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An other thermal runaway problem ( Bed And HotEnd)  

Active Member
An other thermal runaway problem ( Bed And HotEnd)

My MK3 was running very nice for 1 week.

During printing a big piece, My MK3 stop with a thermal runaway.

after that it woud be impossible to restart heating without power off totaly for 10 seconds.

I was not able to print a small piece like prusa logo

Some tests, controls, and unefficient chats with the support after, i began to studied Einsy Rambo schematics and Prusa firmware.
I use the 3.2 RC2 source and recompile it to active debug of the pids.

From the schematics, i saw that the two heating (Bed and Hot end) could be shutoff by the signal nACFault, comming from the Powersupply. This signal is normaly high and it is used for powerpanic procedure.

perhaps the powerpanic signal is not very accurate : a power supply problem or a pullup resistor problem (R68, 10k).

For a test, I disconnect the Powerpanic cable (Black and white twisted pair in the bottom right corner of the Einsy Rambo) and try to print the wistle and it fail at 80% printed.
Durring the test, in the traces, PIDs output increase to 255 (100%) and hotend temprature go down unless power seam to be good (Printer continue to print).

So the poblem is not from the signal of the power supply (R68 ?) or it's an other problem.

Chat support (unles they are very sympatic) don't seam to have the skill to help me.

Is there some one for an Idea

What is the position of PRUSA research about this phenomna ?

Opublikowany : 05/05/2018 1:28 am
Honorable Member
Re: An other thermal runaway problem ( Bed And HotEnd)

Ok, I'm not understanding your problem(s)?

You are experiencing a Thermal runaway.

On the Extruder or Heatbed?

Why are you looking at Power Panic? Apparently you looked at the code. Did you simply find something that you "thought" could be the problem? Or did you see something in your log, that specifically said that was cutting off your stuff?

Thermal Runaway is NOT caused by the power supply... But it CAN BE... Kinda.

Long story short, I have my Mk3, as well as a micro-server, hooked onto a 250 watt UPS. I had the power go out, and I thought nothing of it, until my printer started SCREAMING. *BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP* (Either that or the UPS... not sure)

Anyway, I look at the printer, and the nozzle was 170/0 heatbed was 60/60, with a "Thermal Runaway" alarm.

I kinda freaked out, wondering what MAJOR failure I had.

I *THINK* I know what caused this.

Low input voltage on PSU. This caused low "output" voltage. This low "voltage" was unable to keep the nozzle at the temp I had, with the cooling fan all the way on, so the cooling fan cooled the nozzle, and it was unable to heat back up.

A "Thermal Runaway" is a fail-safe, for the event of the thermistor falling out of the hot-end. Basically it means the heater is ON, but it's not "heating" the thermistor.

I would be worried about...
1. Your mk3's Powre supply.
2. Your voltage on the plug the mk3 is on.
3. your in building wiring. If the voltage is low on the mk3 plug, you are 1 step away from an electrical fire.

Hi, I'm Sean. I used to work on CNC machines.
I try to not make mistakes, but the decision is YOURS.
Please feel free to donate to my filament/maintance fund.

Opublikowany : 05/05/2018 5:16 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: An other thermal runaway problem ( Bed And HotEnd)

Thank's for your interest Sean,
On my first analyze, it seamed to me that the problem occure with the both heating.
I have check wiring, Nozzle resitor has a value of 15 Ohm (cool state), Thermistor seam to be good ( about140 K if i well remember)

When i made some test with Support, i made a video of PLA preheating : the two temperatures rise normaly, ocsilate hently around the set point and rapidly stabilize. after some seconds , Bed Connector Led stop blinking and the both temperatures go down.
1 minutes after, thermal runaway appear on LCD.

The fact that led stop blinking drive my thought to an electric problem, that's why i begin to look at einsy 1.0A schematics an i saw that :

where you can see that the signal nACFault inhibit the power output on heater.
that's why my first idea is about a failure of this signal.

