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Slic3r Prusa Edition 1.41.0 (final release)  

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Jakub Dolezal
Membre Admin
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Re: Slic3r Prusa Edition 1.41.0 (currently beta)

Hi guys,
there is a new build Slic3r Prusa Edition 1.41.0-beta, see the first post for more

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Publié : 14/08/2018 1:27 pm
New Member
Re: Slic3r Prusa Edition 1.41.0 (currently beta)

Since the alpha3 version, when I record a gcode file on the SDcard , I get an message from the printer "Incomplete file, do you want continue ?" I click yes and the print is going on normally ...

What mean this message ?

Publié : 14/08/2018 10:31 pm
Noble Member
Re: Slic3r Prusa Edition 1.41.0 (currently beta)

i only get that when something isn't setup right. try loading a default printer setup.

I have a Prusa,therefore I research.

Publié : 14/08/2018 11:28 pm
New Member
Re: Slic3r Prusa Edition 1.41.0 (currently beta)

I tried it .. . without change

Publié : 15/08/2018 7:53 pm
Noble Member
Re: Slic3r Prusa Edition 1.41.0 (currently beta)

hey, is this newest version supposed to let us do filament changes with wipe towers?

I have a Prusa,therefore I research.

Publié : 15/08/2018 8:25 pm
Honorable Member
Re: Slic3r Prusa Edition 1.41.0 (currently beta)

I tried it .. . without change

The only times I ever got that error was with an old version of S3D (but you are using Slic3r) and when I remove the SD card from my PC without ejecting it first.

To eject it, right click the card in Windows Explorer and click Eject. I like to do it while I am viewing the card's contents, because the Explorer window shuts itself when the card is ejected (since it does not actually eject like a CD).

I have not had the error since I started doing that.

Publié : 15/08/2018 10:17 pm
Noble Member
Re: Slic3r Prusa Edition 1.41.0 (currently beta)

so I don't have a MMU but.
I can have a wipe tower but it wont go into a filament change (it does seem to go into a funky filament change routine, but wont run the m600 but will jam up the nozzle )
or I can NOT have a wipe tower but it will go into a filament change.

any chance we can get both? the blobs without a wipe tower are driving me crazy (er).
or are the blobs from the "toolchange parameters with single extruder MM printers" settings? (cooling moves ect ect)

I am glad filament changes seem to work in this build. in the alpha it was kinda messed up for me. I had to cheat. 😀

also, sorry I didn't even notice when the new version came out it was Beta. yaa it graduated Alpha.. good job
I have tested many MANY multi material prints. stuff seems to work, they change temps even. well the last time I checked.

I have a Prusa,therefore I research.

Publié : 16/08/2018 11:27 am
Estimable Member
Re: Slic3r Prusa Edition 1.41.0 (currently beta)

Today I tried to scale an object in slic3er with different amounts in x, y and z. (like it's very easily done in simplify). I can't find it (only uniform scaling). Am I blind or is slicer missing that feature and I have to use something like meshmixer?

Publié : 21/08/2018 11:13 am
Noble Member
Re: Slic3r Prusa Edition 1.41.0 (currently beta)

right click on object it has them on that list.

yaaa I knew something that someone wanted to know.
and I finally found edit 😀

I have a Prusa,therefore I research.

Publié : 21/08/2018 11:16 am
Veteran Member Moderator
Re: Slic3r Prusa Edition 1.41.0 (currently beta)

Well done! 😀


I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Publié : 21/08/2018 3:36 pm
Active Member
Re: Slic3r Prusa Edition 1.41.0-alpha3

Thank you for all the hard work on this but why is the 2D tab being removed? Am I the only one using it to precisely position objects on the build plate?

You can go to the "View" drop down menu and select "TOP"

3D printing for furniture hardware designs and aesthetic scale models.

Publié : 24/08/2018 9:14 pm
Active Member
Re: Slic3r Prusa Edition 1.41.0 (currently beta)

Support goes far from the model with no reason.

And where are some support faping near the model (markered by blue).

Hm, img cant correctly upload photos from google...

Publié : 02/09/2018 3:58 pm
Trusted Member
Re: Slic3r Prusa Edition 1.41.0-alpha3

It would vastly improve efficiency of multi-color printing if the slicer didn't slice each object as if it were stand-alone and then merge them, which is what it looks like it's doing now, because there's wasted "exterior walls" between the objects where they meet in the interior of the object. For example, everywhere that there are walls with two colors touching, like the black, orange and yellow parts of the example in the photo above, the walls are all wasted plastic - they could just be infill, which uses perhaps 10% as much plastic to fill the volume. And by treating the interior as a single object, printing would not only use much less plastic, it would speed the print - both by wasting less time printing unneeded plastic, but also because the interior fill would be a simple grid instead of a very complex set of shapes.

