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Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet  

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New Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Well, Dang! Mine was ordered on 1/23 and still shows backordered. I'm wondering how yours shipped when it was ordered almost 2 weeks later! Or, I guess I'm wondering why mine hasn't LOL Not cool Prusa.

Respondido : 05/04/2018 6:30 am
Active Member
Re: Re Shipping dates quoted here real?

Yes possible but not for all orders
I ordered w2 and chris.m35 w6
Happy for him but Prusa are not good
I sent a mail : no answer, and chatting always says next week, they're useless

Ever occur to anyone that the posts about early or current shipping just playing with us? I ordered 5th week. I am now not expecting untill end of April. and counting.

Respondido : 05/04/2018 7:51 am
Trusted Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Yeah a little transparency would go a long way. Not sure why mine shipped early while you guys are still waiting - I would also be frustrated. I wonder if they have teams fulfilling these as batches and some teams are more thorough/slower in testing the components and some teams don't test them out the same way? Or maybe one of the components failed when they were pulling the order and it slowed them down? No way to know unfortunately since we don't know how they fulfill them.

Respondido : 05/04/2018 12:16 pm
New Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

I ordered feb 4th and just got shipping notification.

Respondido : 05/04/2018 2:22 pm
Active Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Mine was ordered Feb 2. Yesterday I was told it would ship either next week or the week after. I am happy for the people getting their printer but seriously how are people who ordered after me already shipping and I have up to two more weeks of waiting for shipment...

Respondido : 05/04/2018 2:59 pm
New Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Got shipment notification from UPS for PRI-MK3-KIT-BLK-PEI ordered W4 (Jan 24).

Respondido : 05/04/2018 3:42 pm
Active Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

The guy who sticks labels on parcels did not understand that it was necessary to take labels in order 😆

Respondido : 05/04/2018 3:52 pm
Active Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

I think it’s more of an orange vs black kit thing. It seems orange is ahead by a week. If people would post what color they ordered, you may get a better idea.

Orange kit on Jan 20, currently in US customs

Respondido : 05/04/2018 4:26 pm
Active Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

I guess maybe the squeaky wheel gets the grease. My Feb 2nd order (in Black) shipped today

Respondido : 05/04/2018 4:58 pm
New Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

My orange kit ordered on February 8 shipped today, UPS says it will be delivered in Massachusetts on the 11th. Fingers crossed...

Respondido : 05/04/2018 6:35 pm
Active Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Meh, my black kit ordered January 17th still hasn't shipped. I finally caved and contacted support and they claim it will ship this week, but it's been bumped 4 times and now I see people that ordered a month after me shipping so I'm not too convinced.

Respondido : 05/04/2018 7:34 pm
New Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet


I am new here. I just placed an order for an Orange MK3 kit last night (April 4, 2018). Where are folks seeing their estimated shipping date? My order history status just shows "On backorder" and no estimated shipping date. I know they are behind but I kept seeing posts on this forum that folks were seeing shipping dates and that they had been bumped back or delayed, etc... Where can I find this information?

Thank you,

Respondido : 05/04/2018 8:27 pm
New Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Hi Mike,

Bellow order history in your account is link for shipping information:

They update it once per 1-2 weeks...

Respondido : 05/04/2018 8:31 pm
New Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Thank you for the information teapack. Much appreciated.


Respondido : 05/04/2018 8:44 pm
New Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

I ordered a black kit on Jan. 14 and my history shows still on backorder. My friend ordered an orange kit 3 weeks later than me and he got a shipping notice from UPS today. Apparently it is a black v orange issue. I went from insanely excited to miserably frustrated during this ordeal. Next time I'll think twice about ordering from Prusa. Very disappointed. 👿
Thanks for listening,

Respondido : 05/04/2018 8:50 pm
Active Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

I ordered a black kit on Jan. 14 and my history shows still on backorder. My friend ordered an orange kit 3 weeks later than me and he got a shipping notice from UPS today. Apparently it is a black v orange issue. I went from insanely excited to miserably frustrated during this ordeal. Next time I'll think twice about ordering from Prusa. Very disappointed. 👿
Thanks for listening,

Not just Black vs Orange. I ordered an orange kit Jan 24 and still have seen no progress. I finally contacted chat and they said they would put mine on priority but I am still skeptical.

Respondido : 05/04/2018 8:56 pm
Trusted Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Definitely not a black/orange thing. My black kit from Feb 5th shipped yesterday.

Respondido : 05/04/2018 9:50 pm
Reputable Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

My orange kit ordered on 1/28 was shipped on 4/4 so color doesn't appear to be a factor.
Maybe they are shipping in batches so that the delivery points are closer in geographic location ???

Respondido : 05/04/2018 10:17 pm
Active Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Chat told me that 13 janv black kits are not shipped yet and black kits ordered after couldn't be sent !
Are they taking customers for idiots ?

I ordered a black kit on Jan. 14 and my history shows still on backorder. My friend ordered an orange kit 3 weeks later than me and he got a shipping notice from UPS today. Apparently it is a black v orange issue. I went from insanely excited to miserably frustrated during this ordeal. Next time I'll think twice about ordering from Prusa. Very disappointed. 👿
Thanks for listening,

Respondido : 05/04/2018 11:02 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

I am also waiting for mk3 printer black (+ pla, pet) ordered 19.01.18. I've spoken with Prusa and they said that have some problems with filament supplier. issue will be resolved soon.

Respondido : 06/04/2018 1:13 am
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