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Give me tios and information pls  

Ian baskan
Active Member
Give me tios and information pls

Hello everyone I am about to buy original prusa I3 mk3s 

I am completely new to the 3D printing I have no XP in handling a 3D printer  so this will be my first time! 


What you guys would tip me and gudie me I would really appreciate it so much any information and help Is much appreciated  


What is bad side and good side about this printer , is this printer give high quality mid size models ? , dose it take alot of elections power?  I mean pwer spending 

And is it possible to attach attachmentattachments that's allows colour printing like Quadfusion nozzle ? 

And last ,what kind of filament it takes is dose it take all kind of filament rolls or there are only few compatible?  


Sorry for long text but I am new ttand probaly somewhere they already answer that but I really would appreciate the help 



This topic was modified 5 years temu by Ian baskan
Opublikowany : 06/11/2019 7:01 am
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: Give me tios and information pls

Hi Ian, 
I am one of many people who have more than one Original Prusa Printer. 

we generally find them very good. however a poorly assembled or poorly used printer can still give problems.  

the current printers are Mk3s (workhorse), Mini ( new release not yet in general use (Pre order available) ) and SL1 (resin based  Masked Stereo lithography) 

there is a multi material upgrade (MMU2S) which works with the Mk3S printer.

I have only had problems with a small number of filament rolls such as Sainsmart TPU  (because the centre hole is very small)

however, it looks like the new reels have larger holes...   (If you need a printable version of the spool holder that will work with the Small centre Sainsmart rolls, let me know and I can attach one for you)

regards Joan

Some people have found that very large rolls  (3KG and 5Kg ) are too big for the spool holder

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Opublikowany : 06/11/2019 3:27 pm