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Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet  

Pagina 79 / 88
Eminent Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

So, May 6th order, Black Parts Kit. On my request support changed it to smooth PEI earlier today, got a shipping confirmation and tracking number an hour later.

If you try and take a cat apart to see how it works, the first thing you have on your hands is a nonworking cat.

Postato : 12/06/2018 12:56 pm
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

So, May 6th order, Black Parts Kit. On my request support changed it to smooth PEI earlier today, got a shipping confirmation and tracking number an hour later.

Looks like the shipping table was updated slightly. My order, week 22, is a week sooner.

But since I placed an order much later than you, there's no gain for me contacting support, right?

Postato : 12/06/2018 9:38 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Looks like the shipping table was updated slightly. My order, week 22, is a week sooner.

But since I placed an order much later than you, there's no gain for me contacting support, right?

I would wait few weeks and monitor how textured spring steel beads are shipping or if there are further delays and made a decision based on that

If you try and take a cat apart to see how it works, the first thing you have on your hands is a nonworking cat.

Postato : 12/06/2018 11:09 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

If by few weeks you mean few months, then yeah - I'm right there with ya.

Hahahah yeah OK, I've been waiting for mine since the 3rd of March 2018 (Original Prusa i3 MK3 kit - color : Black and orange, Spring steel sheet : Double-sided textured powder-coated spring steel sheet)

I haven't given up hope yet though, I am hopeful that my printer will be delivered some time in 2018 😀

Honestly why wouldn't you just switch to the smooth sheet now and then buy the powdercoated one later? It's basically 25$ extra to have your printer probably 3-6 months earlier and you end up with two beds anyways.

I don't mind waiting because 1; I already have a 3D printer at home that works fine, And 2; I have the patience of a sloth 😆
When my printer finally arrives I will enjoy it that much more because I had to wait so long for it. Each to their own I say. 🙂

Postato : 13/06/2018 10:43 pm
New Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Hi everyone;
I will be joining the addictive fun in about a week! My order just shipped (ordered 5/16/18, week 20)! Smooth PEI sheet and no accessories.

Postato : 14/06/2018 3:30 pm
New Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Week 19 - Arrived today. Soomth PEI

Postato : 15/06/2018 6:57 am
New Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Ordered a black kit with a PC plate on week 9 (Mar 2nd) and was resigned to patiently wait.

Yesterday afternoon I read on Reddit that the PC plate was due to ship in September & lost all patience. I requested a stickered plate at 4pm pacific time & received a shipping notification 12 hours later.

Postato : 15/06/2018 4:03 pm
New Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet


this is very strange. I've ordered a MK3 kit in black/orange with the smooth PEI sheet on the 25th of May and have just received the shipping confirmation and estimated delivery date tomorrow to Germany. Moreover, I am a complete nobody, no influencer, reviewer or otherwise affiliated. Why would they skip ahead of the shipping table like this?

Postato : 18/06/2018 12:29 pm
New Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Same here. Not that I'm complaining, it's arriving right on the day I took off anyway, so I guess I'll be busy instead of catching up on much needed rest. 😀

Postato : 18/06/2018 1:48 pm
New Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

I read somewhere that the availability of the PEI sheets was a limiting factor. Maybe they've just received an unexpectedly large shipment and are thus able to fast-track their production. And yes, we would of course not complain about this. 😀

Postato : 18/06/2018 2:36 pm
Trusted Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

So, I notice that all of the recently shipped orders are Kits, not Assembled. I know the assembled ones run a little later, but is there a reason none of the assembled ones are shipping?

Postato : 18/06/2018 7:44 pm
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

I asked for my Week 22 to be switched to the PEI, it shipped this week (was slated to ship Jul9).

Maybe the PC will be available so it can be shipped with my MMU.

Postato : 19/06/2018 5:16 pm
New Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

I ordered may 18, switched to pei smooth last week and added 2 spare stickers and a glue stick
Got shipment notification next day BUT they shipped the stickers and the glue stick still no printer!!
and no sign of it either, I will be crazy mad if I got reset on the shipping list because of there mistake.

Postato : 20/06/2018 12:19 am
Active Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

There is nothing listed that your may 18th order should be shipping yet. First week of May orders are just hitting the print timeline now and before they started mishipping later order printers it was consistently on time to 1 or 2 weeks after the shipping table, as a week 18 I’m getting anxious for my printer to be shipped ,but just because someone gets lucky and has their order jump the que does not entitle everyone to get their printer immediately.

Postato : 20/06/2018 6:06 am
Paul Harker
Trusted Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Feeling lucky. Ordered kit in Orange with smooth plate on June 4th. Scheduled to be delivered to my Michigan home Friday the 22nd, about three weeks sooner than the shipping schedule led me to expect.

Postato : 21/06/2018 5:00 am
New Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

So, I notice that all of the recently shipped orders are Kits, not Assembled. I know the assembled ones run a little later, but is there a reason none of the assembled ones are shipping?

My assumption would be build+test time. If one single part was the major delay, then I would expect that the kits just need to get the part slipped into the box. While the pre-built models now go to assembly and testing. For which there's likely a queue now that the upstream bottleneck appears to have lifted.

Postato : 21/06/2018 4:59 pm
New Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

I just got a mail from UPS with a tracking number for my orange kit with smooth PEI, that I only ordered on the 15 June (10 days ago)! The shipping table showed it would go out from July 16, so that's three weeks earlier! Strangely I haven't got any mail from prusa, and my order page also does not show anything about it being shipped.

UPS says it will already be here in Germany by tomorrow! I am so damn excited! 😯

Postato : 25/06/2018 5:44 pm
New Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

I am waiting an orange assembled since May 16. 😫

Postato : 25/06/2018 6:06 pm
Active Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Contact support and ask if there is anything holding up your kit, as long as your not waiting on powder coated sheet they should be able to get it out soon.

There seem to be a lot of orders getting shipped out early. My week 18 order just shipped Friday and should be here Wednesday

Postato : 26/06/2018 7:16 am
New Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Ordered an MK3 orange kit with powder coated sheet on May 6th. Chatted with support this morning and changed to smooth PEI sheet, got shipping notification a few hours later and according to UPS they've picked it up now!

Postato : 26/06/2018 5:51 pm
Pagina 79 / 88