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Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet  

Stránka 38 / 88
Trusted Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Yeah, I was joking about the Orange filament!

Considering what I have read about the filament sensor I am hoping they decided to update the parts and that this sudden lull in shipping is them retooling.

I'm disappointed with the time to ship especially after reading some of the issues that users are having with their printers. I placed my order on the assumption that the MK3 would produce prints of at least the same quality as the MK2s if not better.

The other thing I'm concerned about is that linear advance still hasn't been switched back on. It's been a few weeks now and you would think that the issues with it would have been worked out. Worst case the printer just never runs as fast as Prusa was hoping to achieve I suppose.

Ultimately I would have no issue with the wait at all but I got charged up front so it sure does feel like I'm providing free financing to Joe's Company here while I sit and watch a spreadsheet with tracking dates on it waiting for a printer that may have issues out of the box... I still want the printer. Just don't want to be disappointed and I especially don't want to regret my decision to buy it.

Been staring at the Peopoly SLA printer for several days now wondering.

Napsal : 15/02/2018 9:31 pm
Honorable Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Yeah, I was joking about the Orange filament!

Considering what I have read about the filament sensor I am hoping they decided to update the parts and that this sudden lull in shipping is them retooling.

I'm disappointed with the time to ship especially after reading some of the issues that users are having with their printers. I placed my order on the assumption that the MK3 would produce prints of at least the same quality as the MK2s if not better.

The other thing I'm concerned about is that linear advance still hasn't been switched back on. It's been a few weeks now and you would think that the issues with it would have been worked out. Worst case the printer just never runs as fast as Prusa was hoping to achieve I suppose.

Ultimately I would have no issue with the wait at all but I got charged up front so it sure does feel like I'm providing free financing to Joe's Company here while I sit and watch a spreadsheet with tracking dates on it waiting for a printer that may have issues out of the box... I still want the printer. Just don't want to be disappointed and I especially don't want to regret my decision to buy it.

Been staring at the Peopoly SLA printer for several days now wondering.

It sounds like the Filament sensor is making progress, but slowly. I'm personally thinking it might have issues with certain filament types/colors, due to it being optical.

Mk3 will eat a Mk2s for breakfast with LA on.

Speaking of LA, I think it's turned back on on the recent 'alpha' driver release. That may be wrong. But they are working on it. I would follow it MUCH closer... but... I don't have my Mk3 yet. 😛

I actually agree. because we already paid, and given an estimated ship date, it... That came and went 2 weeks ago, and still not even shipped! SURE WOULD BE NICE to get something FREE. (eg, a sample of Prusament would shut me up quick!)

I'm not interested in SLA. I don't think it's a great idea. It has most of the same problems as FDM.
I want a SLS. Holy crap they are such a smart system (No supports needed). I can see SLS printing metal in a few years, at similar prices to SLA today. Yes, you would need means of fireing it... but imagine printing TRUE copper, brass, aluminium, etc.

EDIT: Looking like today could become Prusa's slowest shipping day for Mk3 since Launch.

Hi, I'm Sean. I used to work on CNC machines.
I try to not make mistakes, but the decision is YOURS.
Please feel free to donate to my filament/maintance fund.

Napsal : 15/02/2018 9:59 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

They really should keep that shipping estimate page up to date within a couple of days of what it is instead of 2 weeks. Paying up front a decent sum of money (should of been a 50% now, 50% on shipped) to have little info given about issues and out of date shipping info, it starts to give the illustration of ya get it when ya get it and it get it how it comes. On the plus side though my week 50 order is bumped up a day earlier hahaha

Napsal : 16/02/2018 3:22 am
Trusted Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

In addition to any problems PRUSA might have producing printers they have a shipping problem with UPS. After getting notice that my printer had "shipped", it sat in for a day at UPS waiting for a "commercial invoice" . It then made a 1 hour trip to Koeln, Germany where it has sat for the last day and a half waiting for a "clearance agency review".
PRUSA support says it's UPS's problem with their new shipping service system.
Is anyone else seeing their printer successfully shipped recently (since 2/13)?