Opublikowany : 05/05/2018 12:29 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: An other thermal runaway problem ( Bed And HotEnd)

Last test :
I modify trace to follow temperatures, Hotend digital output, PSU voltage and ACFault signal (power panic signal from PSU)

in summary, i do not detect software or PSU failure.
The probleme could be on U8 (74LVC2G8) or on MOSFETs :

Here is the temperature profile during preheat :

You could see that the heating stop on both heater (HotEnd and Bed) nearly a the same time (in fact, Bed temp begin to decrease some seconds after Hot end, but it could be a thermal inertia phenomena).

Here is the PSU Voltage Profile :

You could see that during the real heating the voltage decrease a bit ( about 0.12V) but it's normal if current flow.
and the return to normal voltage is synchronized with the decreasing temperatures

Here the summary of my trace with some notes between <<...>> :
echo: 3.2.0-RC2-534
echo: Last Updated: May 6 2018 16:36:02 | Author: (none, default config)
Compiled: May 6 2018
echo: Free Memory: 1396 PlannerBufferBytes: 1392
echo:Stored settings retrieved
CrashDetect ENABLED!
tmc2130_init(), mode=NORMAL
tmc2130_set_wave 3 0
factor: 0.000
tmc2130_init(), mode=NORMAL
tmc2130_set_wave 3 0
factor: 0.000

