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Why does the priming line over-extrude material?  

New Member
Why does the priming line over-extrude material?

I was looking at the start G-code for my i3 MK3S+, and I noticed that the priming line extrudes way more plastic than normal extrusions:

G1 X60.0 E9.0 F1000.0

With a 0.4mm nozzle, 0.2mm layer height and 1.75mm filament, for a normal 60mm extrusion line you need 4.8mm^3 of plastic, which is ~2mm of filament. The command above extrudes 9mm of filament, which is 21.6mm^3. The only place for that extra plastic to go is line width, so we get a priming line that's ~1.8mm wide.

Looking at the priming lines for my printer, indeed they are ~1.8mm wide. Why does the start G-code over-extrude like that? I've seen similar over-extrusion used in printers other than Prusa, but nobody seems to have an explanation, everyone's just copying everyone else's G-code when configuring a new printer...

Anyone know the reason for priming like this, instead of using a longer line with less over-extrusion (or none) ?

Napsal : 10/07/2021 8:53 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Why does the priming line over-extrude material?

The purpose of the prime line is to initialize flow and trap any oozing filament on the nozzle, so a bit of over-extrusion is beneficial. You can alter your startup gcode if you prefer a thinner line. It's not for any cosmetic use, so you'll notice the prime line routine is not adjusted based on nozzle size. You could certainly do so, but I don't see a real benefit. FYI, the prime line is printed with a 0.15mm nozzle height.

I personally like to extrude a bit (2mm) without movement to trap any oozing filament, then print wide line to get flow going in case the last print job was stopped in the middle of a retraction. A thin line gives me a visual confirmation that flow is good, and a bit wider at the end with a little "wipe" wiggle reduces the odds of the prime line itself coming loose or causing stringing. Some people do exotic patterns or write their names. 

My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Napsal : 10/07/2021 9:46 pm