What to make with spare parts after MK3s+ to Mk4 upgrade?
I ordered my MK3s+ to MK4 upgrade today to bring my 7-8 year old printer up to date. 😀
When I finally get my printer back together, I realized I will have 5 motors, guide rails, PSU, and CPU left over.
Looking for Ideas of something to make with these old (extra) parts.
Though about hacking together a 2nd printer, but why, one is sufficient for me as I could have just bought a new MK4 or XL.
Looking at open source CNC with a Dremel or equivalent for etching wood as wood working is another hobby.
Coding and electrical wiring are in my forte' so that won't be an issue.
Any suggestions for projects that others might have done?
Eric Z.
RE: What to make with spare parts after MK3s+ to Mk4 upgrade?
Did you come up with anything to do with your leftover parts?
RE: What to make with spare parts after MK3s+ to Mk4 upgrade?
Hi !
I have the same concern as you do. I you find any interesting projects please share it here too 🙂
RE: What to make with spare parts after MK3s+ to Mk4 upgrade?
I have come across MPCNC and MP3D at v1e.com. it'll use some of the parts like stepper motors and stuff.
I am buying a new frame and rebuilding an MK3S+, I think, but I have like twice the part because a friend sent me his extra parts