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Slic3r Prusa Edition 1.41.0 (final release)  

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Re: Slic3r Prusa Edition 1.41.0-alpha3

I am VERY INTERESTED in getting MMU 2.0 for the mk3.

Does the 1.41 support the option at this time to print supports all the why up to the object and then switch to water solvable material (2nd material) for the last 3 to 5 layers?

Veröffentlicht : 05/08/2018 12:53 am
Active Member
Re: Slic3r Prusa Edition 1.41.0-alpha3


I am not sure, if this is the correct thread - but as it is about Slic3r it hopefully is.

Has anyone noticed, that reducing the "Speed for non print moves" also reduces the estimated printing time?

I have a 16:20h print - with 180 mm/s for non print moves.

It becomes a 15:59 print - with 100mm/s for non print moves.

I really don't know why that is, but I am quite sure this is somekind of mistake.

Veröffentlicht : 05/08/2018 7:58 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
Re: Slic3r Prusa Edition 1.41.0-alpha3

Hi Bobstro
Hafe you tried saving an AMF File for a job
I believe It saves the tweeked settings for you

Regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Veröffentlicht : 05/08/2018 10:19 pm
Vojtěch Bubník
Mitglied Admin
Re: Slic3r Prusa Edition 1.41.0-alpha3

> Simplify 3D: Custom supports, ability to save "factory files" with print settings and STL models placed. Makes re-printing a job later with tweaked settings much easier. Per-model and per-layer adjustable print settings (processes).

Slic3r supports the "factory files". Go to menu Plater -> Export Plate as AMF or 3MF. Both AMF and 3MF formats will store your complete settings.

Also the "processes" are supported by Slic3r using modifier meshes.

Veröffentlicht : 06/08/2018 7:20 pm
Illustrious Member
Re: Slic3r Prusa Edition 1.41.0-alpha3

[...] Hafe you tried saving an AMF File for a job
I believe It saves the tweeked settings for you
I thought I'd tried it before, but you are correct! It saves the model and the combined settings in one format. This is perfect for creating a plate full of parts (e.g. several GoPro arms from one source, a tripod from another, and a couple of my own parts for LED lighting) as an assembly ready-to-slice and print. Thanks!

My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Veröffentlicht : 06/08/2018 8:23 pm
Illustrious Member
Re: Slic3r Prusa Edition 1.41.0-alpha3

[...] Slic3r supports the "factory files". Go to menu Plater -> Export Plate as AMF or 3MF. Both AMF and 3MF formats will store your complete settings.
I'd seen the settings saved before, but I mistakenly thought it didn't save the STL models & placement as well. Glad to find this one out, thanks!

Also the "processes" are supported by Slic3r using modifier meshes.I had seen that before, but it seemed overly cumbersome. Looking at it again, it would be simple enough to create some large blocks to use as "support blockers" to place in problematic areas. I also figured out (I think) how to create negative models using Fusion 360, so custom support is definitely doable. Thanks again!

Simplify 3D may be completely dead to me at this point!

My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Veröffentlicht : 06/08/2018 8:26 pm
New Member
Re: Slic3r Prusa Edition 1.41.0-alpha3

I just discovered the same issue. Hopefully only an alpha problem

when i rotate a 3d file to get a better orientation on the build plate, it wont sit flat on the build plate, but if i slice it and go to preview tab, it displays the layers properly. if i go back to 3d tab, its still below the build plate.

Same here...

Veröffentlicht : 06/08/2018 11:31 pm
Vojtěch Bubník
Mitglied Admin
Re: Slic3r Prusa Edition 1.41.0-alpha3

The current beta should fix the rotation issue.

Veröffentlicht : 07/08/2018 2:14 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Slic3r Prusa Edition 1.41.0-alpha3

Are you planning to address the shortcomings related to supports? Its been more than a year and a half since I read somewhere here that the issue with setting the spacing between the support roof and the model would be fixed. Some way to delete or remove supports would be helpful as well. I am new at this but in the short time I've been using Slicer, these are major shortcomings.

Cura correctly controls the spacing issue. Cura also addresses controlling support generation with 'support blocker" but it is very clumsy to use. I found out today that the Cura brim tool generates internal brims around embossed text so the brims are useless if you have text on the surface that is on the build plate. I would prefer to stay in the Prusa ecosystem if I can.

I came across Meshmixer today and will try that out. Would be nice if Autodesk would build that functionality into Fusion360.

Anyway, so far I am liking my new Mk3 ... trying to figure out how to get a good surface finish on the horizontal overhang.

Veröffentlicht : 10/08/2018 11:21 pm
Noble Member
Re: Slic3r Prusa Edition 1.41.0-alpha3

do you know if we can put a negative number setting for "printer settings/extra length after restart? when I change filaments, I get this extra push of filament on the restart, and mine is set to 0. or maybe if you could turn on wipe towers for non MMU people. 😀

I have a Prusa,therefore I research.

Veröffentlicht : 10/08/2018 11:44 pm
Re: Slic3r Prusa Edition 1.41.0-alpha3

do you know if we can put a negative number setting for "printer settings/extra length after restart? when I change filaments, I get this extra push of filament on the restart, and mine is set to 0. or maybe if you could turn on wipe towers for non MMU people. 😀

I don't think the extra extruded filament after filament change is controlled by printer settings/extra length after restart, but is a hard coded value in firmware.
Extra filament extruded after filament change (M600) is reported on GitHub in issue #904 and #197.

