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Shape cut out tool  

Eminent Member
Shape cut out tool

Am I going insane? 


For a period of time I was able to add a shape in slicer that would cut that shape out of my model, I did it with some tubes to create holes and it worked perfectly.

I am on 2.7.1 and see no evidence of this tool.


I am sure I did not imagine it...

Napsal : 08/01/2024 2:09 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Shape cut out tool

Select the object your want to use the negative volume on in the right menu list.   Right mouse button to pull up a list of actions, select the "Add Negative Volume" and then upload one or select the type of volume.  Position and scale as needed.   The negative volume becomes a child of the part.

Some things about Negative/cut volumes. 

Negative volumes cannot be used to remove something outside of the print area.  If  part falls outside the print volume it will not slice.   It is an enhancement to allow slicing if negative volumes remove what is outside the print boundary,  not a bug according to support. 

Being able to save a .stl with the negative volume removed is still a work in progress.   It saves the .stl with merged/added volumes but does not always save the negative volume result in many cases for me. 

Napsal : 08/01/2024 2:44 pm