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Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet  

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Active Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

The Prusa people are now saying 6-8 weeks more than the shipping table for the powder coated PEI spring sheet 😥

But they haven't corrected the shipping table yet.

That means new kits are 14-16 weeks and printers are 15-17 weeks - you may have your printer by Christmas 2018 😮
(hopefully before they relases the MK4)

Where did you hear "the Prusa people" saying this? After reading your post, I contacted customer support about what this means for my order, and they said this is absolutely not true and they were unsure what your source is.... so... maybe it's true and I was misinformed by customer support, but to others wondering about your own order, I wouldn't take this as the gospel truth.

Posted : 08/08/2018 2:41 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

The Prusa people are now saying 6-8 weeks more than the shipping table for the powder coated PEI spring sheet 😥

But they haven't corrected the shipping table yet.

That means new kits are 14-16 weeks and printers are 15-17 weeks - you may have your printer by Christmas 2018 😮
(hopefully before they relases the MK4)

Where did you hear "the Prusa people" saying this? After reading your post, I contacted customer support about what this means for my order, and they said this is absolutely not true and they were unsure what your source is.... so... maybe it's true and I was misinformed by customer support, but to others wondering about your own order, I wouldn't take this as the gospel truth.

I have placed an order in the beginning of July. I talked with Prusa support on chat today because according to their shipping table my printer should begin shipping in this week. I wanted to know if it was 1 week late as they write may be the case.
But the Prusa supporter told me that I would have to wait 5-6 weeks more. I told him that this was bad news and that they should change the table so that poeple will know.
He told me that this is also new to him and that they would change the shipping table.

That's why I did the post - so this is first hand knowledge from Prusa support.
If Prusa support is saying this it not true - why would their support people then write it to me?
I will be thrilled if my printer was to ship this week - but Prusa support says additional 5-6 weeks 🙁

Posted : 08/08/2018 6:14 pm
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Confirmed that this is not accurate. They are still looking at a 7 week projection for powder coated assembled. It is not 15-17 weeks.

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Posted : 08/08/2018 6:15 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Confirmed that this is not accurate. They are still looking at a 7 week projection for powder coated assembled. It is not 15-17 weeks.

I agree that I did not discuss the assembled MK3 with powder coated PEI springsheet. But when they tell me that there are additional 6-8 weeks for the kit on top of the shipping table then you can do the math. Then it means at least 1 week more for the assembled printers.

So now we have a problem - who can we trust?

This morning I ask the Prusa customers support, two times to be sure, what is the projected shipping date for my order. According to the table it should be this week. The supporter (Peter) tells me. There are additional 6-8 weeks before shipping. I ask him again to be sure and he confirms that they are 6-8 weeks behind their shipping table.

I'm happy if this is not the case. But who should you trust if you can't trust the Prusa customer support? 😮

Posted : 08/08/2018 6:27 pm
Illustrious Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

[...] I'm happy if this is not the case. But who should you trust if you can't trust the Prusa customer support? 😮
I think the reality is that they often don't know. Having worked retail early in my working career, I know you tend to start giving "safe" answers because there is simply no better info available. Shipments get delayed, damaged or lost. Orders get fouled up. It's not that they're intentionally misleading so much as not in control. Stuff will be available when it's available, and paper schedules aren't going to change that.

I ordered my Mk3 in early January 2018. Got the messages and saw blog posts about the MMU and PC sheet delays. Responded that I'd like the printer early and wait on MMU (glad I did). Didn't get asked about the PC. I just quit compulsively checking every day and lived my life. When I got a notice that it was shipping in late March for delivery in early April, I was happy rather than upset. I gladly ordered a 2nd PEI sticker sheet when they became available. I'd still like a textured PC sheet, but my life continues without it. I'm looking into simply using blue tape on a damaged PEI sheet for some texture.

My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Posted : 08/08/2018 6:35 pm
Active Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Confirmed that this is not accurate. They are still looking at a 7 week projection for powder coated assembled. It is not 15-17 weeks.

I don't think that is accurate, considering a powder-coated kit currently takes more than 7 weeks. My powder-coated kit still hasn't been shipped. Assembled printers add one week.

Posted : 08/08/2018 6:43 pm
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Confirmed that this is not accurate. They are still looking at a 7 week projection for powder coated assembled. It is not 15-17 weeks.

I don't think that is accurate, considering a powder-coated kit currently takes more than 7 weeks. My powder-coated kit still hasn't been shipped. Assembled printers add one week.

I too asked customer support. I think you have to remember that is all about how you ask the question. I asked two questions.

1. If I order today, what is the current shipping schedule for an assembled powder coated? “It should ship in about 7 weeks. “

2. Are they behind in delivering printers assembled (my order). The answer is yes and it should be filled in about 7 weeks. I asked: “is that 7 additional seeks over the traditional 7 weeks”. The answer I got was “no, but that there could be further delays”.

I think the important thing that I took home from my time with customer service is that they do not expect that it will take 15-17 weeks. Personally, I would keep a clock on that payment date and if you are near the end of ther period where you can demand a refund and get it repaid by the CC or Paypal, make your claim. I personally think you will get your printer but there may be a slight delay. Then again, that all depends on you definition of “slight”.

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Posted : 08/08/2018 10:38 pm
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

I have added my order 3 times and folks keep deleting lines off the spreadsheet. Last night someone sabotaged the whole order sheet. 90% of the orders are now gone.

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Posted : 09/08/2018 12:55 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Yeah it's pretty annoying - someone have put a filter on showing only Germany and renamed the header to "Singapore" 😡

How difficult is it to only add lines and look at the sheet, instead of changing things in the header.

Could we have the author fix the sheet and also sort the dates in correct order ❓

Posted : 09/08/2018 1:41 pm
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Sometimes I wonder if it is intensional. I have to believe it is not, but I wonder.