Napsal : 16/02/2018 12:47 pm
Trusted Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

In addition to any problems PRUSA might have producing printers they have a shipping problem with UPS. After getting notice that my printer had "shipped", it sat in for a day at UPS waiting for a "commercial invoice" . It then made a 1 hour trip to Koeln, Germany where it has sat for the last day and a half waiting for a "clearance agency review".
PRUSA support says it's UPS's problem with their new shipping service system.
Is anyone else seeing their printer successfully shipped recently (since 2/13)?

Same thing happened to me

Napsal : 17/02/2018 2:46 am
Honorable Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

In addition to any problems PRUSA might have producing printers they have a shipping problem with UPS. After getting notice that my printer had "shipped", it sat in for a day at UPS waiting for a "commercial invoice" . It then made a 1 hour trip to Koeln, Germany where it has sat for the last day and a half waiting for a "clearance agency review".
PRUSA support says it's UPS's problem with their new shipping service system.
Is anyone else seeing their printer successfully shipped recently (since 2/13)?

My printer was shipped with no issues but the filament I order got kicked back 3 times due to not having a commercial invoice.

Napsal : 17/02/2018 2:49 am
Active Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

In addition to any problems PRUSA might have producing printers they have a shipping problem with UPS. After getting notice that my printer had "shipped", it sat in for a day at UPS waiting for a "commercial invoice" . It then made a 1 hour trip to Koeln, Germany where it has sat for the last day and a half waiting for a "clearance agency review".
PRUSA support says it's UPS's problem with their new shipping service system.
Is anyone else seeing their printer successfully shipped recently (since 2/13)?

Mine shipped on 2/12 and arrived on 2/15. It's more than likely just the roll of the dice.

Napsal : 17/02/2018 7:54 am
New Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

No idea what's going on with mine... I guess I'll just be patient a little longer. UPS was saying Friday 2/16 by end of day but it seems to be stuck in Philly

Location Date Local Time Activity
Philadelphia, PA, United States 02/16/2018 9:58 A.M. Import Scan
02/16/2018 8:50 A.M. Arrival Scan
02/16/2018 2:11 A.M. The package is awaiting clearing agency review. / Your package was released by the clearing agency.
Koeln, Germany 02/16/2018 6:00 A.M. Departure Scan
02/16/2018 12:34 A.M. Arrival Scan
Prague, Czechia 02/15/2018 11:04 P.M. Departure Scan
02/15/2018 8:32 P.M. Export Scan
02/15/2018 1:35 P.M. The package is awaiting clearing agency review. / The package is at the clearing agency awaiting final release.
02/15/2018 5:01 P.M. Your package is being processed at the clearance agency. / Your package was released by the clearing agency.
Prague, Czechia 02/15/2018 4:08 P.M. Export Scan
02/15/2018 4:08 P.M. Origin Scan
02/15/2018 1:04 P.M. Pickup Scan
02/14/2018 8:30 P.M. A missing commercial invoice is causing a delay. / Your package was released by the clearing agency.
Prague, Czechia 02/14/2018 8:19 P.M. A missing commercial invoice is causing a delay.
02/14/2018 8:19 P.M. Your package is being processed at the clearance agency.
02/14/2018 8:19 P.M. Your package is being processed at the clearance agency. / Your package was released by the clearing agency.
Czechia 02/14/2018 6:45 P.M. Order Processed: Ready for UPS

Additional Information
Shipment Category:
Shipped/Billed On:
14.00 kgs

Napsal : 17/02/2018 3:29 pm
Trusted Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet


Did you get your printer? How long did it take?

It's still in Koeln:
Koeln, Germany 02/15/2018 9:02 P.M. The package will be forwarded to a UPS facility in the destination city.
02/15/2018 12:47 A.M. The package is awaiting clearing agency review. / The package is at the clearing agency awaiting final release.


Napsal : 17/02/2018 3:49 pm
Trusted Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet


Did you get your printer? How long did it take?

