Removing PETG from Double-sided Textured PEI Powder-coated Spring Steel Sheet
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Removing PETG from Double-sided Textured PEI Powder-coated Spring Steel Sheet  

Active Member
Removing PETG from Double-sided Textured PEI Powder-coated Spring Steel Sheet

Hi - I am having trouble removing a bit of PETG, part of the support material, that feels completely glued to the textured sheet. Tried to use my nail to no avail. Please see pictures below. 

Any suggestions?

Thank you


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This topic was modified 6 years ago 2 times by leo
Posted : 25/06/2019 4:27 pm
RE: Removing PETG from Double-sided Textured PEI Powder-coated Spring Steel Sheet

Some users have reported that adding a drop of isopropanol on it and letting it soak for a minute or so helps, but this is primarily with TPU prints. Worth a shot though.

Posted : 25/06/2019 4:31 pm
Dave Avery
Honorable Member
RE: Removing PETG from Double-sided Textured PEI Powder-coated Spring Steel Sheet

also freezing the build plate is reported to help pop the print off

Posted : 25/06/2019 4:40 pm
Reputable Member
RE: Removing PETG from Double-sided Textured PEI Powder-coated Spring Steel Sheet

You could scrape with a plastic or silicone spatula to remove, I have a dedicated 3D spatula for print removal.  Since it is stuck on, make sure to flex the sheet and make sure it is cool. The support items are often hard to remove, but it does not look too bad, it should come off, just make sure to use something relatively soft - no screwdrivers or anything hard!!!!

Strange women, laying in ponds, distributing swords, is hardly a basis for a system of governance!

Posted : 26/06/2019 1:05 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Removing PETG from Double-sided Textured PEI Powder-coated Spring Steel Sheet
Posted by: david.a66

also freezing the build plate is reported to help pop the print off

Freezing also loosens the adhesive, so be careful with the sticker PEI sheets! It's a fine balance.

Hopefully the OP has read up on spraying with Windex or giving the PEI a wipe with the fingers before printing PETG in the future.

My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Posted : 26/06/2019 4:33 am
Trusted Member
RE: Removing PETG from Double-sided Textured PEI Powder-coated Spring Steel Sheet

Work out where it is on the build plate and print a 3-4 layer PETG layer over it then pop it off when cool, should remove the stuck on piece.

Posted : 03/07/2019 7:05 am
Noble Member
RE: Removing PETG from Double-sided Textured PEI Powder-coated Spring Steel Sheet

I second printing over it, but turn your bed temperature up to at least 90 maybe even 100, and print over the top with petg at a high temperature even 270 deg C for a few layers. You want the fresh hot PETG to partially melt what is already there and do it slowly, no more than 10mm/s, this way if anything is sticking up, the hot nozzle will melt it as it moves into it, and it will combine with the fresh PETG and after a few layers, there will be enough to remove the whole lot as one piece. Just let it cool fully before removal.


Normal people believe that if it is not broke, do not fix it. Engineers believe that if it is not broke, it does not have enough features yet.

Posted : 04/07/2019 6:52 pm
New Member
RE: Removing PETG from Double-sided Textured PEI Powder-coated Spring Steel Sheet

@bobstro @george-e7 @chocki 

Hi, i've tried all ideas from this tread to remove PET-G from powder coated steel sheet. Unfortunatly with no effects. Can i try to heat it with heat gun and try to scrape it with plastic card? Will I damage my steel sheet?


Posted : 05/01/2020 3:42 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Removing PETG from Double-sided Textured PEI Powder-coated Spring Steel Sheet
Posted by: @topeklc

Hi, i've tried all ideas from this tread to remove PET-G from powder coated steel sheet. Unfortunatly with no effects. Can i try to heat it with heat gun and try to scrape it with plastic card? Will I damage my steel sheet?

A heat gun can likely hit temps that might damage the PEI sheet. I'd just try heating the bed up and working on it there.

