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Question about defects in prints  

Active Member
Question about defects in prints

Hello, I am new to 3d printing.  I have been trying, unsuccessfully, to find out what is causing this issue of mine in my prints.  Attached is a picture.  If you are able to provide me any input as to what might be causing this so that I can do further research to solve the issue, I would greatly appreciate it.  It seems to be happening on the corners only. It is PLA at 205 degrees with a bed plate of 60 degrees. 

Thanks for any and all input on this as I learn how to 3d print.

Opublikowany : 23/10/2019 9:07 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Question about defects in prints

It appears you have adhesion problems and the part corners are lifting off the bed causing over-extrusion (well, what looks like over-extrusion).  But the primary cause is the part isn't staying attached to the bed.   

Soap and water is the BEST cleaner. Alcohol works if you use gloves and lots of it with fresh plain paper towels (lint picker-uppers are loaded with oil); and keep hands and fingers away from the print surface. Oils and PLA do not mix and will cause you a lot of grief if you ignore this advice.

There is always a chance it isn't adhesion, a severely warped bed for example, or bent X rods;  but the most common problem is the bed is dirty.  Plus, larger parts can benefit from a bit higher bed temps to help parts stay stuck... 70C if a part is 200 mm across is where I generally set bed temps.

ps: the little curly ques are normal wipe marks, and are pretty much unavoidable. A razor blade makes the go away.

This post was modified 5 years temu by --
Opublikowany : 24/10/2019 4:29 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Question about defects in prints


Thanks for the information!

Opublikowany : 24/10/2019 11:33 am