It's still in Koeln:
Koeln, Germany 02/15/2018 9:02 P.M. The package will be forwarded to a UPS facility in the destination city.
02/15/2018 12:47 A.M. The package is awaiting clearing agency review. / The package is at the clearing agency awaiting final release.


Hey Bob—that is exactly what mine says. Just on the 16th and not the 15th. Still no update.

What I am hoping is that the whole system updates on delivery day. That happens with UPS sometimes. Feels a world away and then it posts 5 updates in 3 hours and somehow ends up at my doorstep.

Napsal : 17/02/2018 6:19 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet


Did you get your printer? How long did it take?

It's still in Koeln:
Koeln, Germany 02/15/2018 9:02 P.M. The package will be forwarded to a UPS facility in the destination city.
02/15/2018 12:47 A.M. The package is awaiting clearing agency review. / The package is at the clearing agency awaiting final release.


Same time, same location. California delivery.

Napsal : 18/02/2018 3:18 am
Trusted Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Clearance agency can’t make up their mind about my delivery -_-

Does anyone know what this “clearing agency” actually is? Seems an odd holdup for export.

02/18/2018 7:19 P.M. The package is awaiting clearing agency review. / Your package was released by the clearing agency.
Koeln, Germany 02/18/2018 11:30 P.M. Departure Scan
Koeln, Germany 02/16/2018 9:09 P.M. The package will be forwarded to a UPS facility in the destination city.
02/16/2018 12:43 A.M. The package is awaiting clearing agency review. / The package is at the clearing agency awaiting final release.
Koeln, Germany 02/16/2018 6:00 A.M. Departure Scan
02/16/2018 12:34 A.M. Arrival Scan
Prague, Czechia 02/15/2018 11:04 P.M. Departure Scan
02/15/2018 6:52 P.M. Export Scan
02/15/2018 4:43 P.M. Your package is being processed at the clearance agency. / Your package was released by the clearing agency.
Prague, Czechia 02/15/2018 3:33 P.M. Export Scan
02/15/2018 3:33 P.M. Origin Scan
02/14/2018 5:55 P.M. A missing commercial invoice is causing a delay. / Your package was released by the clearing agency.
02/14/2018 5:22 P.M. Your package is being processed at the clearance agency.
Prague, Czechia 02/14/2018 5:22 P.M. A missing commercial invoice is causing a delay.
02/14/2018 5:22 P.M. Your package is being processed at the clearance agency. / Your package was released by the clearing agency.
Prague, Czechia 02/14/2018 1:59 P.M. Pickup Scan
Czechia 02/13/2018 9:22 A.M. Order Processed: Ready for UPS

Napsal : 19/02/2018 6:40 am
Eminent Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Each time the package goes into a country it has to clear customs. Most of the time if it just passing through a country this is just a paperwork step and done ahead of time electronically which is what your seeing. Basically UPS is passing along the contents declaration to each countries customs and they say, yeah thats okay to go through. In some cases things get flagged randomly for additional screening. In your case it looks like they picked it up and the first place checked the contents against the commercial invoice and it didn't line up (i.e. filament in there that wasn't declared).

Here is my completed tracking if it helps

02/07/2018 6:00 Out for Delivery
Calgary, AB, Canada 02/06/2018 14:17 The driver was unable to collect funds on the first delivery attempt. A second attempt will be made.
02/06/2018 8:59 Import Scan
02/06/2018 7:59 Arrival Scan
Sioux Falls, SD, United States 02/06/2018 6:29 Departure Scan
02/06/2018 6:29 Departure Scan
Calgary, AB, Canada 02/06/2018 5:24 The receiver must pay the duties or taxes due on the package.
02/06/2018 5:24 Import C.O.D. (ICOD) charges are due for this shipment.
02/06/2018 5:22 Your package is being processed at the clearance agency. / Receiver's customs broker has been assigned The shipment is now released to move in transit
Sioux Falls, SD, United States 02/06/2018 5:33 Arrival Scan
02/06/2018 5:30 Arrival Scan
Louisville, KY, United States 02/06/2018 4:33 Departure Scan
02/05/2018 23:15 The package is awaiting clearing agency review. / Your package was released by the clearing agency.
02/03/2018 1:53 Your package is being processed at the clearance agency.
Koeln, Germany 02/03/2018 7:00 Departure Scan
02/03/2018 0:10 Arrival Scan
Prague, Czechia 02/02/2018 22:54 Departure Scan
02/02/2018 21:55 Export Scan
02/02/2018 21:55 Origin Scan
02/02/2018 21:30 Your package is being processed at the clearance agency. / Your package was released by the clearing agency.
Prague, Czechia 02/02/2018 17:03 Pickup Scan
02/01/2018 16:20 Your package is being processed at the clearance agency.
Czechia 02/01/2018 15:36 Order Processed: Ready for UPS

