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Simplify3D settings for the Original Prusa i3 printers  

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Re: Simplify3D settings for MK3

Can somebody share Mr. Warkocki's S3D profile information here for those of us who, for whatever reason, don't have Facebook accounts, please?

See attached. I also included his PLA and PETG profiles.

Thank you very much!

Postato : 26/04/2018 2:16 am
Trusted Member
Re: Simplify3D settings for MK3

Mr. Warcocki also mentions you need to validate your e-steps and extrusion multiplier before using this. Anyone have a pointer to instructions on how to do that?

There's a few guides, a good one is here:
Make sure to use F30 instead of F100 though in the extrusion step.

There's also a video guide here:

Well, unfortunately I used F100 instead of F30, but that explains the click I heard. Hopefully I didn't damage anything. My e-step value was pretty much spot on. I tweaked it to 281 instead of 280. I then did the single-walled cube with extrusion multiplier of 1.0, and it was exactly the width set in the software (0.45).

Going to try Chris settings files now.

Postato : 26/04/2018 2:48 am
Estimable Member
Re: Simplify3D settings for MK3

Here’s a collection of what I consider the most useful “core” S3D profiles for the Pi3Mk3. 12 Profiles (including 4 from S3D and the Josef Průša profile from 1/3/18). The ZIP file has all 12 profiles, and a document that highlights the differences:

There is also a related document on S3D Parameters and Settings – my collection of documentation on all the S3D parameters from various sources (79 pages / 2.9 MB):

I hope this is useful! … feedback always welcome …

-- Clint Goss

Postato : 26/04/2018 11:55 am
Estimable Member
Re: Simplify3D settings for MK3

Here’s a collection of what I consider the most useful “core” S3D profiles for the Pi3Mk3. 12 Profiles (including 4 from S3D and the Josef Průša profile from 1/3/18). The ZIP file has all 12 profiles, and a document that highlights the differences:

There is also a related document on S3D Parameters and Settings – my collection of documentation on all the S3D parameters from various sources (79 pages / 2.9 MB):

I hope this is useful! … feedback always welcome …

This looks really useful - lots to digest and to learn from. Thank you!

Postato : 26/04/2018 12:10 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Simplify3D settings for MK3

Thanks John ... this is basically the info I assembled to preserve whatever sanity I have left ... I just couldn't deal with poking at settings and wanted to take a more methodical approach.

Interesting that there have be zero changes in the official S3D MK3 profile (the one you get from the Configuration Agent), from the earliest one I have (mid December 2017) through now (May 12 is the last one I fetched).

Also interesting how vastly different Jo Průša's initial profile is from the S3D official profile.

-- Clint Goss

Postato : 26/04/2018 12:41 pm
New Member
Re: Simplify3D settings for MK3

Here’s a collection of what I consider the most useful “core” S3D profiles for the Pi3Mk3. 12 Profiles (including 4 from S3D and the Josef Průša profile from 1/3/18). The ZIP file has all 12 profiles, and a document that highlights the differences:

There is also a related document on S3D Parameters and Settings – my collection of documentation on all the S3D parameters from various sources (79 pages / 2.9 MB):

I hope this is useful! … feedback always welcome …

Thanks you Clint, like you i'm working on a more structured way to document and test different SP3D settings:

Postato : 26/04/2018 3:54 pm
Pat Niemeyer
Trusted Member
Re: Simplify3D settings for MK3

Interesting that there have be zero changes in the official S3D MK3 profile (the one you get from the Configuration Agent), from the earliest one I have (mid December 2017) through now (May 12 is the last one I fetched).

Also interesting how vastly different Jo Průša's initial profile is from the S3D official profile.

I have also been surprised that there hasn't been an update to the S3D software itself since I bought it almost a year ago (maybe longer, I don't know)... As for the config - the idea that S3D would be tracking and updating the best settings for me was one of the selling points... hasn't proved to be the case.

Postato : 26/04/2018 5:07 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Simplify3D settings for MK3

... i'm working on a more structured way to document and test different SP3D settings ... Mark

Cool! I too have an XLS version - but I let it get out of control! It got horrendously unwieldy and wasn't really serving my needs. In the end, I found that the documentation end of things was what I really needed. Still, for isolating differences, the spreadsheet is more reliable that my current approach - comparing profiles by hand to isolate differences ...

Ideally, we could automate all this by parsing the XML .fff files - but that too is fraught with issues. The XML tags could change at any time. Also, the real profile info is in the registry, not the .fff files, so the profile-in-use is out of step with the .fff file the instant you modify the profile.

