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Any tips for replacing X-Axis right-hand pulley?  

Eminent Member
Any tips for replacing X-Axis right-hand pulley?

Getting ready to replace the right-hand pulley on the X-axis, since it is squeaking to no end, and there is black powder gathering in the cavity underneath it. I'm assuming it is worn, although everything prints just fine, so I'm not in a huge rush.

I assembled the printer from the kit, but looking at everything I'm not sure what would be the best way to disassemble just what I need in order to get to the pulley.

I had thought of taking the Z-Axis "caps" off the top and just moving the whole X-Axis carriage up off the top, but the cabling for the extruder might not let that happen.

Do I need to take the Extruder off and then take the carriage off the top? What would be the best way to do that?

Any thoughts / guidance appreciated.


Postato : 21/10/2018 11:04 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
Re: Any tips for replacing X-Axis right-hand pulley?

hi Ray,

if you have the z axis near the top sat 150mm, take the top cap off and remove the two screws from the right hand lead screw nut, you should be able to access the screw for the idler, with your allen key!

regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Postato : 22/10/2018 1:20 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Any tips for replacing X-Axis right-hand pulley?

Thanks, but I'm thinking I must be missing something. Here are some shots of the area, and since it appears that the bolt is directly behind the lead screw, it seems the lead screw would need to be removed or vice versa before I could get to it.

Postato : 25/10/2018 9:51 pm
Prominent Member
Re: Any tips for replacing X-Axis right-hand pulley?

You should disassemble Z-axis-top-right, then you get to the screw.
The picture shows Z-axis-top left.
When done, calibrate Z-axis again in the Calibration / Calibrate Z menu.

Bear MK3 with Bondtech extruder

Postato : 26/10/2018 11:17 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Any tips for replacing X-Axis right-hand pulley?

Got it! Thanks for the tips. Neither one of them were able to get me completely there. Once removing the top brackets and the black cap on the right-hand side x-axis bracket, I was able to get to the bolt head, but the lead screw was still enough in the way that I couldn't get the bolt completely out so that the pulley would come loose. The x-axis was all the way up on the Z and with the extruder wires out the back, you can't get it off the top of the lead screws without removing the extruder I suppose.

What did work was going to the motor mount for the right-hand stepper motor/leadscrew and removing all 4 screws to the stepper motor so the motor and leadscrew then dropped down. I cut the zip tie for the stepper motor wires on the frame so the motor was able to completely drop down. With the x-axis carriage all the way up, the drop was enough to clear the bolt head and let me unscrew it all the way. I also completely loosened the x-axis motor bolts on the left side so the belt had some slack. After that, it was just a matter of pulling out the pulley (it had rust coming out of the center) and replacing it with the new one.

After putting everything back together and doing a full suite of self-test / calibration / first layer calibration, looks like I'm back in business with a much quieter MKIII.

I've seen others mention they need to do this, but no on posted how. I'd be happy to write it up if it could be posted to the wiki.


Postato : 28/10/2018 4:49 am
Trusted Member
RE: Any tips for replacing X-Axis right-hand pulley?

Urgh, I have a brand new i3 MK3S that's squeaking. Third MK3S Ive built and havent had this issue before. So annoying!

So far Ive taken the X-Axis off and made sure the bolt/axis going through the pulley wasn't too tight. Now its just barely going into the locknut's nylon insert. Still squeaking though. I guess the next step is to take it apart again and this time take the belt off/out from the back of the extruder housing so I can remove the pulley and try lubricating it? Or does it need to be replaced? Not really sure what to do here.

If at first you don't succeed, redefine success!

Postato : 15/08/2020 8:34 pm