Clearance agency can’t make up their mind about my delivery -_-

Does anyone know what this “clearing agency” actually is? Seems an odd holdup for export.

02/18/2018 7:19 P.M. The package is awaiting clearing agency review. / Your package was released by the clearing agency.
Koeln, Germany 02/18/2018 11:30 P.M. Departure Scan
Koeln, Germany 02/16/2018 9:09 P.M. The package will be forwarded to a UPS facility in the destination city.
02/16/2018 12:43 A.M. The package is awaiting clearing agency review. / The package is at the clearing agency awaiting final release.
Koeln, Germany 02/16/2018 6:00 A.M. Departure Scan
02/16/2018 12:34 A.M. Arrival Scan
Prague, Czechia 02/15/2018 11:04 P.M. Departure Scan
02/15/2018 6:52 P.M. Export Scan
02/15/2018 4:43 P.M. Your package is being processed at the clearance agency. / Your package was released by the clearing agency.
Prague, Czechia 02/15/2018 3:33 P.M. Export Scan
02/15/2018 3:33 P.M. Origin Scan
02/14/2018 5:55 P.M. A missing commercial invoice is causing a delay. / Your package was released by the clearing agency.
02/14/2018 5:22 P.M. Your package is being processed at the clearance agency.
Prague, Czechia 02/14/2018 5:22 P.M. A missing commercial invoice is causing a delay.
02/14/2018 5:22 P.M. Your package is being processed at the clearance agency. / Your package was released by the clearing agency.
Prague, Czechia 02/14/2018 1:59 P.M. Pickup Scan
Czechia 02/13/2018 9:22 A.M. Order Processed: Ready for UPS

Napsal : 19/02/2018 8:06 am
Active Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Clearance agency can’t make up their mind about my delivery -_-

Does anyone know what this “clearing agency” actually is? Seems an odd holdup for export.

02/18/2018 7:19 P.M. The package is awaiting clearing agency review. / Your package was released by the clearing agency.
Koeln, Germany 02/18/2018 11:30 P.M. Departure Scan
Koeln, Germany 02/16/2018 9:09 P.M. The package will be forwarded to a UPS facility in the destination city.
02/16/2018 12:43 A.M. The package is awaiting clearing agency review. / The package is at the clearing agency awaiting final release.
Koeln, Germany 02/16/2018 6:00 A.M. Departure Scan
02/16/2018 12:34 A.M. Arrival Scan
Prague, Czechia 02/15/2018 11:04 P.M. Departure Scan
02/15/2018 6:52 P.M. Export Scan
02/15/2018 4:43 P.M. Your package is being processed at the clearance agency. / Your package was released by the clearing agency.
Prague, Czechia 02/15/2018 3:33 P.M. Export Scan
02/15/2018 3:33 P.M. Origin Scan
02/14/2018 5:55 P.M. A missing commercial invoice is causing a delay. / Your package was released by the clearing agency.
02/14/2018 5:22 P.M. Your package is being processed at the clearance agency.
Prague, Czechia 02/14/2018 5:22 P.M. A missing commercial invoice is causing a delay.
02/14/2018 5:22 P.M. Your package is being processed at the clearance agency. / Your package was released by the clearing agency.
Prague, Czechia 02/14/2018 1:59 P.M. Pickup Scan
Czechia 02/13/2018 9:22 A.M. Order Processed: Ready for UPS

“clearing agency” should be the customs office, could take some time!
I had the same with a order from the USA to Germany. It needed to pass the “clearing agency” in the USA first and then again in Germany.

