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Printer is trash !  

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Printer is trash !

Hi , 

I ordered this MK3S and MMU2S because of a lot off "Marketing" Infos , best printer and so on . But right now I'm really pissed off.

I ordered a lot of original Prusament filament PETG and so on , during the print the printer stops (gcode from Prusa site , enclosure) and told me rewarming in a room with about 30 degree , and it starts again printing with an offset off a few millimeters. so I wasted a lot of filament and time because of the printer !

before I had a Ender 3 this never happend .. I guess I  should go back to Chinese quality ! even the spool join does not work .So wated more then 10 hours and 250+ grams of Prusament.


Publié : 02/07/2019 11:01 pm
Noble Member
RE: Printer is trash !

Hello Oliver,

You can always contact Live Support and ask for help. We can also try to help you but for this we need a more detailed error description. Like display messages, temperatures.... Also the firmware version you're using and for how long you have the printer already. I can see painted front cover, so it doesn't look like freshly assembled.  Any information is helpful to give you better hints for the solution.

You can also go through the firmware github issue log to check if something similar was reported before.

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Publié : 03/07/2019 12:19 am
Noble Member
RE: Printer is trash !

mine works.

I have a Prusa,therefore I research.

Publié : 03/07/2019 2:32 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Printer is trash !
Posted by: OliverD

[...] I ordered a lot of original Prusament filament PETG and so on , during the print the printer stops (gcode from Prusa site , enclosure) and told me rewarming in a room with about 30 degree , and it starts again printing with an offset off a few millimeters. so I wasted a lot of filament and time because of the printer !

You probably should have mastered the printer basics before trying to get it to work over USB. What you are describing can easily be caused by timeouts -- an overloaded Octoprint instance for example -- causing pauses. The "rewarming" means it's stopping, then ensuring temps are correct before resuming.  It look like you're trying 9 hour prints on day one without getting everything tuned. I admire the ambition, but suggest slowing down just a tad. Try printing from the SD card to make sure you don't have rudimentary connectivity issues.

Did you take a Sharpie to that faceplate?

My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Publié : 03/07/2019 3:40 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Printer is trash !

Full bed print, curls, crashes, and worried about losing 10 hours of print time.  I can't wait to hear what you'll say when a 90 hour print crashes 30 hours in.

Seriously - if you are struggling with the MK3, perhaps moving back to the Ender will be best for your psyche.  Sell the MK3 on eBay, pretty sure you'll be able to find a local buyer.

If you are interested in getting the MK3 to work - I can suggest unhitching the MMUS until you've mastered the printer by itself.  Once you have the MK3S tuned and working as expected, then reattach the MMU and begin tuning it.

Publié : 03/07/2019 4:36 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Printer is trash !

Hi ,

assembled about 3 weeks ago , firmware update yesterday before the print to 3.7.2 , printed over repetier server pro , g-code as already written from prusa side. USB cable length about 60cm, 

second try stopped also after about 3 hours

I have made some good prints before, before firmware update.

Publié : 03/07/2019 6:47 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Printer is trash !

additional info , the repetier server is not on a pi zero , it is on a PI 3B + with original PSU and only the MK3 is attached 

Publié : 03/07/2019 7:17 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Printer is trash !
Posted by: OliverD

additional info , the repetier server is not on a pi zero , it is on a PI 3B + with original PSU and only the MK3 is attached 

That doesn't mean use of a USB connection can't be a problem. I've been printing for well over a year with few problems. I've recently configured octopi and have started using it. While it works wonderfully, I have experienced numerous timeouts and layer shifts since converting from direct SD to USB printing, even with a RPi 3B+. The more powerful RPi is a good thing, but even the 3 can get loaded unexpectedly. The USB cable itself can cause resets, for example if the cabinet is bumped as happened to me this morning. Before starting a rant about how the printer is crap, you really should isolate the problems. Remove the USB connection from the equation and try printing directly from SD card until you're certain of where the problem originates.

If you were able to make good prints before the firmware update, how on earth are you coming to the conclusion that the printer has suddenly turned to crap?

You can be as pissed off as you want, but this is not paid Prusa support. This is a community support platform. Nobody here is paid to take your abuse. If you want help, we are happy to assist. Do not use this platform to rant unless you're prepared to get some serious push back.



My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Publié : 03/07/2019 3:32 pm
Sam, Nikolai et vintagepc ont aimé
Illustrious Member
RE: Printer is trash !

