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The thing is, I bought MK3 i3 kit, assembled the printer and ran selftest and calibration a month ago. Everything went well. the printer passed all calibrations, I printed one single thing - Prusa's logo - it turned out fine. Then the printer stood idle for a month or less, nobody even touched it. Yesterday I decided to print a model, but the print would not stick to the platform. I started googling what could be the matter, somebody advised to check calibration. I ran calibration once again and now it showed me the message "XYZ Calibration failed. Please consult the manual" after Iteration 3. Calibrating Z also failed, but the nozzle at least didn't crash right into the bed, but later the matters got worse.

Then I tried adjusting PINDA, but it didn't work, I checked whether the PINDA was working by moving the pliers close to it and watching it go from 0 to 1, and it worked ok. I'll attack the image with my current PINDA position.

I ran self test again 2 times, it was fine, auto home also worked fine (at first if failed with the message Loose pulley X, but I solved the issue by using Auto Home). But the printer kept failing Calibration XYZ. I tried upgrading firmware, it didn't help. Then I tried following this advice: "I flashed the MK3 back to v3.3.0, connected Pronterface and send an M502 followed by an M500. I then had the printer perform an XYZ Calibration and it completed successfully." I downgraded the software and tried sending the commands thru Pronterface, but I didn't get a response (the printer was shown as connected). But now when I run Calibration Z, the nozzle pushes right into the bed, and XYZ Calibration fails after 1st iteration.

What can I do to fix this and what could be the problem? What is weird is that it passed all calibrations after I assembled it, but nobody even used it after that and now it acts weird(( I don't know what I'm doing anymore 🙁 Everything seems to get worse

Best regards,

Postato : 02/09/2018 9:43 am
4 True Models
Active Member

Hello Kristina,

Excuse me for answering as I'm not a member of the Prusa Team, but reading about your post I almost felt as desperate as you are feeling suffering these issues.

The first thing to came into my mind is to double-check every connection in the PCB. Try to unplug everything, feel free to gently clean the PCB with some brush or compress air, and then reconnect everything checking everything makes contact properly and there is no wire trapped or in a weird position before closing again the case.

Maybe it is a good idea to check also the wires in the X-carriage, as there could be easy to put some of them in a weird place suffering unwanted pressures and getting trapped in weird positions.

Once you have double-checked every connector and wire, try again the "First Wizard" option in the LCD. If you press that option it will make a factory reset before starting the self-test and follow with the XYZ Calibration, so no need to connect through Pronterface and use M502 and M500 commands.
Please share with us your results and pay special attention to the movements of every axis. Try to write down exactly what went wrong, in what moment and what was its weird behaviour that forced any calibration error message.

I hope just checking the wires and connectors everything will be fine again, but if that's not the scenario try to start over from zero and write down what is happening or even record a video with its XYZ calibration so any of us, including the Prusa Team, will be able to help you further.

Best Regards!

Postato : 02/09/2018 10:36 am
Estimable Member

A couple of observations:

1: Resetting the firmware settings might be needed, sometimes it gets different results to just flashing.

2: Your fan wires around the extruder are not tucked away properly. One of them is even running the wrong side of the extruder (at least from the original assembly instructions, the blower wire runs the same path as the Pinda wire) but if you tuck them away as neatly as that blue wire is (they shouldn't sit proud from that recess) it might help. X calibration can fail from wires there hitting the frame, and from the kink in one of those wires it looks like this might be happening.

Postato : 02/09/2018 6:40 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:

THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR YOUR ADVICE! I tried all of them to no avail! Then I contacted the support team via the chat at the shop, after several hours of checking and testing, turned out that my pinda probe was faulty. It only showed after running successive tests thru Pronterface (sending commands G80 followed by G81 and comparing corresponding numbers)!

Wish you all great calibration,

Postato : 04/09/2018 6:09 pm
Honorable Member

Few concerns with that photo.

1) the zip ties are not in the proper position. The manual calls that out because it could interfere with the Z length if the knuckle of the zip tie is in the wrong spot.

2) the slack on the cables. Seems like there's too much slack on the pinda probe and the wires on the fan aren't properly tucked away. The printer may read an improper X length because the wires could be hitting the frame during calibration.

3) that top screw is not secured all the way, it looks like it's protruding from the back of the X carriage.

I would start resolving with those issues. This is just one photo and I was able to pick off a few reasons why your calibration is failing. I'd be curious to see the rest of the build.

Postato : 05/09/2018 3:35 am