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Steel build plates - A rant!  

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Steel build plates - A rant!

I'm a great fan of the Original Prusa machines.
My Mk3 is the second printer that I have bought from Prusa in six months and has seen a fair bit of use already.

It print a lot of ABS and now both sides of my spring steel build plate need replacing.
I would like to replace the whole item rather than faff around trying to strip the old PEI surfaces and replace them.
I would also like to have two plates so that one can be left to cool properly while the other plate is in the printer. (Then I won't damage the PEI)

I've asked Prusa support if I can buy a new plate (the smooth PEI sheet version will do just fine) but they have refused to sell me one on the grounds that they only have enough for the current MK3 orders..

Personally I'm fed up with the excuses.
The Mk3 has been in production for 6 months and STILL we can't purchase the only item that is likely to wear out or become damaged.
I've had this machine since January and now I'm having to decide; 'do I need to print this part or not.. Will the PEI surface stay on the build plate or come off with the part?'

PRUSA: When are you going to let us buy replacement build plates? Why is it so difficult to supply a part that you are already shipping in your kits?


Publié : 05/04/2018 11:59 pm
Reputable Member
Re: Steel build plates - A rant!

I'll sell you my MK3. Then you will have two build plates. :mrgreen:

My MK3 Parts: [Bowden] [New Shoes] [TPU Micro Springs]

Publié : 06/04/2018 12:06 am
Estimable Member
Re: Steel build plates - A rant!

Guessing it's a supply issue, not enough to satisfy add-on orders vs printers. They should be caught up to queue orders soon and then we should see the sprint sheets available. Sucks but guess we'll just have to be patient.

In the mean time there are some options. Buildtak is now selling spring steel sheets specifically designed for the MK3. The disadvantage or advantage is they are bare so you have to add the PEI yourself as they indented them for their BiuldTak surface. For me it's an advantage as I can use different surfaces besides PEI. I ordered a 5 pack and they should be arriving tomorrow. I have some spare 300x300 PEI sheets so I'll apply them cut to size. I also plan to use BuildTak on another as I prefer the surface with certain materials along with some other surfaces for other materials.

Publié : 06/04/2018 3:54 am
New Member
Re: Steel build plates - A rant!

If you are in the UK B & Q sell a 0.6mm steel plate, the 250mm x 500mm version costs less than £7 and is enough for two print plates.

I am in the process of adding a sheet of Printbite ( ) - will report back on how it goes.

I gave up trying to get Nylon 12 to stick to the Prusa sheet - see how the Printbite works out...

ymmv of course


Publié : 06/04/2018 8:06 am
Re: Steel build plates - A rant!

Talked to the support yesterday and the answer was: "We are planning to finally have it this month :)"

Publié : 06/04/2018 8:27 am
Eminent Member
Re: Steel build plates - A rant!

I am also waiting and looking for alternatives, saw the buildtak and have it for my FFCPro but its expensive

Publié : 06/04/2018 8:59 am
Eminent Member
Re: Steel build plates - A rant!

I ordered a buildtak spring steel sheet and some membrane so I would have a spare.

My bigger rant would be the lack of the powder coated sheets as advertised.

Publié : 06/04/2018 2:06 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Steel build plates - A rant!

I will be needing a new spring plate soon it does not last very long using petg which prints brilliant by the way

Publié : 06/04/2018 2:22 pm
Reputable Member
Re: Steel build plates - A rant!

I will be needing a new spring plate soon it does not last very long using petg

Do you mean that the actual steel wears out? Or are you refering to they PEI coating?


Publié : 06/04/2018 2:37 pm
New Member
Re: Steel build plates - A rant!

i would recommend the buildtak flex plate, i have been using mine for over a week now it doesn't come with the printing surface so make sure you buy that as well if you plan on buying it.
Publié : 06/04/2018 3:27 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Steel build plates - A rant!

I'm a great fan of the Original Prusa machines.
My Mk3 is the second printer that I have bought from Prusa in six months and has seen a fair bit of use already.

It print a lot of ABS and now both sides of my spring steel build plate need replacing.
I would like to replace the whole item rather than faff around trying to strip the old PEI surfaces and replace them.
I would also like to have two plates so that one can be left to cool properly while the other plate is in the printer. (Then I won't damage the PEI)

I've asked Prusa support if I can buy a new plate (the smooth PEI sheet version will do just fine) but they have refused to sell me one on the grounds that they only have enough for the current MK3 orders..

Personally I'm fed up with the excuses.
The Mk3 has been in production for 6 months and STILL we can't purchase the only item that is likely to wear out or become damaged.
I've had this machine since January and now I'm having to decide; 'do I need to print this part or not.. Will the PEI surface stay on the build plate or come off with the part?'

PRUSA: When are you going to let us buy replacement build plates? Why is it so difficult to supply a part that you are already shipping in your kits?


What were you doing to destroy your sheet ? I've printed over 15kgs of ABS and mine looks almost like new.

Best regards... Szafran... MK3S + MMU2S + OctoPrint on DELL 3020m

Publié : 06/04/2018 3:37 pm
Trusted Member
Re: Steel build plates - A rant!

The biggest problem with having a different sheet (Such as printbite, or buildtak) is that you have to move over to JUST that product as you need to adjust your Z height for the new thickness, and it is a bitch to have to keep going back, and forth for each plate if you go back, and forth.

