When trying to print from SD card, often the next file got selected and printed
Hi, it has happened many times that when I chose a file from the LCD screen and pressed the dial to select it, suddenly the next file in the list got selected. Is this a common problem? What is wrong?
RE: When trying to print from SD card, often the next file got selected and printed
Yes, this has happened to me. The problem is that the scroll time is too short. You have to be quick to press the button or the next item is at the arrow and you don't know it. I've learned to be quick on the trigger. They need to lengthen the scroll time.
RE: When trying to print from SD card, often the next file got selected and printed
Yes, this has happened to me. The problem is that the scroll time is too short. You have to be quick to press the button or the next item is at the arrow and you don't know it. I've learned to be quick on the trigger. They need to lengthen the scroll time.
Can we users lengthen the scroll time?
Whenever this happens, I just press the reset button to reset the file again. Is this the proper way to do it?
RE: When trying to print from SD card, often the next file got selected and printed
It's one of the first quirks I discovered when I got my machine well over a year ago.
I've learned to scroll slowly and wait until the file I want starts scrolling to the left before I commit it.
Very minor annoyance, to me, anyway.