echo:SD card ok
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 0 Input 39.78 Output 0.00 Digital pin 0 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 37.92 PindaTemp 28.04 VPwr 23.98V ACFault 1 TempAmb 30.58
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 0 Input 39.70 Output 0.00 Digital pin 0 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 37.73 PindaTemp 27.95 VPwr 23.97V ACFault 1 TempAmb 30.73
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 0 Input 39.66 Output 0.00 Digital pin 0 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 37.77 PindaTemp 28.04 VPwr 23.98V ACFault 1 TempAmb 30.75
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 0 Input 38.97 Output 0.00 Digital pin 0 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 37.54 PindaTemp 28.04 VPwr 23.90V ACFault 1 TempAmb 30.56
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 0 Input 38.94 Output 0.00 Digital pin 0 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 37.63 PindaTemp 28.10 VPwr 23.90V ACFault 1 TempAmb 30.75
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 38.99 Output 255.00 Digital pin 0 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 37.58 PindaTemp 27.98 VPwr 23.89V ACFault 1 TempAmb 30.75
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 39.03 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 37.54 PindaTemp 28.04 VPwr 23.82V ACFault 1 TempAmb 30.73
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 38.86 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 37.54 PindaTemp 27.93 VPwr 23.76V ACFault 1 TempAmb 30.58
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 38.88 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 37.56 PindaTemp 28.12 VPwr 23.75V ACFault 1 TempAmb 30.60
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 39.05 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 37.60 PindaTemp 28.07 VPwr 23.77V ACFault 1 TempAmb 30.73
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 38.88 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 37.46 PindaTemp 27.98 VPwr 23.76V ACFault 1 TempAmb 30.75
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 38.92 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 37.54 PindaTemp 28.07 VPwr 23.78V ACFault 1 TempAmb 30.58
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 38.92 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 37.58 PindaTemp 28.01 VPwr 23.76V ACFault 1 TempAmb 30.90
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 39.07 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 37.46 PindaTemp 27.87 VPwr 23.76V ACFault 1 TempAmb 30.54
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 39.09 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 37.58 PindaTemp 27.98 VPwr 23.77V ACFault 1 TempAmb 30.62
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 39.35 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 37.48 PindaTemp 28.04 VPwr 23.76V ACFault 1 TempAmb 30.81
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 39.55 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 37.48 PindaTemp 28.01 VPwr 23.77V ACFault 1 TempAmb 30.90
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 39.81 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 37.48 PindaTemp 28.04 VPwr 23.78V ACFault 1 TempAmb 30.56
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 40.11 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 37.58 PindaTemp 28.07 VPwr 23.76V ACFault 1 TempAmb 30.75
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 40.39 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 37.56 PindaTemp 27.98 VPwr 23.77V ACFault 1 TempAmb 30.79
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 40.53 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 37.48 PindaTemp 28.04 VPwr 23.77V ACFault 1 TempAmb 30.87
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 40.91 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 37.44 PindaTemp 28.04 VPwr 23.76V ACFault 1 TempAmb 30.79
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 41.38 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 37.50 PindaTemp 28.04 VPwr 23.76V ACFault 1 TempAmb 30.75
echo: PID_DEBUGV ACFault 1 TempAmb 30.87
Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 37.48 PindaTemp 28.12 VPwr 23.76V ACFault 1 TempAmb 30.87
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 42.20 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 37.50 PindaTemp 27.95 VPwr 23.76V ACFault 1 TempAmb 30.94
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 42.69 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 37.50 PindaTemp 27.98 VPwr 23.76V ACFault 1 TempAmb 30.58
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 43.25 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 37.42 PindaTemp 28.24 VPwr 23.77V ACFault 1 TempAmb 31.00
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 43.78 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 37.46 PindaTemp 28.01 VPwr 23.77V ACFault 1 TempAmb 30.67
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 44.39 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 37.50 PindaTemp 28.10 VPwr 23.76V ACFault 1 TempAmb 30.90
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 171.13 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 53.72 PindaTemp 28.95 VPwr 23.86V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.69
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 171.90 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 53.79 PindaTemp 29.01 VPwr 23.87V ACFault 1 TempAmb 33.06
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 172.57 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 53.84 PindaTemp 28.98 VPwr 23.87V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.98
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 173.19 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 54.06 PindaTemp 28.92 VPwr 23.86V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.94
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 173.80 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 54.11 PindaTemp 28.84 VPwr 23.87V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.90
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 174.40 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 54.16 PindaTemp 29.09 VPwr 23.87V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.96
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 174.86 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 54.46 PindaTemp 28.89 VPwr 23.87V ACFault 1 TempAmb 33.00
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 175.32 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 54.56 PindaTemp 29.15 VPwr 23.89V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.85
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 175.69 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 54.48 PindaTemp 28.98 VPwr 23.89V ACFault 1 TempAmb 33.06
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 176.18 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 54.61 PindaTemp 29.06 VPwr 23.87V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.98
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 176.57 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 54.78 PindaTemp 28.89 VPwr 23.87V ACFault 1 TempAmb 33.25
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 176.83 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 54.75 PindaTemp 29.01 VPwr 23.89V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.77
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 177.08 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 54.98 PindaTemp 28.92 VPwr 23.88V ACFault 1 TempAmb 33.10
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 177.38 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 55.14 PindaTemp 29.18 VPwr 23.89V ACFault 1 TempAmb 33.00
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 177.59 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 55.17 PindaTemp 28.92 VPwr 23.89V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.85
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 177.73 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 55.25 PindaTemp 29.03 VPwr 23.90V ACFault 1 TempAmb 33.06
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 177.89 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 55.36 PindaTemp 29.01 VPwr 23.90V ACFault 1 TempAmb 33.21
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 178.10 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 55.30 PindaTemp 29.01 VPwr 23.89V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.94
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 178.19 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 55.48 PindaTemp 29.23 VPwr 23.88V ACFault 1 TempAmb 33.02
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 178.15 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 55.45 PindaTemp 29.26 VPwr 23.88V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.79
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 178.38 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 55.48 PindaTemp 29.12 VPwr 23.88V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.79
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 178.38 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 55.55 PindaTemp 29.20 VPwr 23.86V ACFault 1 TempAmb 33.00
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 178.33 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 55.72 PindaTemp 29.18 VPwr 23.88V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.81
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 178.45 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 55.77 PindaTemp 29.23 VPwr 23.92V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.92
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 178.40 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 55.81 PindaTemp 29.20 VPwr 23.91V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.98
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 178.47 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 55.83 PindaTemp 29.09 VPwr 23.92V ACFault 1 TempAmb 33.00
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 178.38 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 55.86 PindaTemp 29.12 VPwr 23.92V ACFault 1 TempAmb 33.02
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 178.26 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 55.98 PindaTemp 29.32 VPwr 23.92V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.77
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 178.38 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 56.05 PindaTemp 29.12 VPwr 23.92V ACFault 1 TempAmb 33.10
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 178.26 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 56.09 PindaTemp 29.20 VPwr 23.92V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.88
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 178.17 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 56.19 PindaTemp 29.09 VPwr 23.92V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.94
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 178.22 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 56.27 PindaTemp 29.09 VPwr 23.92V ACFault 1 TempAmb 33.00
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 177.96 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 56.27 PindaTemp 29.23 VPwr 23.93V ACFault 1 TempAmb 33.10
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 177.92 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 56.38 PindaTemp 29.35 VPwr 23.92V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.88
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 177.85 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 56.48 PindaTemp 29.32 VPwr 23.92V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.92
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 177.75 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 56.41 PindaTemp 29.26 VPwr 23.92V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.81
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 177.66 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 56.48 PindaTemp 29.26 VPwr 23.91V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.85
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 177.48 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 56.53 PindaTemp 29.09 VPwr 23.91V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.96
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 177.45 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 56.63 PindaTemp 29.18 VPwr 23.91V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.90
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 177.27 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 56.58 PindaTemp 29.35 VPwr 23.93V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.69
