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About the PSU vibration noise  

Eminent Member
About the PSU vibration noise

We know there is a plastic sheet inside the PSU that can vibrate and make noise. I my case the noise is very bad, and it is present almost all the time. I have tried to stick strips in between, but it only changes the sound.

Are there any easy solution to this, that I have missed? (Yes, I have searched....)

If not, I have to open the PSU, the sound drives me mad! If I open it, what is the best thing to do? Use glue? Adhesive pads?

Napsal : 29/04/2018 9:48 pm
Eminent Member
Re: About the PSU vibration noise

In my case it was a mosfet radiator vibrating. I put a stripe of electrical tape on top of the part it was touching so that it has less room to wiggle around, seems to have solved it.

Napsal : 01/05/2018 12:50 pm
Martin Stoufer
Estimable Member
Re: About the PSU vibration noise

I placed two zip ties between the plastic insulating sheet and the metal frame of the PSU. One near the top and one near the bottom. Both close to the mounting holes for the board. No more noisy vibration. I do still hear a gentle tapping in the PSU that coincides with the PWM signal for the bed heating.

Napsal : 02/05/2018 4:47 am
Eminent Member
Re: About the PSU vibration noise

I cut two nylon bolts to about 1/2" long and screwed them into the threaded holes on the side of the PSU so that they press against the plastic sheet -- completely silent now.

Napsal : 03/05/2018 5:17 am