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Trouble with clicking Extruder  

Jim Ruxton
Active Member
Trouble with clicking Extruder

I haven't used my MK3s+ for a couple of months. It was working fine when I left it. I went to print PLA toady after removing a PETG spool and the extruder is clicking and not feeding the filament properly. Based on people s experience what should I look at first as the cause.


Opublikowany : 08/04/2023 7:29 pm
Noble Member
RE: Trouble with clicking Extruder

Opublikowany : 08/04/2023 7:37 pm
Illustrious Member



Opublikowany : 08/04/2023 10:39 pm
Jim Ruxton
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Trouble with clicking Extruder

Thanks I tried the cold pull. I don't hear any clicking now but hardly anything is being extruded. The load filament works fine and extrudes nicely then but when it comes to doing a first layer calibration barely any filament comes out?

Opublikowany : 09/04/2023 3:49 pm
Jim Ruxton
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Trouble with clicking Extruder

I tried tightening the idler screw a bit more and now there is some extrusion happening but still not good.. Tightening further doesn't seem to help. Below is the first layer calibration.

Opublikowany : 09/04/2023 4:46 pm
Jim Ruxton
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Trouble with clicking Extruder

I took a photo of the extrudes gears and they look correct.The filament is white.

Opublikowany : 09/04/2023 5:30 pm
Reputable Member

grin.. that is one bad pic.. get more distance and then zoom in digitally to get focus for both gears .. you want to see the little 'teeth' on the left where it grabs the filament. maybe a blockage .. likely not the gears; but your Z seems pretty high too.. 

Opublikowany : 10/04/2023 3:50 am
Illustrious Member

Your filament is damp.  There are smears all over your print sheet, clean it with dishwashing detergent (Dawn/Fairy) and plenty of HOT water.  It looks like your first layer 'Z' is too low, too much squish.

Also with the time lapse basic cleaning, lubrication and general maintenance may be overdue.



Opublikowany : 10/04/2023 6:49 am
Jim Ruxton
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Trouble with clicking Extruder

Ok, thanks everyone. All is working well now. The cold pull fixed the clicking . For some reason the extruder wasn't working properly when doing a "First Layer Calibration" , however worked when doing a print. I upgraded to a new firmware and all is good now. I must have messed up some setting at some point that caused the extruder to not work in the calibration mode. All good now. I appreciate the help.

Opublikowany : 10/04/2023 3:41 pm