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Prusament First Layer Issue  

Ira S
Trusted Member
Prusament First Layer Issue

I just opened a new spool of Prusament White PLA and started printing. The first layer has little "dots" (?) that I haven't seen before with other filament, including Prusament Black, which gave me awesome results. 

This straight out of the sealed package, first print with it.  I used Slic3rPE with the factory Prusament PLA setting. 

Any idea what caused this? 

First Layer

First Layer Pic

Publié : 13/06/2019 9:15 pm
Nigel a aimé
Dave Avery
Honorable Member
RE: Prusament First Layer Issue

just a guess, but it looks like its overextruded ( too low a live Z)

Publié : 13/06/2019 9:28 pm
Nigel a aimé
Reputable Member
RE: Prusament First Layer Issue

I concur with David-A-a66, that is just a bit to low on the live z.  I would do a first layer test print using the Life-z thread STL (in the assembly and first prints subforum) and just raise the live z a bit like 0.02 to 0.05 to get it dialed back in.  Use the tune menu once the print starts so you don't overwrite the live z you have set if it works for other filaments fine.

Strange women, laying in ponds, distributing swords, is hardly a basis for a system of governance!

Publié : 13/06/2019 10:30 pm
Nigel a aimé
Ira S
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Prusament First Layer Issue

Thanks, I'll try that on the next print. I have the first layer Z setting as it is to get good adhesion and good texture off the textured sheet (without seeing extrusion lines on the finished surface). But it's worth a try to see what raising the Z setting will do. 

Publié : 14/06/2019 2:44 pm
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