I wish you could add on an additional plate when you order a new printer. It is just stupid, because there is plenty of room for them to add an additional plate in the box when you are already paying for the shipping of an entire printer.

And don't even get me on the subject f how every single review unit I have seen sent out they send like 4 or 5 different types of buildsheets for review. So you can't let us the paying customer order more than one spring sheet, but you can send the reviewers multiple sheets for FREE?!?!?! WTF guys. Get it together, and take care of your customers before your you tube people. I HATE this mentality.

Publié : 06/04/2018 3:54 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Steel build plates - A rant!

The biggest problem with having a different sheet (Such as printbite, or buildtak) is that you have to move over to JUST that product as you need to adjust your Z height for the new thickness, and it is a bitch to have to keep going back, and forth for each plate if you go back, and forth.

I wish you could add on an additional plate when you order a new printer. It is just stupid, because there is plenty of room for them to add an additional plate in the box when you are already paying for the shipping of an entire printer.

And don't even get me on the subject f how every single review unit I have seen sent out they send like 4 or 5 different types of buildsheets for review. So you can't let us the paying customer order more than one spring sheet, but you can send the reviewers multiple sheets for FREE?!?!?! WTF guys. Get it together, and take care of your customers before your you tube people. I HATE this mentality.

You're thinking just replacements, I use different surfaces for different materials which often require adjustment even if they are being printed on the same surface.

I recall it being mentioned in an interview that besides meeting demand on production, they also have the challenge of people ordering up all the stock including non MK3 owners looking for parts. One way to deal with it is at least allow a limit of 1 to only MK3 owners to start but if they had stock I think they would have already done that. If they put spring sheets up on their website, I suspect this thread would be about delays in shipping printers as apposed to spring sheets. Even when they do become available, I suspect there will be people ordering up the stock in quantity orders unless they put a limit on orders.

If you recall, reviewers had to wait a while before they got their review units and yes they got the powder coated sheet. Not any different from any other product launch that goes out to reviewers. Issue isn't that the units aren't available, issue is production quantities to meet demand.

Publié : 06/04/2018 4:53 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Steel build plates - A rant!

I will be needing a new spring plate soon it does not last very long using petg

Do you mean that the actual steel wears out? Or are you refering to they PEI coating?

the pei coating but am not paying 16 pounds posted for 2 sheets there shipping charge is 8 pounds

Publié : 06/04/2018 6:28 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Steel build plates - A rant!

Become a popular Youtube reviewer with sufficient numbers to get sent a printer. You'll get the powder coated version of the sheet.

Publié : 06/04/2018 7:16 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Steel build plates - A rant!

Become a popular Youtube reviewer with sufficient numbers to get sent a printer. You'll get the powder coated version of the sheet.

that is so true lol

Publié : 06/04/2018 7:19 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Steel build plates - A rant!

What were you doing to destroy your sheet ? I've printed over 15kgs of ABS and mine looks almost like new.

I was using ABS-X.
Initially I was having problems getting it to stick on the first layer. I'd tried different temp settings etc but something wasn't quite right. Then I used Acetone to prime the PEI once too often and the part became welded to the surface.

That said, since the recent firmware updates and the latest version of Slic3r were released it's been working really well without having to use Acetone.
So i think we'll call that a profile issue that has now been resolved.

I recently took a lump out of the other side because I was in a hurry.. If had two sheets then I could have put it to one side and let it cool off completely.

OK so Prusa aren't likely to help us buy new sheets.. so where else can we get them from.
Buildtack do a spring steel sheet that is slightly over sized but by the time you put build tack surfaces on it - it becomes quite expensive.

How much does it cost to get a thousand spring steel sheets punched out? Can't they at least supply a blank?

Publié : 08/04/2018 11:37 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Steel build plates - A rant!

I'll sell you my MK3. Then you will have two build plates. :mrgreen:

One of my mates wants a Mk3. Unfortunately you're on the other side of the world.
Mind you I don't think he'd be too impressed to receive a MK3 without a spring steel sheet 😆

Publié : 08/04/2018 11:46 am
New Member
Re: Steel build plates - A rant!

Professional Manufacturer of steel plates, free quote, mail: [email protected]

Publié : 24/04/2018 11:56 am
Reputable Member
Re: Steel build plates - A rant!

A word of caution for anyone that purchases a buildtak spring steel plate... I purchased one with a couple sheets of buildtak, figured I'd try the buildtak and if I didn't like I could slap PEI on the spring steel and have a spare sheet. My buildtak sheet wasn't deburred and I had a sharp edge, very minor on the bottom side, my guess is it was stamped but who knows, anyhow I put the buildtak on the print side, the sheet is marked, and proceeded to try it out. Man stuff really sticks to the buildtak sheet, too well in my opinion, small parts either break when being removed, or I can't get a decently squished first layer. After a few test prints I noticed some copper showing on my heated bed and scratch marks from sliding the burred edge along the heated bed. I was sick when I saw it, a quickie once over with emery cloth took care of the sharp edges and the wife did a nice job putting a very light coat of fingernail polish on the heated bed... I wish they would have spent a little time polishing the edges of the build plate.

My advice to anyone that purchases a buildtak plate is that they smooth the edges of the steel plate before they do anything else... As for the buildtak sheet, I'll likely be replacing it with PEI when I wear it out.

Publié : 24/04/2018 5:39 pm
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