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Strange effect printing support  

Eminent Member
Strange effect printing support

Hi everyone,
today after setting up my model for the first time on Simplify 3D, I tried a print, and noticed a strange effect on the support.
I'll give you some pictures to make you understand:

As you can see, the left support did not come as precise as the right one. Can you tell me why?

I also leave the screens of my print settings on Simplify 3D.

Do you have any advice?

Napsal : 12/07/2018 8:37 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Strange effect printing support

I have this same problem with slicer PE

Napsal : 12/07/2018 8:51 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Strange effect printing support

That happens when thin support partially detaches or is thin and gets wobbly.

It's more common with Slic3r becaouse supports generated by S3D are usually better quality. You can improve this a bit in S3D by increasing extra inflation distance in support setting. That will make the supports wider then needed but will increase the stability.

[EDIT] Also this part does not look like it needs support in that place. I recommend removing it.

If you try and take a cat apart to see how it works, the first thing you have on your hands is a nonworking cat.

Napsal : 12/07/2018 9:45 pm