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Adding to the list of thermistor problems  

Active Member
Adding to the list of thermistor problems

My printer is only 8 months old and already has a failed thermistor. It just suddenly stopped printing after 3 hours and registered a 0/0 C temperature. I had no idea what a MINTEMP error was, but after finding it related to the thermistor, I then had to look up what a thermistor was and where it was located.

Finally finding it, and gently touching it, the temperature suddenly read 35 and was back in business.....until it finished calibrating the pre-print and began printing. The wires came loose again, but this time, touching them or moving them at all wasn't doing anything. They weren't loose.

I found the wires to be so brittle that they practically disintegrated, but it left the thermistor embedded in the hotend!

Now I can't get the thermistor out, after the wires are completely gone. I sent a message to their customer support, but I am very worried that I will have to replace the hotend as well as the thermistor AND figure out how to re-wire everything.

The printer came pre-assembled, and they have all of the wires sleeved and tied with cable ties. I'm not confident in myself to go doing major surgery on this.

For those who assembled, how do you put the thermistor back in the hole of the hotend without damaging it? The wires looked to be EXTREMELY fragile.

Publié : 17/11/2018 4:28 am
Reputable Member
Re: Adding to the list of thermistor problems

Here is the link to the knowledge article on replacing the thermistor in the hot end.

Publié : 17/11/2018 8:23 am
Illustrious Member
Re: Adding to the list of thermistor problems

Pictures look like there is a small set screw holding the thermistor in; access it from the bottom of the hot end; loosen it, grab the exposed thermistor shell with needle nose pliers and the thermistor should easily slide out.

Yes, you will need to unwrap the cable hardness all the way back to the computer to remove the old cable and install the new one.

Publié : 17/11/2018 8:54 am
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