STL file crashes in Prusa Slicer
I have attached an STL file made in Tinkercad that combines a hollow half-sphere with a half-parabolic surface that reliably crashes Prusa Slicer 2.0.0. This file opens without problems in Simplify3D
RE: STL file crashes in Prusa Slicer
Got a "File type is not allowed" message when I posted - WTF?
RE: STL file crashes in Prusa Slicer
Here's a Google Drive link to the file
RE: STL file crashes in Prusa Slicer
The file opened and sliced with no errors with PrusaSlicer 2.0.0 win 64 on my machine.
RE: STL file crashes in Prusa Slicer
Hmm, any ideas why it opens on your Win 64 machine and not on mine?
XPS15 9570 laptop, Win 10 Home, 32GB RAM
RE: STL file crashes in Prusa Slicer
crashes for me PS2.0 win7 64bit if i slice at .15 in the imported orientation ( which would never print without support). works fine if i rotate it with the parabolic edge down to the bed. ( slices with or without support) but it would need support for the wings
RE: STL file crashes in Prusa Slicer
No idea why Frank. There is one other slight difference and that is I have Win 10 Pro. I can't see why that would make a difference.
Under the Help tab is a link to report a problem on Git-Hub and given the wierdness of crashing on some machines and not others, Prusa might be able to solve it.
RE: STL file crashes in Prusa Slicer
I am not having problems loading or slicing that file:
and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan
RE: STL file crashes in Prusa Slicer
Hmm, I rotated the model in TinkerCad to the 'bowl' up orientation, and it loaded fine in PS2.0.0, but with '7994 facets reversed' error. Then I rotated it back to the original 'bowl down' orientation (but with all positive Z values in TinkerCad) and it still loaded fine, but with only '2 facets reversed' error message. Then I moved it down in TinkerCad to produce some negative Z values, and it still loads properly, with the same '2 facets reversed' error message. So, I'm officially confused, because what I thought was causing the crash (neg Z values) obviously isn't. ;-(.
Then I loaded the original export from TinkerCad (the one that reliably crashed PS2), and it still reliably crashes - go figure!
RE: STL file crashes in Prusa Slicer
Can be opened and sliced on Mac. Though not very helpful for you.
RE: STL file crashes in Prusa Slicer
ZIP the file then post the zip. Only images can be posted unzipped.
And check your slicer settings. e.g., If layer height limits aren't right, it will crash slicer.
ps: I downloaded the part and it's crashing my Win 7 Pro 64 ... lol. Changing to a new bottom surface fixed the crash.
RE: STL file crashes in Prusa Slicer
Layer height limits are set for 0.07mm min, 0.25mm max. Interestingly, the flyover comment for the max layer height says the default is 0, which equates to 75% of the nozzle diameter (0.4mm in my case, so 0.3mm). AFAIK I have never even opened this page before, much less changed any settings, and I have made a number of prints so far using the '0.3mm DRAFT MK3' print setting (which one would think would exceed the 0.25mm max). Curioser and Curioser 😉
RE: STL file crashes in Prusa Slicer
Me thinks the setting is only effective when some internal auto height calculation is functioning (like variable layer heights and supports).
RE: STL file crashes in Prusa Slicer
i can reproduce the crash too.
load it in prusaslicer then use default orientation and placement and click on slice and it crashes.
it crashes right away when clicking on slice
but if i use "place on face" to change orientation to something better then it slices without crashing
RE: STL file crashes in Prusa Slicer
Sounds pretty close to my experience. I have 'autoslice' turned on, so it crashes immediately after loading.
RE: STL file crashes in Prusa Slicer
Sounds pretty close to my experience. I have 'autoslice' turned on, so it crashes immediately after loading.
yes, i also had background processing turned on, had to turn it off to test your file.
RE: STL file crashes in Prusa Slicer
Folks - I am having a '55 moment -- where is the AUTOSLICE setting? Nothing like it in the Configuration panel. And I have the problem of it autoslicing at times I really don't want it to be slicing. I have BACKGROUND PROCESSING unchecked. Suggestions?
ps: I posted an Issue at GitHub for this a while back... no feedback yet from the devs.
RE: STL file crashes in Prusa Slicer
i believe the background processing is the auto slice your looking for.
prusa slicer sometimes optimizes things depending on what you did so it might look like it is auto slicing when it really isn't
RE: STL file crashes in Prusa Slicer
So I load an STL, do nothing else but select preview, and then the yellow or green bar is showing and starts moving, and there is no preview, and then there is a preview, sound like AUTOSLICING to me.
And it autoslices at other times, too. Adding modifiers, for example sometimes will start an autoslice - but sometimes doesn't. Frustrating as hell. The worst is when it thinks it has sliced but hasn't, so I get the generate g-code button yet there hasn't been a slice.