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Why diagonal lines on first layer are uneven  

Prominent Member
Why diagonal lines on first layer are uneven

Hi, in the photo, those diagonal lines in the blue circled area are of equal width. I guess the width was determined by the nozzle size of 0.4mm. Same for those along the edge in the red circled area. So far so good. However, as you can see on the left half of the red circled area, there are some additional thin diagonal lines in between thicker equally spaced diagonal lines. What caused these additional thin lines? How to prevent them from happening? I would prefer nice looking, equally spaced diagonal lines at the bottom surface.

Dieses Thema wurde geändert Vor 3 years von prusanewuser
Veröffentlicht : 20/04/2022 1:36 am
Dat Concept
Active Member
RE: Why diagonal lines on first layer are uneven

Probably because the printer's speed did not reach the constant max speed yet. On the edges it has to accelerate to it's intended constant speed because it changes direction. It goes for 0 speed to max speed quickly. During the first and last part of each line it accelerates and decelerates therefore giving slightly different result than in the middle while the printer has a constant speed. 

Veröffentlicht : 21/04/2022 9:17 pm