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Powder Coated PEI Sheets: NOW SHIPPING  

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Illustrious Member
Re: Powder Coated PEI Sheets: NOW SHIPPING

[...] Those who selected the powder coated sheets as an option early on received their printer with a free stickered sheet and also received their free powder coated sheets.
That's the category I'm in, and I never received a free PC sheet. According to everything I've read, I'll receive notification and my voucher when they're available. I'm sure there have been plenty of mix-ups, but I'm not going to throw a tantrum because somebody else got something I didn't. I'm in the line. I'm waiting my turn. It's not the end of the world. Prusa sent me the more expensive option, and I got my printer a couple of months earlier than I would have if Prusa had stopped shipments. If they had provided an option, knowing what I know now, I would have chosen the exact same option. It's a texture for god's sake. I could have cancelled or pursued a refund at any time, but opted not to. It's a bit like picking a security line at the airport. One may move faster than the others. Getting upset that the other line is moving faster won't help.

My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Veröffentlicht : 24/08/2018 5:32 pm
Illustrious Member
Re: Powder Coated PEI Sheets: NOW SHIPPING

What i have a Problem with:
I orderd in September 17... and don't even have the Voucher yet. And it may take month to get the sheet.

I didn't order so early, but in early January 18. I don't have the voucher either. They've pretty clearly stated the vouchers will come after shipments start. I'm not sure what having a voucher I can't use in my account would gain me.

( i got the mail that i could decide when i was in Holidays and when i came home the printer was already delivered. - no choise for me - just a delivered Product that doesn't have the promised specs).That clearly upset you at the time. I'm assuming you left it in the box and didn't print with it due to this glaring deficiency. Did you pursue a refund at that time?

People that orderd half a year later got it already... and that sucks. It sucks in the same way that they didn't get the more expensive PEI sticker sheet I guess. Things change with every product. They had to withdraw an option that was simply not available for a period. More expensive alternatives were provided. Doing anything else would be business suicide. So yeah, it sucks (a little bit) and somebody else got a toy I didn't.

The only fair way would be not to sell any new coated sheets. And first deliver to the customers that orderd it first. Prusa destroying the company over something so minor might be "fair" in your mind, but it's sheer idiocy from a business perspective. Prusa going under certainly doesn't do me any good. They had a glitch. They did the best they could to work through it fairly. Anybody not happy could have sought a refund or cancel.

but shure.... that would mean to get less money. Its prusa. sell stuff they can't deliver.
When i buy a car i also have to wait for long. but i pay one day before delivery. not years...
That's certainly not true. People waiting for Teslas have put down thousands and are still waiting. Any hot item is going to be the same way.

The Problem is: There is no real alternative. If there was - Prusa would have a Problem.
They are selling more than they can produce. It's a good problem to have. If you weren't willing to wait in line, it would be an inferior product. It's like the hot toy at Christmas. Try buying something else and telling your kids it's just as good. You sometimes have to wait for the good stuff. It's part of adulthood.

My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Veröffentlicht : 24/08/2018 5:41 pm
Honorable Member
Re: Powder Coated PEI Sheets: NOW SHIPPING

I'm sure there have been plenty of mix-ups, but I'm not going to throw a tantrum because somebody else got something I didn't. I'm in the line. I'm waiting my turn. It's not the end of the world.

I'm certainly not throwing a tantrum. I just think the whole thing was mishandled from the beginning.

Veröffentlicht : 24/08/2018 6:05 pm
Illustrious Member
Re: Powder Coated PEI Sheets: NOW SHIPPING

I'm certainly not throwing a tantrum. I just think the whole thing was mishandled from the beginning.
Not you, and sorry for not being clear. There have been some very petulant posts. It's gone badly, to be sure, but I think Prusa has done a pretty good job of trying to make things right within the parameters of running a business responsibly. I'm... not really disappointed or annoyed, just mildly frustrated... but everything that they've done makes sense when I think about it unemotionally. I could have cancelled or pursued a refund. I received the more expensive sheet. I am able to print just fine.

My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Veröffentlicht : 24/08/2018 6:50 pm
Re: Powder Coated PEI Sheets: NOW SHIPPING

Based on the number of posts I am seeing that printers are starting to ship form June with powered coated sheets, I suspect the the supply is picking up.

Keep up the faith.

