When do we have to perform self-test, various calibrations and mesh bed leveling?
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When do we have to perform self-test, various calibrations and mesh bed leveling?  

Prominent Member
When do we have to perform self-test, various calibrations and mesh bed leveling?


In this video, self-test, various calibrations and mesh bed leveling are performed before the printing. 

Do we have to do all these in the following situations?

1. Whenever I have moved the printer.

2. Always do it even the printer remains at the same location.

3. Whenever I have turned off and on the printer.

4. Whenever I have taken the build plate out to remove the printed object and before I print the next object.


Napsal : 28/03/2020 8:10 pm
Eminent Member
RE: When do we have to perform self-test, various calibrations and mesh bed leveling?

Mesh bed leveling is done at the start of every print. I usually do the self test/calibration and tighten screws every month or two depending on usage. The machine can work it's self out of alignment and belts stretch over time. This helps me keep my machine running well and gives me peace of mind. Sometimes, the self test fails even though it was printing alright before hand.

Napsal : 28/03/2020 9:30 pm
Prominent Member
RE: When do we have to perform self-test, various calibrations and mesh bed leveling?

Depending on firmware, have a look at calibration / belt test. Make a note of these values when first calibrating your printer.

Some months later, check these again. If significantly different, (Panic!, OK maybe not 😀) time to look at reducing the interval for maintenance.

To be honest, like most persons, these values are never checked until printing issues start to occur. But better to have base line figures to compare against.

If you make sure lubrication is good (I use light machine oil, others use grease) and the figures don't change much, then there should be no reason to change anything to do with tension / lubrication with the same settings as always. Note, improved lubrication, i.e things getting looser, can result in increased ringing artefacts. This becomes more evident if you print at higher speeds / reduced printing times.

Normal people believe that if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Engineers believe that if it ain’t broke, it doesn’t have enough features yet.

Napsal : 28/03/2020 10:49 pm
Peter M
Noble Member
RE: When do we have to perform self-test, various calibrations and mesh bed leveling?

xyz calibration is only needed wen printer in new build or changed hardware.

Z calibration is needed if you move the printer to a different place, or if first layer gives problems, or if you move z axis to the top, and left and wright do not hit the top at the same time.


Napsal : 29/03/2020 9:25 am