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Problem with Mk3 Filament sensor  

Estimable Member
Problem with Mk3 Filament sensor

I've had my Mk3 for years with no trouble. Recently it began reporting a problem with the Filament Sensor and only said that it could be either the sensor itself or the sensor cable that attaches it to the main board. I purchased a replacement for the sensor and the cable and have installed them, but the printer still reports the same errors.

Is there any way to get better error info, instead of just "It could be the sensor or cable" and telling me to fix the problem?

It sometimes indicates that I can "continue printing" but that does a bit of the initial head movement and then stops and the screen goes back to the main menu.

I've tried to turn OFF the checking of the Filament Sensor so (presumably) it doesn't even bother to check it, but that also doesn't have any positive impact. I still can't do a print. Also, it's not remembering that the Filament Sensor is in the OFF state in Settings between turning the printer off and later back on again. Shouldn't it remember that?

Also, if I turn the Filament Sensor Setting to OFF and then do a Calibration Wizard it automatically turns the Filament Sensor Setting to ON, detects the same problem with the sensor, and stops the Wizard with a Failure report. Should it do that, automatically overriding the OFF setting?

Napsal : 22/10/2024 2:46 am