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Powder Coated PEI Steel Sheet  

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Re: Powder Coated PEI Steel Sheet

It seems like they are 1/3 to 1/2 the way through the list, but it is hard to judge because we do not know whow they are shipping or sending out vouchers.

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Postato : 12/03/2019 11:47 am
Illustrious Member
Re: Powder Coated PEI Steel Sheet

It seems like they are 1/3 to 1/2 the way through the list, but it is hard to judge because we do not know whow they are shipping or sending out vouchers.
I'm encouraged. In any case, they seem to beating the "years" projection many were casting not so long ago. I'm hopeful they'll be able to ramp up and produce at scale so this becomes a non-issue.

My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Postato : 12/03/2019 3:14 pm
Re: Powder Coated PEI Steel Sheet

It seems like they are 1/3 to 1/2 the way through the list, but it is hard to judge because we do not know whow they are shipping or sending out vouchers.
I'm encouraged. In any case, they seem to beating the "years" projection many were casting not so long ago. I'm hopeful they'll be able to ramp up and produce at scale so this becomes a non-issue.

Yes, things really seem to have sped up judging by the claims of vouchers received recently... Seems promising since their recent blog post indicated they're doing it all in house now instead of trying to browbeat suppliers into getting them the level of quality they want.

Postato : 12/03/2019 3:22 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Powder Coated PEI Steel Sheet

I am surprised there are not more folks joining to buy the kick starter.

Yeah this is going to turn our really sad for prusa if this kickstarter can pull off in 6 months what prusa cant in over 3 times that amount of time.

Postato : 12/03/2019 7:23 pm
Re: Powder Coated PEI Steel Sheet

I am surprised there are not more folks joining to buy the kick starter.

Yeah this is going to turn our really sad for prusa if this kickstarter can pull off in 6 months what prusa cant in over 3 times that amount of time.

That's not a fair comparison, the guy said he's been working on it for quite some time already before it launched.

Postato : 12/03/2019 8:15 pm
Reputable Member
Re: Powder Coated PEI Steel Sheet

One on eBay sold for $200. Opening bid 200, no other bids. But it now for 250. Mine went for less.

Well that one falls more along the lines of "a fool and his gold"...

As for the Kickstarter and TheKinngg sheets I have to say the kickstarter one appears similar to TheKinngg's sheet which is not nearly as nice as Prusa's. Also, I'm a bit skeptical of the need for $30K and a September delivery, for some reason that throws up all kinds of red flags to me.

Postato : 12/03/2019 10:07 pm
Re: Powder Coated PEI Steel Sheet

One on eBay sold for $200. Opening bid 200, no other bids. But it now for 250. Mine went for less.

Well that one falls more along the lines of "a fool and his gold"...

As for the Kickstarter and TheKinngg sheets I have to say the kickstarter one appears similar to TheKinngg's sheet which is not nearly as nice as Prusa's. Also, I'm a bit skeptical of the need for $30K and a September delivery, for some reason that throws up all kinds of red flags to me.

I have to say that I have changed my mind also.

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Postato : 13/03/2019 1:02 am
Re: Powder Coated PEI Steel Sheet

It seems like they are 1/3 to 1/2 the way through the list, but it is hard to judge because we do not know whow they are shipping or sending out vouchers.
I'm encouraged. In any case, they seem to beating the "years" projection many were casting not so long ago. I'm hopeful they'll be able to ramp up and produce at scale so this becomes a non-issue.

I hope we are right.

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Postato : 13/03/2019 1:05 am
Re: Powder Coated PEI Steel Sheet

One on eBay sold for $200. Opening bid 200, no other bids. But it now for 250. Mine went for less.

Well that one falls more along the lines of "a fool and his gold"...

As for the Kickstarter and TheKinngg sheets I have to say the kickstarter one appears similar to TheKinngg's sheet which is not nearly as nice as Prusa's. Also, I'm a bit skeptical of the need for $30K and a September delivery, for some reason that throws up all kinds of red flags to me.

On the topic of red flags I found it interesting it's a flat price regardless of your bed size. So the guy with a 150x150 bed and the guy with a 320x320 bed both pay the same rate, yet one uses more than 4x the material. So either someone's getting a fantastic deal, or someone's getting ripped off.

Postato : 13/03/2019 1:56 am
Re: Powder Coated PEI Steel Sheet

One on eBay sold for $200. Opening bid 200, no other bids. But it now for 250. Mine went for less.

Well that one falls more along the lines of "a fool and his gold"...

As for the Kickstarter and TheKinngg sheets I have to say the kickstarter one appears similar to TheKinngg's sheet which is not nearly as nice as Prusa's. Also, I'm a bit skeptical of the need for $30K and a September delivery, for some reason that throws up all kinds of red flags to me.

On the topic of red flags I found it interesting it's a flat price regardless of your bed size. So the guy with a 150x150 bed and the guy with a 320x320 bed both pay the same rate, yet one uses more than 4x the material. So either someone's getting a fantastic deal, or someone's getting ripped off.

zNever thougb about it that way.

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Postato : 13/03/2019 3:50 am
Eminent Member
Re: Powder Coated PEI Steel Sheet

One on eBay sold for $200. Opening bid 200, no other bids. But it now for 250. Mine went for less.

Well that one falls more along the lines of "a fool and his gold"...

As for the Kickstarter and TheKinngg sheets I have to say the kickstarter one appears similar to TheKinngg's sheet which is not nearly as nice as Prusa's. Also, I'm a bit skeptical of the need for $30K and a September delivery, for some reason that throws up all kinds of red flags to me.

