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[Risolto] adding and a stl to a plate  

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adding and a stl to a plate

How do I make an imported stl sit on a plate I already made? 

Postato : 29/05/2020 12:22 am
Illustrious Member
RE: adding and a stl to a plate

Could you make your request clearer ?  The print surface that you see when opening prusa slicer is commonly referred to as a plate (or plater) so are you asking how to add a stl model in Prusa Slicer  ?

Or are you asking how to stack a second stl file on to a part or parts that are already placed on the plater ?  Many people struggle with the second problem as Slicer is designed to have at least some point on a model always touch the bed so it automatically drops in to the print surface and wont let you raise it into mid air like some other slicers allow.
However this is by design as unless you are using a raft then the model does need to contact the bed for it to print.  it does still allow you to stack parts though.  Right click on a part that is already on the plater which should bring up a menu, and choose add part, and select your second model/stl.  This will add it not to the plater but to the existing model.  Slicer then treats both parts as being part of the same model. 
If you look at the right hand parts listing tree you should notice that they are under the same branch. 
If you select just the part you have added (you can select it from the tree listing if clicking it on the plater is difficult) then it is possible to move that part around freely, even placing it in mid air as long as SOME part of the combined model is touching the plater. 

Its how you can stack things like face shield frames etc.  Of course you then have to watch out for the empty layer warning if you have actual gaps between parts that don't touch 🙂


Postato : 29/05/2020 6:16 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: adding and a stl to a plate


Thank you it was the second I am making name plates for video game consoles and putting logos on a black name plate I made the same for all of them thank you so much


Postato : 29/05/2020 8:07 pm