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Printer only uses 4/5 of the print plate  

Active Member
Printer only uses 4/5 of the print plate

When my new Prusa MK3s printer does it's all 9 points test it starts at the far left and checks there just fine it then goes to close to the middle of the plate and checks there then it stops one square before the far right and checks there.  It doesn't go to the far right line like it does on the far left.  Is this a setting I am suppose to change or is this normal behavior?  Just want to ensure I am using all the surface area if it is available.


 Thank you


Opublikowany : 06/03/2020 1:36 am
Prominent Member
RE: Printer only uses 4/5 of the print plate

The PINDA probe on the side of the extruder is what is doing the sensing, not the nozzle. Watch it again and pay attention to where the PINDA probe is when it is doing it's sensing.

I'd also advise enabling the 7x7 mesh leveling. I forget exactly where that is configured, but I think it is buried deep in the calibration menu on the front of the printer.

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Opublikowany : 06/03/2020 2:01 am
chrisbloom7 polubić