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Veröffentlicht : 24/08/2018 6:52 pm
Active Member
Re: Powder Coated PEI Sheets: NOW SHIPPING

My order was expected to ship in late January when the Prusa communicated that the powder coated sheets would become available. I didn't contact Prusa to delay my order because they already communicated that my order should ship with one in their news letter. To my dismay, I received it with a stickered sheet and got to watch people who ordered their printers months after mine get their sheets before me because they chose the powder coated sheet at checkout; which wasn't an option for early buyers.

Did you actually receive an email from Prusa regarding the option to do nothing or wait? I can't find anything in my inbox.

Veröffentlicht : 25/08/2018 1:18 am
Re: Powder Coated PEI Sheets: NOW SHIPPING

My order was expected to ship in late January when the Prusa communicated that the powder coated sheets would become available. I didn't contact Prusa to delay my order because they already communicated that my order should ship with one in their news letter. To my dismay, I received it with a stickered sheet and got to watch people who ordered their printers months after mine get their sheets before me because they chose the powder coated sheet at checkout; which wasn't an option for early buyers.

Did you actually receive an email from Prusa regarding the option to do nothing or wait? I can't find anything in my inbox.

When I purchased my printer it clearly listed in the description "Powder coated PEI spring steel print sheet" as a feature. All printers before the March blog post were supposed to come with them by default. Hense why there was no option for spring steel type prior to March.
"For new orders you have to select which sheet version you want. Smooth with faster shipping or textured with additional delay. No vouchers will be issued for new orders."

My printer also came with a Smooth PEI sheet even though it was supposed to come with Textured PEI. I've asked support to show me somewhere where it clearly states I need to contact support to choose whether I'd like to wait for the Powder coated PEI or accept the deal ($10 and free shipping voucher). But he refuses and completely ignores the question.

Veröffentlicht : 25/08/2018 10:49 am
Re: Powder Coated PEI Sheets: NOW SHIPPING

I understand your frustration. I think Prusa could be more transparent, but I am sure they are trying to alleviate there backlog. I research my purchase before I made it. This company has a good track record of delivering, eventually.

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Veröffentlicht : 25/08/2018 12:46 pm
Honorable Member
Re: Powder Coated PEI Sheets: NOW SHIPPING

but shure.... that would mean to get less money. Its prusa. sell stuff they can't deliver.
When i buy a car i also have to wait for long. but i pay one day before delivery. not years...

That's certainly not true. People waiting for Teslas have put down thousands and are still waiting. Any hot item is going to be the same way.

There are plenty of idiots in the world, Tesla buyers are but one example.

But I have to agree with philipp.h4 on this one. It has nothing to do with how "hot" the item is, but the t's and c's of the company. From a financial perspective it's great for the supplier/manufacturer. But for the customer having to wait for months after handing over all the cash is pretty anti-consumer. Plenty of businesses are no longer around after weeks/months and of course the customers money wouldn't be either. While that's probably not a big risk with PR, it's still a risk. It's made even worse by promising delivery then not being able to fulfill that promise. Days or even a few weeks is pretty acceptable, but months heading for a year clearly is not. Doesn't matter what the reason is, or whose fault it is, the fact is PR shouldn't be taking money for goods they have no intention of delivering for a considerable time period.

Of course, everyone knows their policy and can choose how they deal with it. I wouldn't be ordering anything from them that doesn't have a reasonably high probability of being delivered in a reasonably short time frame.

Veröffentlicht : 26/08/2018 6:34 am
Re: Powder Coated PEI Sheets: NOW SHIPPING

Telsa has nearly a cult following. They swear by them through fires and the shortage of filling stations. I am not so sure PRUSA can be compared.

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Veröffentlicht : 26/08/2018 4:14 pm
Illustrious Member
Re: Powder Coated PEI Sheets: NOW SHIPPING

Telsa has nearly a cult following. They swear by them through fires and the shortage of filling stations. I am not so sure PRUSA can be compared.
Dodge Challenger Demon if you prefer. There are lots of products for which people are willing to put down a lot more money than the price of a Prusa to wait in line for. It's not about cults. It's about items that are in high-demand.

My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Veröffentlicht : 26/08/2018 6:12 pm
Illustrious Member
Re: Powder Coated PEI Sheets: NOW SHIPPING

[...] Doesn't matter what the reason is, or whose fault it is, the fact is PR shouldn't be taking money for goods they have no intention of delivering for a considerable time period.
If you feel strongly about this, don't do it. Otherwise, the company has been up front about delays, if perhaps a little slow providing updates, particularly for the topic of this thread which is a piece produced by a 3rd party that they don't have much control over. Considering they're likely not getting hourly updates, I can understand the problem.

