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Tool to assist bed leveling  

Noble Member
Tool to assist bed leveling

I'm updating my printer to use the nyloc nut approach to bed leveling, but I didn't want to modify my firmware to change the G80 calibration results. So I wrote a quick Go based tool to talk to the printer over the serial port and give you focused feedback of which point to adjust next (rather than a wall of numbers that you have to figure out).

You can find it here:

Hopefully it helps someone else too.

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MMU tips and troubleshooting
Publié : 28/04/2019 4:30 am
Noble Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Tool to assist bed leveling

Performed my bed leveling today and made a couple of updates to the tool.

  • It now defaults to running the test again. So you can just press enter rather than having to type "y" first.
  • It now tells you to tighten or loosen the target screw rather than showing you a positive/negative value and leaving you to figure out which way to turn it.
MMU tips and troubleshooting
Publié : 28/04/2019 6:29 pm
Noble Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Tool to assist bed leveling

Made another update last night to add some debugging options:

  • -debug: Turns on printing full 9 points in each iteration of the loop (same thing it always prints when you tell it you are done) in addition to telling you which screw to adjust.
  • -log-file: If given it will write all serial data it reads and writes to the given file name.
MMU tips and troubleshooting
Publié : 01/05/2019 9:11 pm
Honorable Member
RE: Tool to assist bed leveling

Very cool. I'll definitely give it a try when I switch to the nyloc leveling. (Still on default Prusa spacers.)

Publié : 01/05/2019 9:53 pm
Noble Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Tool to assist bed leveling

Yeah I decided to go ahead and do it while I had stuff apart anyway (Drylins, MK3S/MMU2S, and a new Y tension adjuster). It's definitely tedious and I think I spent about 3 hours leveling it on Sunday. Being able to just press return and not have to do anything else was really nice.

Now I have to do it all over again when I sort these bearings out 😥 

MMU tips and troubleshooting
Publié : 01/05/2019 10:28 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Tool to assist bed leveling

I just pasted the G81 output into and it told me which screws to turn how much, both in turns and degrees.

Publié : 02/05/2019 8:09 pm
Noble Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Tool to assist bed leveling
Posted by: holmes4

I just pasted the G81 output into and it told me which screws to turn how much, both in turns and degrees.

Yeah I saw that link and it's what inspired me.

  1. I'm a programmer by trade and love coding.
  2. I was curious to play with serial communications via Go.
  3. I was curious to programatically interact with the printer.
  4. I didn't want to have to keep typing the commands (all you have to do is press enter with my program).
  5. I'm lazy and just use screen for my terminal and it screws up the formatting (ignores the carriage returns).
  6. I didn't want to have to keep copying and pasting.
  7. Not really important to me, but it doesn't require a net connection to work.


4 and 6 were the most important to me followed by 5.

MMU tips and troubleshooting
Publié : 02/05/2019 8:32 pm
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