I said I wasn't going to post again, but statements like this bother me. The likelihood of delivery is approximately 1 to 1.5 months before September, but unlike other Kickstarters, we'd rather under-promise and over-deliver. It's really amazing how people assume the worst and jump to conclusions just to try to write it off as a 'red flag' to comfort themselves.

It takes approximately one month to even receive the funds from Kickstarter, so that's one month down the drain. Ordering of supplies is 2-3 weeks; figure a month if there are shipping delays. Manufacturing is a solid two months, especially when quality control (produced in USA) is factored in. Shipping to backers is two weeks at best. This all assumes there are no setbacks; Kickstarter projects are known to have setbacks, and we weren't going to be known for being a project that doesn't deliver when we said we were, because we have future 3D printing accessories planned to launch. 🙂

So, the funds would be received at the start of May, supplies would be ready to be utilized by the start of June, production starts immediately and two months later, finishes at the start of August. Backers would be starting to receive shipments in the middle of August. To sum all of that up, it's not an unrealistic delivery goal in my book.

The delivery date was also set based on selling 500 units, and that is also what the campaign goal of $30K was based on. Neither can be changed dynamically. Similar USA Kickstarters have raised at least $30K and $60K respectively for build plate systems, so it's not a non-realistic goal by any means. 500 units is nothing for mass production; to sell only 100 units would mean the prices go up dramatically and then people wouldn't want to pay that price.

Lastly, the cost to produce each sheet is the same, which is stated in the Kickstarter. You can't look at it from a pure raw material standpoint..

Postato : 13/03/2019 4:56 am
Eminent Member
Re: Powder Coated PEI Steel Sheet

One on eBay sold for $200. Opening bid 200, no other bids. But it now for 250. Mine went for less.

Well that one falls more along the lines of "a fool and his gold"...

As for the Kickstarter and TheKinngg sheets I have to say the kickstarter one appears similar to TheKinngg's sheet which is not nearly as nice as Prusa's. Also, I'm a bit skeptical of the need for $30K and a September delivery, for some reason that throws up all kinds of red flags to me.

I said I wasn't going to post again, but statements like this bother me. The likelihood of delivery is 2-3 months before September, but unlike other Kickstarters, we'd rather under promise and overdeliver. It's really amazing how people assume the worst and jump to conclusions just to try to write it off as a 'red flag' to comfort themselves.

Lastly, the cost to produce each sheet is virtually the same, which is stated in the Kickstarter, and you can't look at it from a pure raw material standpoint.

Postato : 13/03/2019 5:01 am
Reputable Member
Re: Powder Coated PEI Steel Sheet

Manufacturing is a solid two months, especially when quality control (produced in USA) is factored in.

I'm not so sure why the US is so special, but sn't this exactly the same reason why Prusa are having issues ?


Postato : 13/03/2019 8:26 am
Re: Powder Coated PEI Steel Sheet

This is like religion, you are unlikely to convert many minds here.

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Postato : 13/03/2019 10:42 am
Eminent Member
Re: Powder Coated PEI Steel Sheet

Manufacturing is a solid two months, especially when quality control (produced in USA) is factored in.

I'm not so sure why the US is so special, but sn't this exactly the same reason why Prusa are having issues ?


I don't work for Prusa, so I am not going to make assumptions to what their struggles have been with. Quality control for us means that each sheet will be checked and not just the entire batch/spot checking random sheets.

Postato : 13/03/2019 3:31 pm
Re: Powder Coated PEI Steel Sheet

Quality control varies from country to country. There is no standard.

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Postato : 13/03/2019 3:43 pm
Re: Powder Coated PEI Steel Sheet

Lastly, the cost to produce each sheet is the same, [...] You can't look at it from a pure raw material standpoint..

OK, I'll bite - why is this the case? I'm genuinely interested. I realize product cost is not purely raw material but generally that is a significant portion of the expense. Obviously there is labour involved to get it from raw to final but it seems like that should be similar regardless of the bed size - processes up until the actual bed production (mixing the coating etc) are the same regardless of the dimensions. So the divergence happens either when you a) cut a large coated piece of metal to the customer's specified size as a final step, or b) cut the base metal sheet to size and then coat it.

Yet neither of those seem to differ in process afterwards; the steps would still be the same and the only variable being the size of the input.

The only thing I can think of here is that because of the large variability of custom sizes, you are not hitting any sort of economy-of-scale thresholds with your supplier and so are getting charged a very high rate-per-unit to amortize any tooling and equipment setup for said customizations.

Postato : 13/03/2019 3:53 pm
Reputable Member
Re: Powder Coated PEI Steel Sheet

Or if you're a custom manufacturer inspection requirements vary from job to job... Granted I don't deal with anything as small as printer sheets but I do a lot of steel fabrication and all of it is unique. Some of what I'm running through the shop currently... First pile is this weeks scrap from the Plasma and Oxyfuel cutter, the waterjets and Laser are in a cleaner building...

Postato : 13/03/2019 4:05 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Powder Coated PEI Steel Sheet

Lastly, the cost to produce each sheet is the same, [...] You can't look at it from a pure raw material standpoint..

OK, I'll bite - why is this the case? I'm genuinely interested.

The only thing I can think of here is that because of the large variability of custom sizes, you are not hitting any sort of economy-of-scale thresholds with your supplier and so are getting charged a very high rate-per-unit to amortize any tooling and equipment setup for said customizations.

Correct! We use a coil fed laser blanking system as it's the most efficient and less human labor/sources of error compared to a pallet changer.

Postato : 13/03/2019 4:14 pm
Honorable Member
Re: Powder Coated PEI Steel Sheet

Received my voucher today. I ordered October 28th 2017

Postato : 14/03/2019 3:54 pm
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