BBF firmware files - what am I missing?
Hi all, I'm trying to update my i3 MK3s from 3.13.2-7080 firmware to the current build. I've downloaded the firmware from Prusa3d but instead of the ,hex file that Prusaslicer expects, the file is .bbf This doesn't appear to be an archive format so I can't extract it. Feeling brave, I tried flashing it but got this error:
avrdude-slic3r: ERROR: No valid record found in Intel Hex file
Coud someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong?
Aaand I downloaded again to find a .zip file which contained all the usual files. Sorry!
I had left it so long between upgrades I thought the file format had changed. Sorted now...
RE: BBF firmware files - what am I missing?
Where did you find the new .zip file? I can only see bbf files, which prusaslicer doesen't expect, and all tutorials that I find show a .hex file in the zip file.
RE: BBF firmware files - what am I missing?
Soo, where is that zip file?
RE: BBF firmware files - what am I missing?
Hey all! I spend an hour or two yesterday trying to work through this same issue. Today, I came back to redownload the firmware files and had the same result as the original poster -- success!
So, anyone downloading firmware files and getting BBFs instead of ZIPs: wait 24hrs and come back to download the files. Maybe restart computer too? IDK what's different 24hrs later, but save yourself the headache of if you get a BBF, and just try downloading again tomorrow 🙂
RE: BBF firmware files - what am I missing?
Same here,
tried several times to download with several browser and also different days : always the same shit : a .bbf unusable file....
RE: BBF firmware files - what am I missing?
I got caught on this .... it's a very simple mistake.
The zip file download for firmware is part of the older version download, not the newer version.
specifically: How to update firmware (MK3S+/MK3S/MK3) <--- the MK3 has zip file.
Anything newer has the bbf.
So basically, we tried to download the wrong firmware.
RE: BBF firmware files - what am I missing?
Im having the exact same issue. Not sure I can make out in any of these post what the remedy is? I am only being offered a firmware upgrade file thats .bbf
No options to dwnld a zip or anything else for that matter. PRUSA MK3S
RE: BBF firmware files - what am I missing?
Where did you find the new .zip file? I can only see bbf files, which prusaslicer doesen't expect, and all tutorials that I find show a .hex file in the zip file.
Were you able to get this elusive zip file? What I'm wondering is why the hell is this so complicated?
RE: BBF firmware files - what am I missing?
For anyone else looking at this issue: Look for the image of the printer and make sure your control panel matches the one in the image. That gives you the proper download.
RE: BBF firmware files - what am I missing?
Only solution I found was as follows (since only bbf file downloaded and no zip file):
1) Copy the *.bbf file to USB (delete any previous *.bbf files from USB)
2) Insert USB into XL
3) Cycle XL power (firmware automatically updates)
(Prusa slicer 2.9.0 only allowed for *.hex via WiFi)