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Belt tuning  

Eminent Member
Belt tuning


I noticed some waviness on my prints recently, and belt status showed 280 for each belt, so I proceeded to tighten them.

Now, my belts seem a lot tighter, but the X belt makes some noises while the extruder is moving on it (See video: )

1) How do I get an updated belt status reading from the printer? I recalibrated XYZ, but the belt status in the support menu still shows the old values)

2) Are these belts too tight? The prints it makes now seem good, but I do hear the noise from the linked video while it's printing.

Thanks for the help as always!

Napsal : 21/03/2018 3:53 pm
Honorable Member
Re: Belt tuning

I'm still building my MK3 so I haven't seen this yet, where does the belt tightening value show up and how can it tell?

Napsal : 21/03/2018 6:27 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Belt tuning

From the support menu, there's a "Belt Status" option. Wouldn't be useful until you've fully assembled it.

Napsal : 21/03/2018 7:27 pm
Category 5
Eminent Member
Re: Belt tuning

i think you need to do a full intial setup calibration for those values to update.

My belts both read 276, which is within what the manual says is acceptable, but I am tempted to tighten mine too.

Napsal : 21/03/2018 10:11 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Belt tuning

Ah, perhaps so. Will check, thanks! Does anyone have any advice on the noise from the belt in the video? Is the x belt too tight?

Napsal : 21/03/2018 10:45 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Belt tuning

I think a self-test is sufficient to reset the belt status.. Your belts do look a little too tight (much tighter than I set mine). It also looks like you have the "R1" version of the x-axis parts. This version has alignment problems with the x-axis belt. I'd suggest you print the "R2" parts and upgrade since the new pulley is arrangement is much better.

Napsal : 24/03/2018 6:38 am
Re: Belt tuning

I had perfect 250 250 belt tension, then had a crash, and now self-test reports x-190 belt status even when one has loosened off the tensioning screw completely on the x-axis. What is the process for further loosening? Is it to demount the print head and adjust the belt length? Why would a crash cause belt tensioning anyway? Could belt tension be a red-herring?

Napsal : 24/04/2018 2:15 am
Eminent Member
Re: Belt tuning

I believe the "belt status" is an aggregate load measured on the stepper motors during the self test. A failed bearing, or something else restricting the motor could lead to a low numeric reading.

Napsal : 24/04/2018 2:44 am
Eminent Member
Re: Belt tuning

In regards to the video in the first post, have you confirmed that your x idler bearing is still moving freely? If it is not a toothed idler that sound might be the belt slipping on a jammed bearing.

Napsal : 24/04/2018 4:31 am
Active Member
Re: Belt tuning

I have two MK3's.

I have to MK3s
Printer 1 X=276 Y=292
Printer 2 X=247 Y=275

Do i need to tighten any of these?

Napsal : 13/01/2019 3:11 am
Noble Member
Re: Belt tuning

I have two MK3's.

I have to MK3s
Printer 1 X=276 Y=292
Printer 2 X=247 Y=275

Do i need to tighten any of these?

The recommended setting is between 200 and 280, so I would tighten the Y-belt of printer 1. (Maybe X1 and Y2 too)

Napsal : 13/01/2019 10:10 am