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Best version of PrusaSlicer?  

Active Member
Best version of PrusaSlicer?

Ive been struggling with bridging issues in v2.7.2. (I'm new to 3d printing and I've only just got my Mk3S+ so have no experience on older versions of PS)

I downloaded a bridging test piece and played around with the settings, resetting things back before the next adjustment. None really made a difference i.e speed, Bridge flow ratio etc. Until I played around with 'Dynamic Overhang Speed' making the Speed for ) overhand faster, that seemed to improve things but still not perfect.

This shot was taken at its worse, i.e. default v2.7.2 parameters


I decided to go back a couple of versions to v2.5.0 and without any changing of settings, it was such an improvement.

This shot was taken with default perimeters in v2.5.0

So wondering what version others use here with the Mk3S+ and if its v2.7.0 what settings have to be made. Ive not tried v2.6.0 yet. Could it be the case that v2.7.0 is too advanced for the Mk3S+?

I'm only using eSun PLA+

Publié : 06/03/2024 4:40 pm
Illustrious Member

Just use the latest stable version of PS - 2.72 atm and the latest version of the firmware - 3.13.3 - new three days ago - with standard presets — and show us the result.


Publié : 08/03/2024 12:59 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Best version of PrusaSlicer?

There are known issues with bridging in the last few releases of PS.  Some geometries and settings can have insufficient anchor points.  
For example   

Publié : 08/03/2024 1:24 pm
Illustrious Member

At first sight this doesn't look like the short anchor problem 'though that might be obscured by the geometry of the part.  A latest software test followed, if needed, by a .3mf should help us nail it down.


Publié : 08/03/2024 3:19 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:

Thanks for your help.

OK, I've reinstalled PS v2.7.2 and upgraded printer from 1.13.2 to 3.13.3 firmware (didn't realise there was a new firmware out). Still no change though.


Ive included the .3mf file zipped.


Publié : 08/03/2024 5:42 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Best version of PrusaSlicer?

That project file and the results of the slice look perfectly normal and fine to me.  

I loaded it into PS 2.7.2 for slicing.  I also printed it as it was such a short print.  I did change the filament profile to my PolyTerra profile as I happened to have some black polyterra loaded (I also have a steel nozzle x fitted so the temp on the PLA profile is 230).  The Print profile was yours though.

While there is some slight sag in the very middle it printed fine too. 

Yeah yeah I need to clean my bed lol,  if I was doing one of my prints I would have but for a quickie like this......
The light makes it worse that it really is.

It was printed on essentially a Mk3.  Ish.  The fan shroud is based on a Mk3S one and the extruder is custom but the machine cooling is equivalent.

Publié : 08/03/2024 6:42 pm
Illustrious Member

I don't have any eSun filament to try it with; I notice you have been modifying speed and flow settings - restore these to the preset condition and try again and also try a different filament.


Publié : 09/03/2024 2:55 am
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