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Printer stopped extruding. How do I prevent this?  

Active Member
Printer stopped extruding. How do I prevent this?

My extruder stopped extruding near the end of printing this temp tower. How do I troubleshoot this problem?

Best Answer by Dave Avery:

that may be normal.. you may have dropped the temp down far enough that the filament couldn't extrude any more - try printing at 200C and see if it's better. you may need to preheat and remove the filament in the extruder by hand  if the gears ground it down too much to feed

Publié : 06/09/2019 9:01 pm
Dave Avery
Honorable Member
RE: Printer stopped extruding. How do I prevent this?

that may be normal.. you may have dropped the temp down far enough that the filament couldn't extrude any more - try printing at 200C and see if it's better. you may need to preheat and remove the filament in the extruder by hand  if the gears ground it down too much to feed

Publié : 06/09/2019 9:44 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Printer stopped extruding. How do I prevent this?

This is good to hear. I ran a Z-calibration just to see what the extruder would do- it seemed to extrude fine. So now I'm printing another treefrog at the normal 215 and it seems to be going fine. Thanks for the help.

Publié : 06/09/2019 9:48 pm
Prominent Member
RE: Printer stopped extruding. How do I prevent this?

AFAIK, the printer has a firmware "feature" that stops extrusion somewhere around 175°C. I remember seeing a thread where someone wanted to print with a custom filament that needed cooler temperatures (around 160°C or 170°C) and I think the resolution was for them to download Prusa's firmware source and then compile their own firmware after changing the hard-coded low-temperature safety cutout temperature. Though I could be wrong and it was some advanced gcode lines in a terminal to change the EEPROM setting.

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Publié : 07/09/2019 12:54 am
Dave Avery
Honorable Member
RE: Printer stopped extruding. How do I prevent this?

there is a reason you print temp towers starting at high temps and decrease as you go up the tower. if you select too low a temp the whole tower would fail if you started with low temps and worked up

Publié : 07/09/2019 3:18 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Printer stopped extruding. How do I prevent this?

I appreciate everyone's help with this. It's been printing fine since this happened. I believe it was simply the lower temperature that was preventing it from extruding, as several of you mentioned. Thanks again.

Publié : 09/09/2019 5:00 pm
Dave Avery a aimé
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