I agree that it would save time and material for multicolor prints with the same material, but if it's done it should be an option.

You can mix different material (PLA, TPU, ...) for using each one properties, so you may want bodies to be fully in their material.

Moreover, in single extrusion I create internal bodies when I want to reinforce locally a part, so all the perimeters have to be done.

Publié : 04/09/2018 12:01 pm
New Member
Re: Slic3r Prusa Edition 1.41.0 (final release)

Thanks for this amazing work 🙂

I dowloaded this version to try the "wipe to infill function" and the "waste object" (what a fabulous idea 🙂 ) which are mentioned here : , but I didn't found them in the features...
Any help for this?

Thanks 🙂

Publié : 04/09/2018 11:51 pm
Noble Member
Re: Slic3r Prusa Edition 1.41.0 (final release)

"wipe to infill function" and the "waste object"
are in the object settings. the same spot you assign the extruder in. the last time I tried to play with it. it wouldn't call for a filament change if I had a wipe object. keep in mind I don't have my MMU yet. but I did get it to purge into a separate object... I can imagine how many funky dice I will have when I get my mmu..

I have a Prusa,therefore I research.

Publié : 05/09/2018 1:25 am
Eminent Member
Re: Slic3r Prusa Edition 1.41.0 (final release)

Does this have the layer color change that's in Prusa Control? I know you can add a line manually in the Gcode, but it's such a pain.

Publié : 05/09/2018 2:40 pm
Re: Slic3r Prusa Edition 1.41.0 (final release)

I dnloaded the new Slic3r 1.41.0 and tried the MMU 2.0 option but I am not getting the water soluble interface like in the MMU 1.0 option in the Print settings.

Am I missing something? 🙄

Publié : 05/09/2018 3:38 pm
Laird Popkin
Estimable Member
Re: Slic3r Prusa Edition 1.41.0-alpha3

It would vastly improve efficiency of multi-color printing if the slicer didn't slice each object as if it were stand-alone and then merge them, which is what it looks like it's doing now, because there's wasted "exterior walls" between the objects where they meet in the interior of the object. For example, everywhere that there are walls with two colors touching, like the black, orange and yellow parts of the example in the photo above, the walls are all wasted plastic - they could just be infill, which uses perhaps 10% as much plastic to fill the volume. And by treating the interior as a single object, printing would not only use much less plastic, it would speed the print - both by wasting less time printing unneeded plastic, but also because the interior fill would be a simple grid instead of a very complex set of shapes.

I agree that it would save time and material for multicolor prints with the same material, but if it's done it should be an option.

You can mix different material (PLA, TPU, ...) for using each one properties, so you may want bodies to be fully in their material.

Moreover, in single extrusion I create internal bodies when I want to reinforce locally a part, so all the perimeters have to be done.

great point. i mix rigid and flexible materils in one print and t is very useful.

Publié : 06/09/2018 5:01 am
Noble Member
Re: Slic3r Prusa Edition 1.41.0 (final release)

is there any way to use any type of material ID on a 3D object (im guessing it would have to be a .obj) for extruder assignments? if you get what I mean. or are having everything as separate objects the only way to assign different materials? or even a vertex colors kinda thing?

I have a Prusa,therefore I research.

Publié : 06/09/2018 10:02 am
Eminent Member
Re: Slic3r Prusa Edition 1.41.0 (final release)

Twisted Pot Conundrum.

The other day I created a plant pot in Blender. I made a 6 sided pot, larger at the top than the bottom, and thought I would add a decorative twist at the top of 60º. When I imported it into Slic3r, it was as if I hadn't put a twist in it at all.

So I set the twist back to 0º, and exported it. It looked fine in Slic3r. I then rotated the top at 10º increments, from 0º - 60º. The image below is of the pot in Blender and then the same pot beneath it in Slic3r.

I actually rather like the result of the 30º twist in Slic3r, and am going to print that one. But I'm puzzled why the twist in Blender doesn't translate correctly when sliced.

I did this first in the previous version of Slic3r, then downloaded the latest version and repeated it, with the same results.

Is this a bug or user error?

(Note: Any distortion in the top images is a result of pasting them into my graphics program.)


Publié : 06/09/2018 9:00 pm
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