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Posted : 09/08/2018 2:50 pm
Active Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

I contacted support a few times to ask about delays, and one agreed to check with someone who would know for certain. He told me that they were supposed to get a large number of powder coated PEI sheets in however only about 10% of what they expected arrived. He said that the manufacturer is still having issues.

I ordered a MK3 on July 17th and the schedule lists it for shipping around September 3. I asken given the problems, when did he think I would get it shipped. He said that he couldn't give me an exact date, but he said he felt like it would probably be by early October.

Obviously,if the manufacturer still hasn't sorted out the problems, I don't know how confident I am in his assessment. Nevertheless, seeing as he had to ask someone, the suggestion made by others that the customer service folks are somewhat in the dark is loo likely accurate, imo.

If anyone from Prusa reads this, I would urgent you to pull the powder coated PEI sheet option from the website as an option. Additionally, don't give any more estimates for shipping orders with powder coated PEI sheets until your supplier has delivered at least one sizable order to demonstrate that they can actually do the job.

I personally am not upset, although I haven't been waiting long. However, I have seen a number of smallish companies run into similar situations, where a supplier was unable to deliver on time, and the company kept telling customers "Soon! As soon as we get our next shipment." In the end, it does far more damage than it should have. Don't squander the goodwill you have worked so hard to earn within the community over something so small. It's not worth it!

In the end, I changed my order last night and got a shipping notification today. I guess I'm still a kid at heart who just can't wait...

Posted : 09/08/2018 5:43 pm
New Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

I originally ordered with powdercoated on july 25 but also changed mine last night and got a shipping notice early this morning i kinda wanted both versions anyway so ill just pick up a powder coated eventually when available.

Posted : 09/08/2018 6:00 pm
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

I was contemplating a change. I talked to support today and they are expecting another shipment. I will hold off,

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Posted : 09/08/2018 6:06 pm
Active Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Funny I spoke to someone yesterday on the morning of the 7th, USA time. I was told there was in fact delays with the powder coated sheet and more were due the next day. The evening of the 8th I received DHL tracking on shipment. So things are flowing it seems. I ordered my kit on the 7th of July.

Posted : 09/08/2018 9:47 pm
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Funny I spoke to someone yesterday on the morning of the 7th, USA time. I was told there was in fact delays with the powder coated sheet and more were due the next day. The evening of the 8th I received DHL tracking on shipment. So things are flowing it seems. I ordered my kit on the 7th of July.

There is a lot of bad information on the forum. I trust the support staff.

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Posted : 09/08/2018 9:55 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Funny I spoke to someone yesterday on the morning of the 7th, USA time. I was told there was in fact delays with the powder coated sheet and more were due the next day. The evening of the 8th I received DHL tracking on shipment. So things are flowing it seems. I ordered my kit on the 7th of July.

So you ordered the powder coated pei kit on 7th of July and have DHL tracking?

I ordered mine before that and does not have a tracking - something is wrong here 😐

Please fill out the tracking spread sheet...

Posted : 10/08/2018 10:07 am
Active Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Funny I spoke to someone yesterday on the morning of the 7th, USA time. I was told there was in fact delays with the powder coated sheet and more were due the next day. The evening of the 8th I received DHL tracking on shipment. So things are flowing it seems. I ordered my kit on the 7th of July.

You ordered a powder-coated kit more than two weeks after me, and your kit has been shipped? I have a bit of a hard time believing that.

Posted : 10/08/2018 11:20 am
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Let's hope this is accurate based on the shipments of beds coming in.

It seems like the number of spreadsheet posts is decreasing. Does that mean that less people are ordering?

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Posted : 10/08/2018 11:58 am
Eminent Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

It seems like the number of spreadsheet posts is decreasing. Does that mean that less people are ordering?How do people know that this spreadsheet exist?
I believe that only the hardcore 3D printing community have preordered the MK3 and when the delivery was delayed the creative nature of these people manifested into this sheet.
A lot of people are probably ordering this without knowing anything of the original release date and delivery problems. Only people researching the product will stumble upon this sheet.

Posted : 10/08/2018 11:39 pm
New Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Hello Guys,

i cancelled my order today!

I ordered the I3 MK3 kit with the powder coated sheet in the first week of july. They are almost 1 month behind with the shipping of their shipping table. That means the orders from may should have shipped in the mid of july. And actually they dont have any date for shipping the kits/builds with powder coated devices out.

On their shipping Table i read the following:
"The dates are only an estimation and rely on the actual production. We're doing our best but please be aware that it can shift up to one extra week for the lead time. Or we can positively surprise and ship a bit sooner."

For me its dissapointing that they dont offer any solution (except priority shipping) for the people that are waiting so long...
In regard of that, i wrote today (chat) with a person (name greyed out) of their customer support. My idea was to ship firstly the devices with normal PEI sheets out and resend the powder coated ones after, when they are available. There was no option (except marking my order as prio - the normal PEI are now shipping in three days...) to make any deal with them. The last option for me was to get the shipping costs of the resend powder coat sheet for free. He talked to his supervisor, and declined my last option, too. The shipping had cost around 10€!

In this moment i tought on the case when i have the printer here and do have any issues with that. They will maybe decline any case of warranty or something, too. I mean if they dont have any meaningful solution for their issue and do not even make free the shipping costs for the reordered plate. Then i dont see any kind of customer friendlieness... Therefore i cancelled my whole Order!

Its a shame, cause the printer is so great, and i love to support "small" companys or startups like exactly such one. But you will recognice a good company how they are handling their issues and do their service.

This is only my experience with Prusa and my constructive critism to them which i wanted to share.


Posted : 12/08/2018 2:15 pm
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