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Simplify3D 4.1 TPU and MK3 profile?  

Sotiris Lekkas
New Member
Simplify3D 4.1 TPU and MK3 profile?

I'm only interested in printing TPU and to be honest it has been quite challenging. I prefer Slic3r but the fact that you can't chose different settings for 2 different items makes me have to use S3D.

I make nice prints in Slic3r but in S3D I can't get same quality.

Also with S3D 4.1 the fan stops working after a few minutes, this has been reported from others in facebook group as well. I'm thinking it's gcode script settings so if someone has already figured this out please send me a profile.

Thank you.

Postato : 28/11/2018 2:14 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Simplify3D 4.1 TPU and MK3 profile?

Did you try the "pretty" profiles on github?

Postato : 28/11/2018 6:21 pm