Have a look at my models on 😉

Veröffentlicht : 11/08/2018 2:38 am
Noble Member
Re: Slic3r Prusa Edition 1.41.0-alpha3

thank you for the info, I will have to check out the github stuff

I have a Prusa,therefore I research.

Veröffentlicht : 11/08/2018 6:18 am
Eminent Member
Re: Slic3r Prusa Edition 1.41.0-alpha3

I'm not sure if it's been mentioned and it's probably something that's always been in Slic3r, but...

Am I the only one who has noticed the inverse perspective? the rear of the heat bed is larger than the front of the heat bed?

Veröffentlicht : 11/08/2018 3:27 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Slic3r Prusa Edition 1.41.0-alpha3

I have to double check my firmware rev, but I’m seeing the remaining print time is way off when printing multiple objects. For instance, I loaded five different prints on the plate and Slic3rPE estimated 19hr. When I started the print job my display showed about 8hr and the actual print time was about 19hr. It does recalculate as it goes, but with such a long print time I have no idea how many hours it ran before it was correct. I’ve ran a couple different print jobs with multiple parts and this seems like a repeatable problem.

Veröffentlicht : 11/08/2018 3:42 pm
Vojtěch Bubník
Mitglied Admin
Re: Slic3r Prusa Edition 1.41.0-alpha3

there is a bug in the current firmware, the remaining time is not shown correctly if longer than 12 hours. it will be fixed in the upcoming firmware update.

Veröffentlicht : 11/08/2018 5:28 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Slic3r Prusa Edition 1.41.0-alpha3

there is a bug in the current firmware, the remaining time is not shown correctly if longer than 12 hours. it will be fixed in the upcoming firmware update.

Thank you

Veröffentlicht : 11/08/2018 9:10 pm
Illustrious Member
Re: Slic3r Prusa Edition 1.41.0-alpha3

I'm not sure if it's been mentioned and it's probably something that's always been in Slic3r, but...

Am I the only one who has noticed the inverse perspective? the rear of the heat bed is larger than the front of the heat bed?

It's actually the same size. Slic3r currently only uses an orthographic representation, which is more "unambiguous" from an engineering perspective. There is no foreshortening based on viewer perspective. If you measure the top and bottom lines, they'll be the same.

I believe Prusa is working on adding a perspective view as they merge PrusaControl's features into Slic3rPE.

My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Veröffentlicht : 11/08/2018 10:36 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Slic3r Prusa Edition 1.41.0-alpha3

I'm not sure if it's been mentioned and it's probably something that's always been in Slic3r, but...

Am I the only one who has noticed the inverse perspective? the rear of the heat bed is larger than the front of the heat bed?

It's actually the same size. Slic3r currently only uses an orthographic representation, which is more "unambiguous" from an engineering perspective. There is no foreshortening based on viewer perspective. If you measure the top and bottom lines, they'll be the same.

I believe Prusa is working on adding a perspective view as they merge PrusaControl's features into Slic3rPE.

My goodness you are absolutely right. The it's just my eyes playing tricks on me. I guess I was just used to PrusaControl. Wow. Thanks for the information.

Veröffentlicht : 12/08/2018 2:44 am
Noble Member
Re: Slic3r Prusa Edition 1.41.0-alpha3

hey, if you go into "about slicer" what does the new 3rd beta say? the last one said beta 2. does it say "version 1.41.0-beta+win64?

I have a Prusa,therefore I research.

Veröffentlicht : 12/08/2018 7:01 pm
Laird Popkin
Estimable Member
Re: Slic3r Prusa Edition 1.41.0-alpha3

It would vastly improve efficiency of multi-color printing if the slicer didn't slice each object as if it were stand-alone and then merge them, which is what it looks like it's doing now, because there's wasted "exterior walls" between the objects where they meet in the interior of the object. For example, everywhere that there are walls with two colors touching, like the black, orange and yellow parts of the example in the photo above, the walls are all wasted plastic - they could just be infill, which uses perhaps 10% as much plastic to fill the volume. And by treating the interior as a single object, printing would not only use much less plastic, it would speed the print - both by wasting less time printing unneeded plastic, but also because the interior fill would be a simple grid instead of a very complex set of shapes.

Ummm. That's a jigsaw puzzle. Those walls are supposed to be there.

it is how every multicolor object i tested is sliced... for example, this is a multi-color design that I've printed many times on other printers, sliced with Slic3r 1.41.0:

Note how there is an orange solid shell not just on the outside of the part, but also wherever there is a boundary between the orange and blue parts. For a vertical example, note that the blue squares are solid, because they are the bottom layers of a cube of blue inset into the orange cube. All that really needs to be printed is the outside faces of the blue cube and the outside faces of the orange cube, and none of the interior needs anything but loose infill. Same thing around the blue letters inset into the orange cubes.

This isn't a particular flaw of Slic3r - all slicers for home 3d printers essentially do the same thing, which is to slice each color's object separately, then fold the gcode together. But it's quite inefficient, and an opportunity for Prusa to do better than the others.

Veröffentlicht : 14/08/2018 2:39 am
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