Site login compromised?
I forgot my password to prusaprinters and tried to type in a few options before resetting the password. One of the options that I tried was my email password (not used much anywhere else). Within couple hours, someone tried to access my email. Anyone had a similar experience? I realize this might be a co-incidence, but the timing seems suspicious.
RE: Site login compromised?
What do you mean "somebody tried to access your email"? I see hundreds of login attempts against existing and non-existent email accounts on my email server daily.
and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan
RE: Site login compromised?
My Yahoo email account has a 2-factor authentication. You enter your password, and if the password is correct - yahoo sends an authentication code to one of the associated emails / cell phones. This code should then be entered back into yahoo. Yesterday, I have received an email with such an authentication code without asking for one. This seems to imply someone was able to go through the first step of the verification procedure. Though, now that I tried again, it seems the same kind of code is dispatched when you go through 'forgot my password' routine, so I guess you are correct! Going to remove the topic.
RE: Site login compromised?
Yes typing your password for your email, on a different site is not clever.
Go to your mail server and change your password as fast as possible.
Every password and other info will be copied to a big database for hackers, then they have a lot of info over you, and can use it.