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 177.18 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 56.66 PindaTemp 29.35 VPwr 23.92V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.73
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 177.06 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 56.58 PindaTemp 29.15 VPwr 23.92V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.98
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 176.81 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 56.78 PindaTemp 29.35 VPwr 23.92V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.92
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 176.71 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 56.73 PindaTemp 29.12 VPwr 23.93V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.73
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 176.67 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 56.92 PindaTemp 29.46 VPwr 23.92V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.71
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 176.48 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 56.88 PindaTemp 29.43 VPwr 23.92V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.90
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 176.37 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 56.86 PindaTemp 29.40 VPwr 23.92V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.83
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 176.30 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 56.91 PindaTemp 29.32 VPwr 23.92V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.90
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 176.13 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 56.95 PindaTemp 29.20 VPwr 23.92V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.92
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 175.88 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 57.02 PindaTemp 29.15 VPwr 23.93V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.92
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 175.86 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 57.06 PindaTemp 29.37 VPwr 23.92V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.73
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 175.65 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 57.05 PindaTemp 29.37 VPwr 23.92V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.88
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 175.51 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 56.92 PindaTemp 29.35 VPwr 23.93V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.81
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 175.39 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 57.06 PindaTemp 29.37 VPwr 23.93V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.90
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 175.21 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 57.08 PindaTemp 29.49 VPwr 23.92V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.83
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 175.09 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 56.97 PindaTemp 29.43 VPwr 23.92V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.81
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 174.95 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 57.03 PindaTemp 29.32 VPwr 23.92V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.88
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 174.79 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 57.05 PindaTemp 29.57 VPwr 23.92V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.83
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 174.70 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 57.08 PindaTemp 29.43 VPwr 23.92V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.83
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 174.47 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 57.09 PindaTemp 29.37 VPwr 23.92V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.77
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 174.38 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 57.17 PindaTemp 29.57 VPwr 23.92V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.79
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 174.12 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 57.11 PindaTemp 29.52 VPwr 23.92V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.90
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 174.00 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 57.11 PindaTemp 29.49 VPwr 23.93V ACFault 1 TempAmb 33.10
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 173.91 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 57.08 PindaTemp 29.52 VPwr 23.92V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.90
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 173.66 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 57.14 PindaTemp 29.49 VPwr 23.92V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.65
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 173.54 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 57.20 PindaTemp 29.43 VPwr 23.91V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.92
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 173.40 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 57.22 PindaTemp 29.57 VPwr 23.92V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.69
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 173.24 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 57.13 PindaTemp 29.52 VPwr 23.92V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.92
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 173.03 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 57.20 PindaTemp 29.29 VPwr 23.92V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.79
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 172.99 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 57.16 PindaTemp 29.55 VPwr 23.93V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.56
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 172.75 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 57.22 PindaTemp 29.52 VPwr 23.92V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.54
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 172.57 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 57.23 PindaTemp 29.57 VPwr 23.92V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.65
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 172.48 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 57.13 PindaTemp 29.72 VPwr 23.92V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.67
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 172.27 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 57.19 PindaTemp 29.60 VPwr 23.93V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.75
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 172.08 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 57.19 PindaTemp 29.60 VPwr 23.91V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.67
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 171.90 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 57.28 PindaTemp 29.43 VPwr 23.92V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.69
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 171.76 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 57.13 PindaTemp 29.63 VPwr 23.93V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.63
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 171.60 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 57.19 PindaTemp 29.55 VPwr 23.92V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.54
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 171.44 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 57.16 PindaTemp 29.69 VPwr 23.91V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.46
<< BED TEMP Begin to DECREASE >>
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 171.27 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 57.20 PindaTemp 29.72 VPwr 23.92V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.75
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 171.09 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 57.17 PindaTemp 29.72 VPwr 23.92V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.75
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 170.90 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 57.25 PindaTemp 29.69 VPwr 23.93V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.52
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 170.81 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 57.13 PindaTemp 29.72 VPwr 23.92V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.81
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 170.53 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 57.27 PindaTemp 29.72 VPwr 23.92V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.79
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 170.42 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 57.16 PindaTemp 29.80 VPwr 23.92V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.83
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 170.30 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 57.14 PindaTemp 29.91 VPwr 23.92V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.75
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 170.07 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 57.20 PindaTemp 29.83 VPwr 23.93V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.81
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 169.94 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 57.11 PindaTemp 29.72 VPwr 23.92V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.65
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 169.72 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 57.19 PindaTemp 29.69 VPwr 23.93V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.50
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 169.63 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 57.16 PindaTemp 29.69 VPwr 23.92V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.67
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 169.45 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 57.13 PindaTemp 29.69 VPwr 23.92V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.67
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 169.38 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 57.14 PindaTemp 29.77 VPwr 23.92V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.46
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 169.23 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 57.16 PindaTemp 29.77 VPwr 23.93V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.83
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 169.12 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 57.11 PindaTemp 29.83 VPwr 23.92V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.50
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 169.01 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 57.17 PindaTemp 29.77 VPwr 23.92V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.75
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 168.82 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 57.19 PindaTemp 29.66 VPwr 23.93V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.60
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 168.68 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 57.09 PindaTemp 30.05 VPwr 23.92V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.38
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 168.55 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 57.09 PindaTemp 29.94 VPwr 23.92V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.63
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 168.44 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 57.05 PindaTemp 29.66 VPwr 23.93V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.69
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 168.22 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 57.11 PindaTemp 29.77 VPwr 23.92V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.69
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 168.16 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 57.02 PindaTemp 29.74 VPwr 23.91V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.40
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 168.00 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 57.06 PindaTemp 29.94 VPwr 23.93V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.50


echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 102.77 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 47.31 PindaTemp 32.08 VPwr 23.91V ACFault 1 TempAmb 31.94
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 102.71 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 47.17 PindaTemp 31.72 VPwr 23.92V ACFault 1 TempAmb 31.90
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 102.68 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 47.31 PindaTemp 31.95 VPwr 23.92V ACFault 1 TempAmb 31.98
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 215 Input 102.53 Output 255.00 Digital pin 1 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 47.03 PindaTemp 32.08 VPwr 23.91V ACFault 1 TempAmb 32.06
Error:Printer stopped due to errors. Fix the error and use M999 to restart. (Temperature is reset. Set it after restarting)
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 0 Input 102.48 Output 0.00 Digital pin 0 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 47.17 PindaTemp 31.87 VPwr 23.92V ACFault 1 TempAmb 31.87
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 0 Input 102.42 Output 0.00 Digital pin 0 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 47.17 PindaTemp 32.01 VPwr 23.96V ACFault 1 TempAmb 31.87
echo: PID_DEBUG 0: Target 0 Input 102.35 Output 0.00 Digital pin 0 pTerm 0.00 iTerm 0.00 dTerm 0.00 BedTemp 47.14 PindaTemp 32.01 VPwr 23.98V ACFault 1 TempAmb 31.69