My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Posted : 05/01/2020 4:07 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Removing PETG from Double-sided Textured PEI Powder-coated Spring Steel Sheet

Hopefully the OP has read up on spraying with Windex or giving the PEI a wipe with the fingers before printing PETG in the future.

Could you suggest where to read this please? I just got a textured sheet and only print PETG. Thanks Gene

I found it in the next post, sorry, thanks.

This post was modified 5 years ago by GeneMpls
Posted : 08/01/2020 4:43 pm
Active Member
RE: Removing PETG from Double-sided Textured PEI Powder-coated Spring Steel Sheet

This was a surprising issue for me as well. As far as removing the print from the build surface. I found that freezing the build plate worked for me. However, it did eventually CRACK my PEI sheet, careful!

Here are 2 things you can do to prevent this from happening in the future.

  1. Apply some Windex to the build sheet before it heats up. Not sure what exactly is in it, but it will leave a slight residue on the build surface allowing it to be easily removed.
  2. Hair Spray, I switched over about a year ago and couldn't be happier. Simply add a thin layer to build surface while cool and your done. Not only does it help with the remove of PETG, but also it helps other materials stick reliably!

Rich 3D

Posted : 17/01/2020 1:13 pm
Noble Member
RE: Removing PETG from Double-sided Textured PEI Powder-coated Spring Steel Sheet

The OP has the double sided textured sheet, this is different to the smooth adhesive backed PEI sheet and normally with PETG does not require any windex or hairspray or glue sticks.

at the OP - Are you sure you haven't actually managed to print with the live-z too low and caught the sheet with the nozzle?, this leaves a smooth shiny finish to the textured sheet which looks a bit like a very thin layer of PETG stuck to it.

How do I know?, take one guess!. I use this side for test prints as it leaves the smoothed outline of the damage on the base of any prints done on this surface.


Normal people believe that if it is not broke, do not fix it. Engineers believe that if it is not broke, it does not have enough features yet.

Posted : 17/01/2020 8:21 pm
holmes4 liked
New Member
RE: Removing PETG from Double-sided Textured PEI Powder-coated Spring Steel Sheet
Posted by: @chocki

The OP has the double sided textured sheet, this is different to the smooth adhesive backed PEI sheet and normally with PETG does not require any windex or hairspray or glue sticks.

at the OP - Are you sure you haven't actually managed to print with the live-z too low and caught the sheet with the nozzle?, this leaves a smooth shiny finish to the textured sheet which looks a bit like a very thin layer of PETG stuck to it.

How do I know?, take one guess!. I use this side for test prints as it leaves the smoothed outline of the damage on the base of any prints done on this surface.


I have this exact problem and 1) I don't know how it occurred in the first place and 2) I don't know how to remove the PETG now. Is there a way to do it? Is it actually just scratched up and not a micro thin layer of PETG and my plate is permanently damaged?

Posted : 01/07/2020 10:16 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: Removing PETG from Double-sided Textured PEI Powder-coated Spring Steel Sheet

when I get this problem, I print a single layer test print over the area and then when I peel that off the build plate, it takes the supports off as well... 
If the support is near the middle of the build plate, Jeff Jordan's Life Adjust Z, My Way, test panel will probably do it for you...

regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Posted : 02/07/2020 12:33 am
New Member
RE: Removing PETG from Double-sided Textured PEI Powder-coated Spring Steel Sheet

I'm in the process of putting together a PETG-only printer, and my first test was a disaster. The PETC was savagely stuck to BOTH sides of the Textured/Smooth sheet, and no amount of prying/scraping/sanding/praying was having any result.

After trying to use acetone to remove the PETG, to no avail, I happened to have a quart of Ethyl Acetate, so I thought I'd give it a try.  After soaking a few paper towels with the ethyl acetate, I allowed the towels to sit and soak the residue in a well-ventilated area (my back porch). After a few minutes, the cruft started to soften, and I was eventually able to use a spatula and elbow grease to remove all traces of the PETG.

Just be aware that this should be done in a well-ventilated area and appropriate protective gear (gloves, goggles, etc) should be used.

Posted : 21/05/2022 8:01 pm