Another thought;  in reading these forums for months and months, I've heard enough anectdotal evidence that the USB port on the EINSY has "just enough" cpu power to download new firmware.  That using it for anything else is prone to failure.  The Prusa firmware is not written for real time applications, and is too busy handling print functions to deal with USB overhead while printing.

This might be an incorrect opinion based on misinformation, but it's the general sense of the issue.  Any time people have problems printing, and Octoprint is involved, the first recommendation is to unplug the USB cable and try printing from the SD card.


Publié : 03/07/2019 4:48 pm
Dave Avery
Honorable Member
RE: Printer is trash !

i print almost 100% from octoprint without problems ( rasp-pi 3+ via USB to EINSY) or 2 mk3s. I have had "slow downs" when the pi was overloaded by too many octoprint plug-ins running during a print. i saw the problem by logging in to the pi via ssh and running top and seeing the system load was over 2. it still printed fine just the printer was hesitating between moves waiting the the pi to send over the next g-code

Publié : 03/07/2019 5:37 pm
Noble Member
RE: Printer is trash !

Like bobstro said, the regular approach is to eliminate the factors one by one. Start with minimal setup and work your way up. Most of the time it helps at least to narrow the issue down to some components.

Nobody is saying that using RP3 is causing issues in general. It's just one of the components which might cause this issue.

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Publié : 03/07/2019 5:43 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Printer is trash !
Posted by: nikolai.r

[...] Nobody is saying that using RP3 is causing issues in general. It's just one of the components which might cause this issue.

Exactly. It may be as simple as a faulty or improperly secured cable. The RPi might be rattling around. There could be configuration issues. The easiest way to determine whether any of these are a factor is to eliminate them from the equation. Print directly from USB. If the problem persists, you know it's not the RPi, Octoprint or the cabling and can zero in on the real problem. If there is one.

My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Publié : 03/07/2019 5:59 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Printer is trash !

Hi ,

I have used octoprint and repetier for month with my previous printer without any issues with the same 60cm USB cable so the setup was equal except the printer changed .

I used repetier for the last 3 weeks with no issues ,I logged the cpu of the pi for hours , between 14 and 23% .

yesterday I updated to 3.7.2 and the first print started with these problems , x moved during print (after ~10hours) to full left ... display rewarming , moved back to print with an x offset off 2-3 mm .


by the way printing the benchy from SD had a layershift printing same file from repetier not ...

Publié : 03/07/2019 6:04 pm
Noble Member
RE: Printer is trash !

Are you saying your initial problem is gone if you print from SD card?

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Publié : 03/07/2019 6:10 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Printer is trash !

No , I sad when I print the benchy from the delivered SD card and I had a layer shift ,

copy the the same file to my repetier server print was fine , so that was the reason not to print 10-15 hours from SD card because I assumed this one is not reliable 

Publié : 03/07/2019 6:13 pm
Dave Avery
Honorable Member
RE: Printer is trash !

layer shift could be "Crash detection". i find the printer does not re-home to the exact same position on a re-home. easy test is either look at the stats at the end of the job for crash detect counts or just disable crash detection and see if it works better

Publié : 03/07/2019 6:14 pm
Noble Member
RE: Printer is trash !

ok. Let's do one step back. Your initial complain/issue is "waiting for warming up". Layer shifts is completely different story, please don't mix up everything.

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Publié : 03/07/2019 6:15 pm
Nigel a aimé
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Printer is trash !

I dont mix it up 

first after assembling the printer and after calibration I did a test print from the SD card (Benchy) to see the quality and maybe errors , during this print from SD card I had a layer shift in the middle of the print .

I decided to print the same file from a different source ( my repetier server) and the print was fine so my guess was the SD card might be not "good"

then I print for a few weeks with repetier even 50 hour prints , which were fine till yesterday.

yesterday I updated the FW to 3.7.2 , and the first print after update was not reliable .

right now the problem is the "rewarming/re-homing" after ~10hours and not moving back to the correct x position (2-3mm)

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Publié : 03/07/2019 6:24 pm
Noble Member
RE: Printer is trash !
Posted by: OliverD

I dont mix it up 

first after assembling the printer and after calibration I did a test print from the SD card (Benchy) to see the quality and maybe errors , during this print from SD card I had a layer shift in the middle of the print .

I would suggest to go to the square one. Print this benchy from SD card and try to figure out why you had layer shifts and what other issues you might also have. Fix it before trying something more complex.

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Publié : 03/07/2019 6:37 pm
bobstro a aimé
Active Member
RE: Printer is trash !

I probably would have blamed a botched firmware update before the printer, all other variables being equal.

Publié : 03/07/2019 7:29 pm
Casey a aimé
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