Opublikowany : 06/05/2018 6:32 pm
Trusted Member
Re: An other thermal runaway problem ( Bed And HotEnd)

It's really hard to tell cause and effect regarding what shuts off first - hot end or bed. Can you try an experiment to help further isolate the problem? What I'd try is this: set just the hot end temperature to 215 and see if it both reaches that temperature and if it can maintain it for 5-10 minutes (or whatever time it normally takes for the bed to reach it's temperature). If this fails, I'd look at the hot end thermistor- maybe it loosens at temperature and gives lower readings or maybe it's wires are compromised. If the hot end can achieve and hold temperature I'd then try the same with the bed by itself. I feel confident this divide and conquer strategy will help tell us where to look next.


Opublikowany : 06/05/2018 8:47 pm
Honorable Member
Re: An other thermal runaway problem ( Bed And HotEnd)

Well it's easy to test if it's one piece of hardware.

Preheat only the extruder, and only the heat bed.

I see a 100% problem with your hot-end there.

I'm not sure how long it takes to heat my hotend exactly... on the printer, but according to the printout from Prusa, the hotend should hit 250c in about 1 minute. (Mine took 1 minute 35 seconds according to prusa, but you can see where the PID stopped the heating early, and it didn't get back up to 250 for another 30 seconds)

My heat bed is listed at 3minute 33 seconds to 100c

Your test appears to be on for around 4 minutes, and your heat bed has not yet reached 60c, and your nozzle has not yet reached 190c.

I would test.
1. Preheat ONLY the nozzle, and time it's heat cycle.
2. Preheat ONLY the bed, and time it's heat cycle.
3. Preheat BOTH, but only pay attention to the nozzle.

If the nozzle is unable to "heat" at this point I would point the finger at the power supply, or possibly the wiring to the Einsy.

You could also have a bad heater cartridge in your hot end as well.

I'll time my "PLA preheat" whenever my current print gets done if I don't forget.

Hi, I'm Sean. I used to work on CNC machines.
I try to not make mistakes, but the decision is YOURS.
Please feel free to donate to my filament/maintance fund.

Opublikowany : 06/05/2018 8:59 pm
Honorable Member
Re: An other thermal runaway problem ( Bed And HotEnd)

I'd look at the hot end thermistor- maybe it loosens at temperature and gives lower readings or maybe it's wires are compromised.

Thermistor is fine... However if the wire to the heater cartridge is damaged, that's totally another story. Especially if say, there was a short.

heh, I never really thought of that... I can see 2 naked wires sticking out of my heater cartridge... that's unpleasant even to think about.

Hi, I'm Sean. I used to work on CNC machines.
I try to not make mistakes, but the decision is YOURS.
Please feel free to donate to my filament/maintance fund.

Opublikowany : 06/05/2018 9:17 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: An other thermal runaway problem ( Bed And HotEnd)

I make a chrono from a cold printer (stopped since 4 hours) and i'mm heating The both at the same time.
Hotend start at 22°C and reach 215°C in 1min22
Bed start at 22 °C and reach 60°C in 2min07
it maintains temperature since 10 min in +/- 0.2 °C for HotEnd and +/- 0.1°C for Hot Bed
PID Output is about 65/255 so 25 %

At the end i'll post the profile

Opublikowany : 06/05/2018 9:58 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: An other thermal runaway problem ( Bed And HotEnd)

The test end by secutity timer after 30 min of well regulation
Here the rampup profile :

The graph cover about 3min30

Opublikowany : 06/05/2018 10:45 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: An other thermal runaway problem ( Bed And HotEnd)

The Good news : Heating seam to run fine now !

The Bad New : I DON'T KNOW WHY !

Last night i have printed the "Whistle" with out any problems.

For bigger test, i slowed the trace to 1 per second to allow long run.

This morning i have launched "Marvin" and it is ending at this time.

I will prepare the ocarina because it's the print who falied at the beginning.

To be continued ....

Opublikowany : 07/05/2018 9:36 am