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Removing the beeper  

New Member
Removing the beeper

I live in an apartment and one of the many reasons why I purchased the mk3 was how quiet it is 🙂 Today I got a call from my neighbor they heard a beeping from my apartment and was wondering if they could loan me a battery for my smoke detector. Little did he know that it was my printer complaining about the filament 😀 So during my lunch break today I just desoldered the beeper and the printer still seems to run fine. Does anyone know the electronics well enough to know if I should replace it with a resister or something or if it is just okay to remove it?


Postato : 27/04/2018 7:02 pm
Reputable Member
Re: Removing the beeper

Remove the LCD board from the housing and stick a piece of tape over the buzzer hole.
It will become very very silent.

No need to unsolder.
But if you unsoldered it already, no need to do anything else.

Postato : 27/04/2018 7:17 pm