer when converting SLI to GCode - Why? How to fix?  

New Member
Big gap added in slicer when converting SLI to GCode - Why? How to fix?

Hi Friends,


I am still very new to 3D printing and am running into an issue when converting this 3d file into g code.  I did not make the 3d image - found on thingiverse. 

Basically - when I look at the 3D image everything looks alright (see image below).  No stepping, it seems all smooth and the front surface looks clean.    However, when I have Prusaslicer actually show how it will print it adds this line all across the front face.  This hasn't happened with any of my other prints so far.


So, I'm wondering - why is this happening and how can I fix it?  It looks like other folks who printed this same file did not have the same issue.  Thank you!



Postato : 08/04/2023 11:20 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Big gap added in slicer when converting SLI to GCode - Why? How to fix?

That looks like the seam.  You can turn on show seams which will display a white dot where the seam is, makes it more obvious.  The default settings tries to hide seams in corners but that model doesn't have any to hide them in.  You can try changing the seam placement options, something like rear might be better for this object, or you can paint onto the model where you want them to run using the seam painting tool.  Unfortunately you cant  get away with not having them, every perimeter has to start and end somewhere.

Postato : 08/04/2023 11:37 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Big gap added in slicer when converting SLI to GCode - Why? How to fix?

Perfect that actually worked and now the seam is on the back end.  Thank you!!

Postato : 08/04/2023 11:44 pm
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