.ini Files with Slic3r
Hello ,
I am new user with Slic3r and i found some parameter for some filament done with Slic3r .
Now as you know we can save the whole set up in .ini files format .
1st i have no idea how to download these .ini files on some website ? When you clic on it it'sopen txt format, My idea is to copy and paste in another .ini files and load the config ?!!
But it's not workiing and still complicate , am sure there is more simple way !!
2nd how to create this .ini files and import in Slic3r ?
Re: .ini Files with Slic3r
There are some ways to load, import & export these ini-settings :
Hi Thomas,
thanks a lot for this pics , this is windows knowledge , to load config i know but how to get it from
https://github.com/gvJaime/Slic3r-settings/find/master or load like a Zip files or .ini files to load it in Slic3r after ?
Re: .ini Files with Slic3r
French answer there: https://shop.prusa3d.com/forum/aide-concernant-le-materiel-le-firmware-ou-un-logi-f320/slic3r-et-fichier-ini-t24294.html#p106396
Re: .ini Files with Slic3r
French answer there: https://shop.prusa3d.com/forum/aide-concernant-le-materiel-le-firmware-ou-un-logi-f320/slic3r-et-fichier-ini-t24294.html#p106396
Yes , voilà , exactement . non mais .. 😉