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What's the Operating Footprint?  

Eminent Member
What's the Operating Footprint?

I want to build an enclosure for an I3 MK3 before it arrives. Can someone give me the dimensions for the operating footprint, to include the extent of movement for the base plate? Trying to figure out how big I need to make it. Thanks!

Posted : 26/09/2018 10:55 pm
French moderator and translator Moderator
Re: What's the Operating Footprint?

You should take a look at this thread: (and the linked video)

Posted : 26/09/2018 11:11 pm
Estimable Member
Re: What's the Operating Footprint?

Some good information (and ideas) here as well:

Quote from the website: I measured 45×54×39 cm (17.7×21.2×15.4 in) to be the active area which will the Prusa i3 printer need at least. So after adding some free space and rounding it came up 50×60×42 cm (19.7×23.6×16.5 in) inner dimensions

In the comments he replies "The dimensions are (facing from the front): width × length × height. ". Bear in mind that he does not mount the display on the printer.

Posted : 26/09/2018 11:19 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: What's the Operating Footprint?

You should take a look at this thread: (and the linked video)

Thanks, but this isn't quite what I'm looking for. Admittedly, I have a bit different set of requirements for an enclosure than most. I already have a table to put my printer on. I want to build something to keep small fingers away from hot end moving parts without having to worry about relocating the power supply. Right now, I'm thinking about a fairly simple open-topped box with sides that are roughly equal to (or slightly below) the max height of the hot end and a door or doors on the front to access the print area.

At this point I'll probably just wait to build the enclosure until I have my kit put together, but having actual dimensions to be able to start ahead of time would be nice. As such, things like the "Lack-box are nice", but really not at all what I'm looking for.

Posted : 27/09/2018 6:15 pm
Estimable Member
Re: What's the Operating Footprint?

I'm in a similar boat: waiting for the printer (I have to wait to order due to personal matters) and planning an enclosure to put it in a living space. As such, I've been browsing a lot... The Lack-enclosure is also not fully what I want, but I am thinking of using a similar concept: basic building blocks connected with 3D printed parts (that hold hinges and side panels), I may manage with those that are used for the Lack enclosure or slightly modified ones. I thought I had it all planned out, but then the MMU2 came along (not sure if I want ever it, a bit less sure the more I think of it, but I want my enclosure to be able to handle it if necessary, so I'm back to the drawing board).

Remember that the power supply suffers from high temperature, so if it sits inside your enclosure and the enclosure heats up, you may have issues with it. I also would rather not move the powersupply (just because it makes the printer less easy to move), but given that parts are printable to move it somewhere else (and fill up its empty space), I think it is the safest thing to do and not too difficult if incorporated in the planning...

Apart from the enclosure I posted earlier, here is a nice enclosure that uses alu extrusions:
And there are a few nice ones on in the modifications forum, and there are a few on thingiverse, if not for the enclosures themselves but for ideas.

Posted : 27/09/2018 9:57 pm