Any changes today? My printer should start shipping today 🙂 i'am so excited 😉

EDIT: LOL in the moment of clicking "submit" i got my trackingnumber via e-mail 😆

Napsal : 19/02/2018 2:40 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

“clearing agency” should be the customs office, could take some time!
I had the same with a order from the USA to Germany. It needed to pass the “clearing agency” in the USA first and then again in Germany.

Any changes today? My printer should start shipping today 🙂 i'am so excited 😉

Customs in Germany is a bit more strict than customs in the US. 🙂

For instance, for things under 800 USD, the US Customs basically just handwaives it through without even looking at it. We don't have to pay import taxes or anything else. That's rarely the same situation for most countries in Europe. 🙂

My package shipped, I think. And it landed in Kentucky this morning at about 2 am local time. So hopefully I'll get it delivered no later than Wednesday. Sadly, despite my repeated refreshing of UPS's tracking page, the package still hasn't left Kentucky. 😛

Napsal : 19/02/2018 2:45 pm
Active Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

"Missing commercial invoice" supposedly means customs or UPS didn't get the proper paperwork. I have a five day delay because of it. I'm rather annoyed... and it's still nearly 1000 miles away 10 days after the shipping label was created.

Louisville, KY, US
02/19/2018 2:28 A.M.
Arrival Scan
Koeln, DE
02/18/2018 11:02 P.M.
Departure Scan
Koeln, DE
02/16/2018 9:09 P.M.
The package will be forwarded to a UPS facility in the destination city.
02/16/2018 6:00 A.M.
Departure Scan
02/16/2018 12:34 A.M.
Arrival Scan
Prague, CZ
02/15/2018 11:04 P.M.
Departure Scan
02/15/2018 6:43 P.M.
Export Scan
02/15/2018 4:36 P.M.
Your package is being processed at the clearance agency. / Your package was released by the clearing agency.
Prague, CZ
02/15/2018 3:32 P.M.
Export Scan
02/15/2018 3:32 P.M.
Origin Scan
02/14/2018 8:15 P.M.
A missing commercial invoice is causing a delay. / Your package was released by the clearing agency.
02/14/2018 6:59 P.M.
Your package is being processed at the clearance agency.
02/14/2018 6:59 P.M.
Your package is being processed at the clearance agency. / Your package was released by the clearing agency.
Prague, CZ
02/14/2018 6:59 P.M.
A missing commercial invoice is causing a delay.
02/14/2018 4:55 P.M.
Pickup Scan
02/09/2018 12:46 P.M.
Order Processed: Ready for UPS

Napsal : 19/02/2018 5:48 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

“clearing agency” should be the customs office, could take some time!
I had the same with a order from the USA to Germany. It needed to pass the “clearing agency” in the USA first and then again in Germany.

Any changes today? My printer should start shipping today 🙂 i'am so excited 😉

EDIT: LOL in the moment of clicking "submit" i got my trackingnumber via e-mail 😆

mine should be soon but damn im like 1800 orders behind u (if the order numbers are in linear), though probably not all i3.3s, i just want my tracking no. nowwwwww. 🙁

Napsal : 19/02/2018 6:04 pm
Active Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Does anyone know if the upgrades started shipping yet? They were supposed to start late January, which turned into Mid-February according to the store page... 😯

Napsal : 20/02/2018 1:46 am
Honorable Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Does anyone know if the upgrades started shipping yet? They were supposed to start late January, which turned into Mid-February according to the store page... 😯

They're probably waiting on the powder coated PEI sheets

Napsal : 20/02/2018 2:52 am
New Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Does anyone know if the upgrades started shipping yet? They were supposed to start late January, which turned into Mid-February according to the store page... 😯

someone mentioned on a sticky post reply that support said they are delaying again to late February. not official though.

Napsal : 20/02/2018 3:01 am
Stránka 38 / 88