-- Clint Goss

Postato : 26/04/2018 5:45 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Simplify3D settings for MK3

I have also been surprised that there hasn't been an update to the S3D software itself since I bought it almost a year ago (maybe longer, I don't know)... As for the config - the idea that S3D would be tracking and updating the best settings for me was one of the selling points... hasn't proved to be the case.

Current version is 4.0.1 ... it sounds like you may be using an older version. However, it is devilishly difficult to know if you're running the latest and greatest, because the S3D "Check For Updates" feature does not work! ... it has reported "up to date" for me even when I was a version behind.

Also, other than downloading the installer and looking at the version number embedded in the file name, I don't know of a good way to tell what the latest version of the software actually is. There is the "release notes" page ( ), which I am assuming is updated when new software is released, but who knows ...

And I too had this image of teams of people testing profiles round the clock and constantly tweaking the released profiles. I even asked support how you know when a new profile is release, and got a kind of a "huh? Say what? ..." response.

Was pretty shocked when I found zero mods to the profile for a brand new Prusa model in the first four months. Oh ... there is also no way that I can tell to find out when they last updated a profile, other than downloading and (laboriously) comparing every setting. Sigh.

In the end, my exercises of examining 12 profiles from an array of users was probably more valuable. It pointed out some settings and values I had never considered, and my prints have benefitted noticeably ... A daunting exercise with a valuable outcome.

-- Clint Goss

Postato : 26/04/2018 5:59 pm
Laird Popkin
Estimable Member
Re: Simplify3D settings for MK3

On the Mac, the version is in the "About" dialog.

The 'check for updates' logic is a bit confusing. S3D doesn't put updates out for the app check immediately - they usually put it on the download page first, then weeks later they'll put the notification out for everyone to upgrade. This is intentional on their part - they want to make sure that it works well in the field for a smaller volume of installs before they push it out to everyone. I'm not sure that I agree with their logic, but it's intentional, not "broken".

For profile updates, they seem to only check and update profiles when you run the setup wizard, which you usually only do to set up a new printer. And they don't have version numbers visible, which makes it hard to know if there's been a change. So it's fine for making sure that when you run the wizard you have the current list of supported printers with their profiles, which I assume was their primary goal. But it's not a good mechanism for pushing out updates for already-supported printers.

Postato : 28/04/2018 7:15 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Simplify3D settings for MK3

... This is intentional on their part - they want to make sure ...

For profile updates, they seem to only check and update profiles when you run the setup wizard, ...

This is gold! Thank you ...

And it's clear I jumped to conclusions with the "it ain't working" comment. I never considered that it might be a (vaguely subversive) rollout strategy. It's also a bloody pain to have to poll the download page to check for new application updates ...

I do think I understand how the Configuration Assistant (aka "Setup Wizard") works. I've used it four different times for the Prusa i3Mk3 and saved each profile to its own dated, "Pristine"-stamped profile and exported .fff file - then compared them and found them to be identical.

-- Clint Goss

Postato : 29/04/2018 7:57 pm
Trusted Member
Re: Simplify3D settings for MK3

For profile updates, they seem to only check and update profiles when you run the setup wizard, which you usually only do to set up a new printer. And they don't have version numbers visible, which makes it hard to know if there's been a change. So it's fine for making sure that when you run the wizard you have the current list of supported printers with their profiles, which I assume was their primary goal. But it's not a good mechanism for pushing out updates for already-supported printers.

So are you saying that to update the profile for a machine you have to go through the wizard, and 're-add' the same machine so you have a duplicate?

Postato : 30/04/2018 8:13 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Simplify3D settings for MK3

... to update the profile for a machine you have to go through the wizard, and 're-add' the same machine so you have a duplicate?

Yes, but the procedure is safe, because if the profile name is the same as one you already have, it will add a " (2)", " (3)", ... or whatever is needed on the end.

This works the same if you are importing a .fff profile file. Note, however, that the file name does not determine the name of the profile. The profile name is taken from an XML field within the .fff file. You can examine the .fff file in any plain-text editor.

-- Clint Goss

Postato : 30/04/2018 9:09 pm
Trusted Member
Re: Simplify3D settings for MK3

Here’s a collection of what I consider the most useful “core” S3D profiles for the Pi3Mk3. 12 Profiles (including 4 from S3D and the Josef Průša profile from 1/3/18). The ZIP file has all 12 profiles, and a document that highlights the differences:

There is also a related document on S3D Parameters and Settings – my collection of documentation on all the S3D parameters from various sources (79 pages / 2.9 MB):

I hope this is useful! … feedback always welcome …

One more profile to consider, I have achieved outstanding print quality with the Prusa’s old MK2 S3D profiles.

It might give you a fan error but you can disable the fan error detection form the controller on the printer. It is a false error. This is a firmware error Prusa tried to fix but have not got it yet. It will print a little slower but I’m ok with that given the improved quality.

