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auto -levelling sequence starting in wrong place?  

Active Member
auto -levelling sequence starting in wrong place?


Forgive a total novice, but I would like some advice please.

I have a (pre-assembled) Mk3 which has been running perfectly since early February. However it has started acting a bit oddly. When it begins the bed leveling sequence (checking the 3x3 points on the bed) it starts at the middle left point (rather than bottom left) and when it gets to the rear points there is a juddering motion (where its trying to reach the rear but the bed cannot move any further forward). Its as if the machine thinks the bed has become offset? It then completes the sequence and starts printing.

Apologies if I have not described this very clearly, but would be really grateful for any ideas. I haven't changed a thing and the printer has not been physically moved since first installation.

Thanks in advance.


Opublikowany : 09/03/2019 12:23 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
Re: auto -levelling sequence starting in wrong place?

Hi Greg. Sounds like something is preventing the heatbed moving freely.

If the einsy senses resistance to movement it may think it has reached the endpoint. And try calibrating from the wrong point

Slide the bed back and forth. See if it jams or stiffens up... may need lube..


I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Opublikowany : 09/03/2019 6:25 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: auto -levelling sequence starting in wrong place?


Thanks I'll try that. After I posted it started a job, had the same issue, gave a crash detection error and then proceeded to do the proper calibration. After that finished I've started another job, but the same problem arose, but with no crash detection error and the same juddering/misplaced calibration sequence.

Will try your advice and update.


Opublikowany : 09/03/2019 8:11 pm
Eminent Member
Re: auto -levelling sequence starting in wrong place?

A crash can only be detected after homing the machine. The homing process move the axis until there is resistance. That resistance is assumed to be the home position. If for some reason one axis or another is blocked during homing the home position will be the point of blockage. From what you say it sounds like your Y-axis is not moving freely. Disable the steppers (or turn the machine off) and see if you can move the build plate from end to end. I'm guessing you'll feel some blockage. If so you'll need to identify the source. Could be an obstruction, the build plate wiring hung up on something, bad bearing, etc.

Opublikowany : 10/03/2019 5:10 am