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Stringing.. could it be a harware issue?  

Active Member
Stringing.. could it be a harware issue?

Hello. I am Dieter and this is my first post here.
Since a few days, after a break of 2 months, i started printing again.

Now i have a lot of stringing. I tried a few things.
-lower temperature of 10°C
-Filament retraction 2mm
-dryed the Filament
-opened complete new Filament out of the box
-adjusted Z-Axis

I have it with PETG and also with PLA. Filament is direct from Prusa. Settings are more or less standard from Prusa slicer.

Has anybody a good idea what i can test more? Could it be a hardware issue?

Posted : 08/11/2022 6:39 pm
Illustrious Member

How are you drying it?  That looks like typical damp filament.


Posted : 09/11/2022 4:51 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Stringing.. could it be a harware issue?

I dried it cheap in the oven. 60 Celsius for 4 hours. 
But this is not the problem because I see the same with brand new Prusament.


Posted : 09/11/2022 7:33 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Stringing.. could it be a harware issue?

Posted : 09/11/2022 8:57 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Stringing.. could it be a harware issue?

This was brand new Prusament… 

Posted : 09/11/2022 9:00 am
Illustrious Member

This does somewhat depend on your oven characteristics. 

4 hours in a blown dehumidifier

Thomas Sanladerer tests filament drying:

After a week exposed in a room with a dehumidifier running there was noticeable deterioration of PLA finish...

CNC Kitchen - skip to 7.40 for time to fully hydrate results.

   ( 5 days )


Posted : 09/11/2022 2:51 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Stringing.. could it be a harware issue?

To answer your question I don't change nozzles alot wear can cause stringing for me.

Posted : 12/11/2022 9:36 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Stringing.. could it be a harware issue?

Yes it was a brand new Prusa.

Filament is dry. I also printed now a temp tower and it is still there. 215-210°C is the best, but i still have it.

Posted : 21/11/2022 1:11 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Stringing.. could it be a harware issue?

I have also the Multi Material Option and i deactived that to see of it is coming from there. Still stringing.
So i have no ideas any more 🙁

Posted : 21/11/2022 1:13 pm
Illustrious Member

Ovens are not the most efficient dryers, try a little longer.


Posted : 21/11/2022 1:50 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Stringing.. could it be a harware issue?

i did it now for 6 hours 60°C ?

even with brand new Prusament i have the issue and it should be dry, right?  🙁
I also are trying a drybox. At the momnet it is 32% with the filament inside.

Posted : 21/11/2022 2:33 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Stringing.. could it be a harware issue?

i did it now for 6 hours 60°C ?

even with brand new Prusament i have the issue and it should be dry, right?  🙁
I also are trying a drybox. At the momnet it is 32% with the filament inside.

Posted : 21/11/2022 6:01 pm
Illustrious Member

This is an electric oven?  Gas generates moisture...

If the filament is dry the next step is to check the temperature.  Do you have access to a thermal camera/infra-red themometer to check the hot end and nozzle?



Posted : 21/11/2022 11:06 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Stringing.. could it be a harware issue?

Hi Diem.
Good question, but yes it is an elecronic oven.
I can organize a IR thermometer, but if you check my picture from yesterday (Themp tower printed)  i dont care about the themperatur numer. Stringing is at all themp.


Posted : 22/11/2022 5:13 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Stringing.. could it be a harware issue?

Posted : 22/11/2022 5:22 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Stringing.. could it be a harware issue?

after 210 it is getting better but the rest is getting worse ???

Posted : 22/11/2022 5:23 am
Illustrious Member

You know, that *still* looks like damp filament, 'though not as bad now.

There will always be a little stringing if you go too hot but yours is worse than usual.

Ho much use has your nozzle had?  Have you been printing abrasive filaments?


Posted : 22/11/2022 11:04 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Stringing.. could it be a harware issue?

Nozzel is new, already replaced. Stringing is much better with PLA. Also the print quality with PLA and PETG excluding stringing is very good. 

The printer has only seen PLA and PETG.


Posted : 22/11/2022 11:50 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Stringing.. could it be a harware issue?

You say the nozzle in new ?  Does that mean you fitted a new one ?  One of the main causes of stringing (if you rule out the filament or temps) is an improperly fitted nozzle.  
For those not familiar its common to do it wrong (just look at the number of threads on here relating to it) and if you dont do it exactly right then leakage, strings, under extrusion in areas etc can all be the result.

Posted : 22/11/2022 12:52 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Stringing.. could it be a harware issue?

I replaced it, yes. And no it is not leaking. It was leaking a bit after time during a print, but I tight it after that a bit more and now it is fine again

Posted : 22/11/2022 12:54 pm