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Prusament PETG Print Quality  

Eminent Member
Prusament PETG Print Quality

Morning everyone.

I've been doing prints ok for a while with my MK3S in PLA, but I decided I wanted to build a set of spare parts for my printer in case anything goes wrong. I purchased the black and orange Prusament PETG off the website and I'm using the settings set for Prusament PETG on PrusaSlicer 2.1.0, my issue is when you look at the finish of my parts compared to what I was supplied from Prusa there is a difference.

I was hoping someone could help me out to improve the prints, my main issues are as below:

  • Top layer surface finish is rough and not smooth.
  • Bridge infill is rough and around circular areas would need to run a drill in hole to allow guide rods to fit. On larger gaps the filament seems so sag slightly.
  • Also seem to get issues with elephant foot on the base of the item.

I'm using the recommended settings of 20% infill, Grid pattern and PETG, the only bit I'm unsure on is I'm using 0.6mm nozzle. 

Hoping one you experts can help me out improve the quality?

Napsal : 03/02/2020 10:34 am
Trusted Member
RE: Prusament PETG Print Quality

Prusament PETG is my favorite type of PETG. My spool is ~0.01mm tolerance and prints perfectly every time. I also use a 0.6mm nozzle.

What nozzle are you using?

I'm no expert compared to the others here but to me, it sounds like your issues are related to your Z offset (i.e. your nozzle is too close to the bed). Try running first layer calibration again and live adjusting your Z offset to be a bit higher off the bed. The only time I get rough surfaces or elephant foot is if this is the case.

Try also adjusting temps. I found default profile to be a bit much. I print most of my PETG at 240 / 80. You can go up to 85C bed for first layer, I've found that 90 is only needed if you don't have an enclosure or printing where there are drafts. If you go too high with bed temps, you will get elephant foot as well.

This post was modified před 5 years by nimaim
Napsal : 03/02/2020 1:03 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Prusament PETG Print Quality

In using the nozzle order from Prusa. Ill try that and see what I get.

Napsal : 03/02/2020 2:54 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Prusament PETG Print Quality

The above seems to have sorted the rough final surface finish but still have the issues of the bridging layer, its not too bad of any issue when its just in a basic overhang but when its the top of a circle hole it no good. I think with the current setup I would have to take a drill to the holes to remove the excess filament around the top or the pins etc would not fit in the hole. Any advice on this bit?

Napsal : 06/02/2020 9:29 am