The bed temperature comes up to 60 and holds.
When the Extruder temperature reaches 170 the heating process shuts down. I get a PREHEAT ERROR.
I’ve checked all the cables and they are in the correct locations.
The temperature reads fine in the display , until it reaches 170, then the target temperatures go to zero
and the Display reads the temperatures until they reach room temperature.
Sounds suspiciously like a bad thermistor: they heat up then fail open; hence temps rise then at some point drops to zero. And, the failure is intermittent: when it cools down, everything is fine again. But a closer inspection will usually reveal the 25c resistance is not correct.
Anyway - order a new thermistor from Prusa ... that way you get the proper cable length and termination. Or order from E3D, but you'll probably need to adjust lengths and connector.
Try PID calibration; if the issue persists then do the same thermistor tests.