Bad Print Fail, broken parts
Had a bad failure and it broke the heat cartridge wires and the fan and heat shroud. First failure I’ve had since I got it about 4 months ago. I can print the new shroud, and I believe I can get the fan and heat cartridge from E3D. Any help on specs would be greatly appreciated.
Re: Bad Print Fail, broken parts
Fan is ok, just the “rtd” or thermocouple I believe. Assuming the larger cartridge is the heater and the front is the thermocouple...
Re: Bad Print Fail, broken parts
Thinking this is what I need.
nope, thats a thermocouple and is a totally different animal.
you need a cartridge style 100k thermistor, which you can get from prusa, e3d directly or e3d via amazon :
prusa direct is the only one i can find that has the right molex connector, otherwise you can just splice on the old one.
same story with the heater, any 24v cartridge will work and with the heater you will not need a special molex since it uses screw terminals