Postato : 01/05/2018 4:34 am
Estimable Member
Re: Simplify3D settings for MK3

One more profile to consider, I have achieved outstanding print quality with the Prusa’s old MK2 S3D profiles.

It might give you a fan error but you can disable the fan error detection form the controller on the printer. It is a false error. This is a firmware error Prusa tried to fix but have not got it yet. It will print a little slower but I’m ok with that given the improved quality.

Thanks for this suggestion!

I compared this MK2 profile from 8/30/2016 with the recent (and probably current) MK3 profile from S3D. Here are the differences I found comparing the PLA / Detail 0.1mm with the S3D PLA / High. In general, speeds for this MK2 profile are much slower, plus numerous other changes ...:

Extruder: RetrDist 0.80, RSpeed 1800

Layer: TSolid 6, Shells 3, First Layer: FHt: 200%, FSpeed 60%

Additions: SkLayers 1, SkOffset 1.80, SkOutlines 1

Infill: IntPat Grid, Interior 10%, OutOver 21%, MinLen 2.00, Yes EvAngle

Support: No GenSupp (this profile does have differences, but supports are turned off …)

Temp: T-List [PrimExtr] SetP 1:215°C / 2:200°C, T-List [HBed] SetP 1:55°C

Cooling: Yes Blip, Yes Bridge

G-Code: Yes RelDist, Build X:250 / Y:210 / Z:200

Scripts: Starting Script and Ending Script have differences ...

Speeds: SpDefault 2400 mm/min (= 40mm/sec), SpPerim 80% (1920mm/m = 32mm/s), SpSolidIn 80% (1920mm/m = 32mm/s), SpSupp 80% (1920mm/m = 32mm/s), SpXY 4800 (= 80mm/s), SpZ 1000 (= 16.67mm/s), AdjDown 5% (SpDefault: 120mm/m = 2mm/s, SpPerim: 96mm/m = 1.6mm/s)

Other: ExInflat 1.00, Price 215.00,

Advanced: No Open, Yes MinTRetr 3.00

-- Clint Goss

Postato : 02/05/2018 12:11 pm
Honorable Member
Re: Simplify3D settings for MK3

I just noticed something, a HUGE difference between Josef's profile and the one from S3D. Josef's speeds are MUCH MUCH faster!



Has anyone been using Josef's profile with those speed settings? What was the result? Was it way too fast to get good prints?

Postato : 04/05/2018 7:06 pm
Trusted Member
Re: Simplify3D settings for MK3

I can only recommend to take the time going through the process described in mattshub!!! Me as a novice was easily able to follow the described steps , resulting in prints with barely visible layers. I got a new printer.


Postato : 05/05/2018 5:28 pm
Active Member
Re: Simplify3D settings for MK3

I use Josefs profile and it prints better than any other profiles mentioned in this thread so far.

Postato : 05/05/2018 9:00 pm
Active Member
Re: Simplify3D settings for MK3

I used the configuration as is, canked up first layer speed to 40% and it is fine. The problem is, the speeds are way too fast and it starts stalling and skipping steps and extrusion. Someone found optimal fast speeds

Postato : 06/05/2018 8:04 pm
Active Member
Re: Simplify3D settings for MK3

Mr. Warcocki also mentions you need to validate your e-steps and extrusion multiplier before using this. Anyone have a pointer to instructions on how to do that?

There's a few guides, a good one is here:
Make sure to use F30 instead of F100 though in the extrusion step.

There's also a video guide here:

Using these I nailed the extrusion, which had a pretty big impact on quality. My extruder was perfect out of the box, but the multiplier needed tweaking. However I had a constant issue with blobs only from Simplify3D. Chris' settings has fixed that, and early tests show a perfect print now from my mk3.

I suspect the post-processing script is having a big impact on the quality. Chris Warcocki must really know his stuff. It looks like it's just tweaking the acceleration settings. Whatever the magic sauce is, it's working well for me.

Edit: Saw some more changes in start up script related to extruding. My blob issue was just masked 🙁 But the settings do give me some more to work with and track down the issue.

I've been trying to follow these instructions to calibrate the E-steps on my Mk3, but have ran into a couple of problems.

Firstly, when I send the G1 E100 F30 command the extruder stepper it spins like crazy the first time. Then if I send again, it extrudes nice and slow.

Secondly, I seem to be chasing around in circles with the results. But I have a feeling things could be getting distorted by problem 1.
And I'm hesitant to try any more until I've figured what's causing that, as I imagine it's really not any good for the bondtech gears.

Do any of you have any ideas?

Postato : 09/05/2018 9:06 pm
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