Most of the people waiting for the powder-coated sheet do have their printers and viable (more expensive) substitutions were made by the company. When I hear about the shenanigans the competition gets up to, I'm willing to stand by Prusa.

My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Veröffentlicht : 26/08/2018 6:16 pm
Re: Powder Coated PEI Sheets: NOW SHIPPING

Telsa has nearly a cult following. They swear by them through fires and the shortage of filling stations. I am not so sure PRUSA can be compared.
Dodge Challenger Demon if you prefer. There are lots of products for which people are willing to put down an lot more money than the price of a Prusa to wait in line for. It's not about cults. It's about items that are in high-demand.

True. I am not buying either. One is a gas guzzler, and the other does not have the range for rural America. I have a hybrid and will stick to that technology until plugins or electrics have the range and charge stations to meet my lifestyle.

As far as the topic, I love the idea of a well supported high-quality 3D printer. It is worth the wait and slightly premium price. I think both TESLA and PRUSA could use a little better customer service. Communication of delays will reduce frustrated posts here and calls to the support line.

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Veröffentlicht : 26/08/2018 6:47 pm
Honorable Member
Re: Powder Coated PEI Sheets: NOW SHIPPING

If you feel strongly about this, don't do it.

That's what I said at the end. 🙄

Veröffentlicht : 28/08/2018 5:09 am
Illustrious Member
Re: Powder Coated PEI Sheets: NOW SHIPPING

If you feel strongly about this, don't do it.

That's what I said at the end. 🙄
We agree on that part. The rest is where we seem to disagree a bit. I think Prusa's being prudent, and Prusa's well-being is in our collective best interests. In a perfect world, they'd have enough stock to make everyone happy. Given a limited supply, they need to minimize impact on what is, after all, a relatively small company.

My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Veröffentlicht : 28/08/2018 6:19 am
Estimable Member
Re: Powder Coated PEI Sheets: NOW SHIPPING

can anybody tell me, if a concave/convex powder-coated steel sheet is standard? I mean whether anybody got their sheet flat or is every sheet concave?

I was asking Support about this but no response yet. Not sure whether this is a feature (like Microsoft tells about their faulty products), or is it insufficient quality control, or it's a really faulty component.

From my perspective, if you have a concave steel sheet and you want it to make it flat, it's not enough to put it on magnet covered flat surface. Trying to make it flat will cause the internal tension to spread and show up on another weakest spot on the sheet. It's not that I cannot print now, but 0.08mm difference across the sheet means the bottom surface of the print will not be flat.

can anybody share their views? A simple test will do: place the plate on a flat surface and note if any corners are above the surface. flip the sheet and look again

Veröffentlicht : 28/08/2018 1:40 pm
Re: Powder Coated PEI Sheets: NOW SHIPPING

I sure hope their stock starts increasing soon so they can deliver the product on a schedule that is more predicable.

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Veröffentlicht : 28/08/2018 2:30 pm
Peter L
Honorable Member
Themenstarter answered:
Re: Powder Coated PEI Sheets: NOW SHIPPING

can anybody tell me, if a concave/convex powder-coated steel sheet is standard? I mean whether anybody got their sheet flat or is every sheet concave?

Both of my sheets are flat.

I would think your sheet would have to be very visibly bent if the magnetic bed can't hold it completely flat.

If your sheet isn't visibly bent and yet you can see a difference when you print on it, I would check for debris on the magnetic bed. I once found a little piece of black plastic (hard to see) that was lifting one corner of my steel sheet ever so slightly.

Veröffentlicht : 28/08/2018 4:15 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Powder Coated PEI Sheets: NOW SHIPPING

It's clean, tried that as first thing. It has problems, the first layer thickness is different across all corners and Support is just doing nothing. Hey have all photos, videos and still nothing. What a perfect service

Veröffentlicht : 28/08/2018 4:22 pm
Re: Powder Coated PEI Sheets: NOW SHIPPING

Sometimes you have to work with service and do something for yourself. Post the pictures and videos here and let the community help.

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Veröffentlicht : 28/08/2018 5:06 pm
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